



  • 中文名:徐雲
  • 出生日期:1960年
  • 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:大數據挖掘及生物信息學算法
  • 任職院校:中國科學技術大學
  • 職稱:中國科學技術大學教授






  • 並行計算(計算機學院本科);
  • 並行算法(計算機學院研究生);
  • 算法設計與分析(軟體學院研究生);
  • 多核並行計算(軟體學院研究生)。


  • 1、大數據挖掘及生物信息學算法
  • 2、並行分散式系統及性能最佳化


  • 受邀參與《算法導論》第三版翻譯工作 2011.1 - 2011.11
  • 並行計算模型和性能最佳化,國家863重大項目子課題,2010.1-2010.12
  • 單體型問題及其算法研究,國家自然基金面上項目,2010-2012
  • 基於龍芯3號的通信與數學庫的研製,“核心電子器件、高端通用晶片及基礎軟體產品”科技重大專項,2009-2012
  • 多核並行編程模型,華為基金項目,2011.1-2011.12
  • BWDSP100 C編譯器實現,核心電子器件、高端通用晶片及基礎軟體產品”科技重大專項,2009-2010
  • 多核龍芯處理器系統軟體移植與開發,國家863重點項目子課題,2008-201


在Bioinformatics、PLoS ONE、BMC Bioinformatics、計算機學報和軟體學報等刊物和國際學術會議上發表學術論文50餘篇。
  1. Jiaoyun Yang, Yun Xu, Yi Shang. "A new progressive algorithm for multiple longest common subsequences problem and its efficient parallelization". IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2012. DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2012.202. Preprint
  2. Yun Xu, Da Teng, Yiming Lei. "MinePhos: a literature mining system for protein phoshphorylation information extraction". IEEE Trans. on Comput. Biology & Bioinformatics, 2012, 9(1): 311-315
  3. Yan Li, Jianping Wang, Chunming Qiao, Ashwin Gumaste, Yun Xu, Yinlong Xu. "Integrated Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks Supporting Inter-ONU Communications". IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2010, 28(5): 714-724
  4. Yun Xu, ZhiHao Wang, YiMing Lei, YuZhong Zhao and Yu Xue. "MBA: A Literature Mining System for Extracting Biomedical Abbreviations". BMC Bioinformatics, 2009, 10:14
  5. Zhi-Hui Hu, Yun Xu, Liu-Sheng Huang and Howard Leung. "A Chinese Handwriting Education System with Automatic Error Detection". The Journal of Software (JSW), 2009, 4(2): 101-106
  6. Guoliang Chen, Guangzhong Sun, Yun Xu and Bai Long. "Integrated research of parallel computing: Status and Future", Chinese Sci Bull, 2009, 54: 1845-1853
  7. Yuzhong Zhao, Yun Xu, Zhihao Wang, Hong Zhang and Guoliang Chen. "A Better Block Partition and Ligation Strategy for Individual Haplotyping". Bioinformatics, 2008, 24(23): 2720-2725
  8. Yun Xu, Bingfeng Yan, Guoliang Chen. "Core Management and Algorithms in all-to-all Multicast". Chinese Journal of Computer Research and Development, 2008, 45(6): 923-929 (In Chinese)
  9. Kunpeng Zhang, Yun Xu, Guoliang Chen. "PECB: Prediction of Enzyme Catalytic Residues Based on Naïve Bayes Classification". Int. J. of Bioinformatics Research and Application, 2008, 4(3):295-305
  10. Yuzhong Zhao, Yun Xu, Qiangfeng Zhang, Guoliang Chen. "An Overview of the Haplotype Problems and Algorithms". Frontiers of Computer Science in China, 2007, Vol.1, No3 : 272-282
  11. Zhang, Qiangfeng, Xu, Yun, Chen, Guoliang, Che, Haoyang. "Haplotyping and Haplotype Frequency Estimates on Trio Genotype Data". Chinese Journal of Software, 2007, Vol.18, No.9:2090-2099
  12. Qiangfeng Zhang, Yuzhong Zhao, Guoliang Chen, Yun Xu. "Estimate haplotype frequencies in pedigrees". BMC Bioinformatics, 2006, 7 (S4):S5
  13. Yun Xu, Guoliang Chen, Qiangfeng Zhang, Jun Gu. "Efficiency Analysis of Asynchronic Parallelization of Randomized Algorithms". Chinese Journal of Software, 2003, Vol.14, No.5:871-876. (In Chinese)
  14. Yun Xu, Guoliang Chen, Guoyi Zhang. "A Modified DP Algorithm for Solving Hard SAT Problems". Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2002, Vol.32, No.3:358-362. (In Chinese)
  15. Yun Xu, Guoliang Chen, Yinlong Xu, Jun Gu. "O(m^2) Time Randomized Algorithms for SAT Problem". Chinese Journal of Computers, 2001, Vol.24, No.11:1136-1141. (In Chinese)
  16. Haitao Jiang, Yun Xu, Yin Liao, Guojie Jin, Guoliang Chen. UKCF A New Graphics Driver Cross-platform Translation Framework for Virtual Machines. NPC2012, Accepted.
  17. Yun Xu, Yan Li. “ONU Patching for Efficient VoD Service over Integrated Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Access Networks”. The 6th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2011), August 17-19, 2011, Harbin, China. (Invited Paper)
  18. Bo Chen, Yun Xu, Jiaoyun Yang, Haitao Jiang. "A New Parallel Method of Smith-Waterman Algorithm on a Heterogeneous Platform". The 10th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP2010), Busan, Korea on May 21 ~ 23, 2010, Page(s): 79-90
  19. Jiaoyun Yang, Yun Xu, Yi Shang. "An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Longest Common Subsequence Problem on GPUs". Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2010), 2010, June 30 - July 2, 2010, London, U.K., Page(s): 499-504
  20. Yun Xu, Mingzhi Shao, Da Teng. "Optimization of Triangular Matrix Functions in BLAS Library on Looson2F". IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2010), Zhengzhou, China, 13-15, Sept. 2010. Page(s): 35-45
  21. Yu, Linbin, Xu, Yun. "A parallel gibbs sampling algorithm for motif finding on GPU". IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications(ISPA 2009), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2009, pp555-558
  22. Zhang, Hong; Xu, Yun; Zhao, Yuzhong. "Discovery of motif pairs from protein-protein interaction networks". Proceedings. International Joint Conference on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing(IJCBS 2009), Shanghai, China, August, 2009, pp293-296
  23. Z. H. Hu, H. Leung and Yun Xu. Stroke Correspondence Based on Graph Matching for Detecting Stroke Production Errors in Chinese Character Handwriting. 8th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), 2007, p734-743


4. 中國科大王寬誠育才一等獎,2008。


