本書是希臘羅馬史研究領域的一套重要史料集,涵蓋了從希臘古風時期到公元2世紀前期的希臘羅馬史,全書共5卷,各卷分別由專研此歷史時段的一位專家選編和翻譯。現已成為英語世界希臘羅馬史專業學習與研究必備的工具書。在史料選擇上,編譯者並未收錄希羅多德、修昔底德、塔西佗、普魯塔克等著名史家的常見著作,而是編選了一些史書殘篇、碑銘、紙草等雖然重要、但不易搜求的史料;在翻譯上,編者嚴格恪守直譯的原則,力求還原原始的文風和本意。對每一條史料,編者先交代來源和重要研究文獻,並附有注釋,以幫助讀者更好地理解。 第一卷所收史料,集中於"古風時代至伯羅奔尼撒戰爭結束"這一時期,對170條史料進行了翻譯和詳註。
“西方古典學研究”總序 “西方古典學研究”編委會
導讀 黃洋
“希臘羅馬史料集”總序 恩斯特·貝蒂安、羅伯特·謝爾克
第二版序 查爾斯·福爾那拉
編者導言 查爾斯·福爾那拉
Ancient chronology
The date of Lykourgos of Sparta
The establishment of the Olympic Games
Pheidon of Argos
The foundation of Naxos and Megara in Sicily
The foundation of Croton
The Lelantine War
The use of the word tyrant
The foundation of Tarentum by the Partheniai of Sparta
Orthagoras, Tyrant of Sicyon
Law of the city of Dreros (Crete)
Tyrtaeus of Sparta, the Messenian Wars, and the Great Rhetra
Spartan treatment of helots
Memorial to a Locrian proxenos at Corcyra
Drakon's law on homicide
The First Sacred War
Battos,the founder of Cyrene
The foundation of Cyrene
Law from Chios
Gravestone of Phanodikos of Prokonnesos
Epitaph of the Corinthians who died at Salamis
The Athenian naukrariai
The Athenian archon list
Greek mercenaries in Egyptian service
Alliance between Elis and Heraia in Western Arcadia
The establishment of the Panathenaic festival
Spartan treaty with Tegea
Kroisos' gifts to the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Treaty between Sybaris and the Serdaioi
The wives of Hippias and Hipparchos, the sons of Peisistratos of Athens
The nature of Peisistratos' rule
Polykrates, Tyrant of Samos
Law from a Locrian community settling new territory
A list of Dareios' subjects
Letter of Dareios
An Argive rule about the use of sacred treasures
Dedication of Peisistratos son of Hippias
查爾斯·福爾那拉(Charles W.Fornara),加州大學洛杉磯分校博士,現為美國布朗大學古典學與歷史學榮退教授。主要研究方向為希羅多德與希臘史學、雅典帝國、希臘悲劇以及阿米安的羅馬史。