



  • 中文名:希臘羅馬史料集3:希臘化時代
  • 作者:斯坦利·M.伯斯坦 (Burstein S.M.)
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年1月1日
  • 頁數:173 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787301234631, 7301234635
  • 外文名:Translated Documents of Greece & Rome 3:The Hellenistic Age from the Battle of Ipsos to the Death of Kleopatra VII
  • 類型:人文社科
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Ephesos honors Nikagoras, son of Aristarchos, from Rhodes, ambassador of Demetrios Poliorketes and Seleukos
Miletos honors the future Antiochos I for providing funds for a stoa
Dedication of Arsinoe (Ⅱ) to the Great Gods
Athens honors Poseidippos for aiding an embassy to Kassandros
Papyrus containing excerpts from an Olympiad chronicle
Athens honors Herodoros, a courtier of Demetrios Poliorketes
Hymn honoring Demetrios Poliorketes as a god
The Ionian League honors Hippostratos, strategos in charge of the cities of the Ionian League
Letter of Seleukos I informing Miletos of a dedication by him to Apollo at Didyma
Priene establishes a cult in honor of King Lysimachos
Athens honors Philippides, son of Philokles, from Kephale, a friend of King Lysimachos
Letter of King Lysimachos to the Samians concerning a boundary dispute with Priene
Athens honors the archon Euthios
A letter of Epicurus concerning the ransoming of Mithres, dioiketes of Lysimachos
A decree of Ilion honoring Antiochos Ⅰ
The crossing of the Galatians to Asia
Priene honors Sotas, son of Lykos, for valor against the Galatians
Biography of the epic poet Simonides of Magnesia
A decree of the villages of Neoteichos and Kiddios
Decree of Ilion honoring Metrodoros, physician to Antiochos Ⅰ
Dossier concerning a grant of royal land by Antiochos Ⅰ to Aristodikides ofAssos
Treaty between Antiochos Ⅰ or Ⅱ and Lysimacheia
Letter of Antiochos Ⅰ or Ⅱ to Erythrai
Letter of Antiochos Ⅱ concerning a sale of land to his wife Laodike
List of Milesian eponyms from 313 to 260 (selections)
Letter of Ziaelas, king of Bithynia, concerning the sanctuary of Asklepios on Kos
Decree of the Koan deme of the Aigelioi in honor of Anaxippos, a public physician
Union of Teos and the fortress of Kyrbissos
Letter of Antioehos Ⅲ concerning the foundation of a colony
The founding of the festival of Artemis Leukophryene at Magnesia on the Maeander
Decree of the Aitolian League recognizing the inviolability of Magnesia on the Maeander
Decree of Antioch in Persis recognizing the festival of the Leukophryenia established by Magnesia on the Maeander
Teos awards Antioehos Ⅲ and his queen Laodike Ⅲ divine honors for granting the city inviolability and relieving it of the tributes it had paid to Attalos Ⅰ
Sidon honors Diotimos, son of Dionysios, for his victory in the chariot race at the Nemean games
Letter of Antioehos Ⅲ granting prⅣileges to the Jews for their aid during the Fifth Syrian War
Letter of Queen Laodike Ⅲ, wife of Antiochos Ⅲ, to Iasos
Treaty ending a war between Miletos and Magnesia on the Maeander
Athens honors Eumenes Ⅱ and his brother Attalos for aiding Antioehos Ⅳ to become king
Antiochos Ⅳ as king of Egypt
Miletos honors Eirenias, son of Eirenias
A dedication to Antiochos Ⅳ as founder of Babylon
Dossier concerning the exemption of the Samaritans from the persecution of the Jews by Antioehos Ⅳ
Letter of Antioehos Ⅴ announcing the end of the persecution of the Jews begun by Antiochos Ⅳ
Treaty of alliance between Rome and the Jews
Monument in honor of Phile, daughter of Apollonios
The Lindos Chroniele
Mytilene honors Theophanes, son of Hiroitas
A syneretistie ruler cult: the self-deification of Antioehos Ⅰ of Kommagene
Pillar base containing an elegiac dedication and five Delphic maxims
Bilingual inscription of Agoka
The Greeks in Baktria
A dedication to the god of the Oxos RⅣer
Dedication to the Hindu god Vishnu by Heliodoros, son of Dion
Manumission of slaves with paramone restriction
Athens honors Kallias, son of Thymoehares, from Sphettos, Ptolemaic governor of Halikarnassos
The Chremonides decree
An Athenian patriot: the life of Philoehoros
The end of the Chremonidean War: Athens under Macedonian rule
Athens honors Zeno,the founder of Stoicism
Honors for Herakleitos, son of Asklepiades, from Athmonea


作者:(美國)斯坦利·M.伯斯坦( Burstein S.M.)


