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  • 書名:導遊情景英語
  • 作者:柳兵,印楊主編
  • 出版社:旅遊教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年8月
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787563736744




Part Ⅰ Reception
Unit 1 Meeting the Guests
Lesson 1 Meeting Some Independent Guests
Lesson 2 Receiving A Tour Group
Lesson 3 Itinerary Delay
Unit 2 On the Way to the Hotel
Lesson 4 Counting Heads
Lesson 5 A Welcome Speech
Lesson 6 A Brief City Introduction
Unit 3 At the Hotel
Lesson 7 Check in
Lesson 8 Dealing with Complaints from Tourists
Lesson 9 The First Dinner in the Hotel
Lesson 10 Itinerary Arrangement
Part Ⅱ Sightseeing
Unit 4 Some Famous Scenic Spots
Lesson 11 The Palace Museum in Beijing
Lesson 12 The Bund in Shanghai
Lesson 13 The Terra-Cotta Warriors in Xi'an
Lesson 14 The Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan
Lesson 15 The Giant Panda Breeding Base in Chengdu
Unit 5 Shopping & Local Snack
Lesson 16 At the Souvenir Shop
Lesson 17 At the Food Street
Unit 6 Chinese Culture
Lesson 18 Chinese Cuisine
Lesson 19 Chinese Tea
Lesson 20 Chinese Festivals
Lesson 21 Daoism & Kungfu
Revision 1 (Unit l~Unit 6 )
Unit 7 Suggestions for Free Activities
Lesson 22 Enjoying the Sunshine on the Beach
Lesson 23 Watching the Show
Lesson 24 Respecting the Local Customs
Lesson 25 Visiting a Chinese Friend
Part Ⅲ Problems Handling
Unit 8 Items Missing
Lesson 26 Passport Missing
Lesson 27 Wallet Missing
Unit 9 Falling I1 1
Lesson 28 Heart Disease
Lesson 29 Getting Sunburn
Part Ⅳ Farewell
Unit 10 Procedure of Checking out
Lesson 30 Check out
Lesson 31 Dealing with the Luggage
Unit 11 Seeing off
Lesson 32 Seeing Some Independent Guests off
Lesson 33 Seeing the Group off
Lesson 34 A Farewell Speech
Revision 2 (Unit 7 -Unit 1 1 )


