



  • 中文名:戲劇意象
  • 性質:概念
  • 類型意象
  • 情景:戲劇
詩意的聯想和意境中的幻覺形象在藝術表現中,情與景是相互滲透、相互融合的關係,景中有情、情中有景,景中顯現著情的韻味,而情又具象化為景,因此在人們的審美體驗中,便出現了獨特的宇宙,嶄新的意象.在詩歌美學中,意象是主觀情意與客觀物象相結合的產物,是意境的靈魂.戲劇中的“意象”一詞,是從詩學中借用而來的,其內涵與詩的意象有相通之處,但戲劇是動作的藝術,也是時空的藝術,這就決定了戲劇意象的運動性特徵.戲劇就其本質意義來說,是屬於詩的範疇,黑格爾認為戲劇是史詩的客觀原則和抒情詩的主體性原則的統一,因此,在戲劇中,創作者的主觀意識化成了非現實的舞台人物形象,通過對戲劇內容的感情化的處理,把假定性的舞台變成了有意味的形式,使所有的人物、事件、命運衝突都與某種情緒氛圍緊緊地聯繫在一起,戲劇意象與戲劇自身的運動規律相統一,運動造成了舞台的張力,其生成乃是創作者面對素材自我感情發現、開掘的過程,這感情附在形象的運動過程中,並表現為一個運動中的形象哲理體現.在戲劇中,這種深具情感意味和哲學意味的形象畫面,便成為撞擊人們想像,激發人們聯想的戲劇意象. Poetic associations and the mood in theillusionimage of artistic expression, the situation with the King is a mutual penetration, integration of the relationship between the King of meaningful, the situation there is King, King appeared in a love charm, but also like making love scene Therefore, in people's aesthetic experience, they are in a unique universe, new images. in poetry aesthetics, the imagery is the subjective feelings and objective physical image product of the combination is a mood of soul. play the "Imagery" in It is borrowed from the poetry comes, its meaning and poetic images have in common, but the drama is the art of movement, but also the art of time and space, which determines thedramaticimagery of the movement characteristics. play its essential meaning speaking, belong to the scope of poetry, Hegel is the epic drama that the principle of objectivity and lyrical poetry of the main principle ofunity, therefore, in the drama, the artist's subjective consciousness and turned it into a stage of non-realistic characters, through the emotional content of the drama of the treatment, the hypothetical stage into a significant form, so that all the characters, events, the fate of the conflict with some kind of emotional atmosphere closely linked, drama and theater's own image motion law of the unity of the tension caused by the movement of the stage, its creators face material generated Naishi feelings of self-discovery, it is necessary to process, which is attached to the image of the feelings of the movement process, and shows itself as a movement in the image of the philosophy embodied. In the drama, this of great emotional and philosophical means implies that the image of the screen will become a hit as people have imagined to inspire people to Lenovo's dramatic imagery.


