- 中文名:張禹
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:遼寧瀋陽
- 出生日期:1970年11月
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:大連理工大學
- 性別:男
(5)Yu. Zhang, Peiwu Xu. Solar Underwater Glider of Photovoltaic System Research and Design International Conference on Mechanic Automation and Control Engineering, 2010.(EI收錄)。
(6)Yu. Zhang, Xueying Deng. Research and Realization of Facial Expression Robot. 2010 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control.(EI收錄,見證明材料)。
(7)Su donghai, Yu. Zhang. Research on Driving Mechanism and Movement Principle of Underwater Glider2010 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control.(EI收錄,見證明材料)。
(10)Yu. Zhang, Jiaping Tian, Donghai Su, Shijie Wang. Research on the Hierarchical Supervisory Control of Underwater Glider. The 2006 IEEE /RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Beijing, China, 2006 : 5509-5513.(EI收錄)。
(11)Yu. Zhang, Liang Zhang, Tiejun Zhao. Discrete Decentralized Supervisory Control for Underwater Glider. The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Jinan, China, 2006 : 103-106.(EI收錄)。
(12)Hongli Xu, Yu Zhang, Xisheng Feng, Research on the decentralized supervisory control of autonomous underwater vehicle. The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Hangzhou, China, June 14-18, 2004:4909-4913(EI收錄)。
(13)Ren Shaoxuan, Zhang Yu. Negotiation of the Multi- Underwater Glider System. The first International Conference on Innovative computing information and control, Beijing, China, 2006: 138-141.(ISTP收錄)。
(14)Hongli Xu, Yu Zhang, Xisheng Feng, Discrete Hierarchical Supervisory Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. IEEE International Symposium on Underwater Technology, The Howard International House, Taipei, Taiwan April 20-23, 2004: 417-428.(EI收錄)。