



  • 中文名:戲劇素材
  • 類別:傳統文化
劇作家在社會實踐中積累的生活的原始材料,包括人生印象、生活場面、現實人物、自然圖景、社會事件等,它們作用於劇作家的視覺或聽覺,在感覺層次上形成較為深切的感受,其中的某些印象會影響到劇作家以後的戲劇構思.這些生活材料雖未經過綜合整理和提煉加工,戲劇素材還僅僅是現實生活的原生狀態,帶有零散性、片斷性的特點;但它是戲劇作品賴以產生的基礎,劇作家只有大量積累豐富的生活素材,才有可能進入戲劇構思和戲劇創作.戲劇素材的來源大致有兩種:一是直接的來源,即劇作家親眼所見、親身體驗的人和事;二是間接的來源,指劇作家道聽途說的人物事件以及一些收集得到的文字資料等. Playwright in the social life of the practice of accumulating the raw materials, including the impression of life, life scenes, realistic characters, a natural picture, social events and so on, they are acting on the playwright's vision or hearing, in the sense of the level of a relatively deep feelings, Some of these impressions will affect the future playwright, theatrical ideas. The life of materials, although not through a comprehensive finishing and refining process,dramaticreal-life material is just the native state, with the scattered nature of the characteristics of fragments; but it is which produces dramatic works is the basis for, the playwright only a lot of material has accumulated a wealth of life is it possible to enter the theater ideas and theatrical productions. theater generally, there are two sources of material: First, a direct source of the playwright saw for himself to experience the people and things; 2 is indirect sources, that the playwright hearsay character events, and some collected text information.


