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  • 中文名:實用導遊英語
  • 作者: 崔玉范
  • 出版時間:2013年8月
  • 出版社:哈爾濱工業大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787560341071
  • 類別:餐飲旅遊業英語
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




Part One Oral Practice
Unit 1 Meeting and Transferring
Unit 2 Arriving at the Hotel
Unit 3 Itinerary Planning
Unit 4 City Sightseeing
Unit 5 Restaurant Service
Unit 6 Shopping
Unit 7 Dealing with Complaints
Unit 8 Handling Accidents
Unit 9 Checking out
Unit 10 Sending off the Tour Group
Part Two Practical Writing
Unit 11 Advertisements and Promotion Materials
Unit 12 Travel Agreements and Contracts
Unit 13 Itinerary, Quotation and Final Confirmation
Unit 14 Reservation Form and Confirmation Letter
Unit 15 Registration Form
Unit 16 Notices
Unit 17 Memorandum
Unit 18 Letter of Invitation and Reply
Unit 19 Letter of Complaint and Reply
Unit 20 Resumes in Tourism Industry
Part Three Cities and Attractions in HeilongjiangProvince
1. Heilongjiang Province
2. The City of Harbin
3. The City of Qiqihar
4. The City of Mudanjiang
5. The City of Jiamusi
6. Mohe County
7. Songhua River and Sun Island
8. Heilongjiang Norcheast Tiger Park
9. The Zhongyang Street
10. Jile Temple( The Temple of Ultimate Bliss)
11. Stalin Park& Flood Control Monument
12. Yabuli Ski Resort
13. The Zhaolin Park and Harbin Ice Lantern Show
14. The Jingpo Lake Scenic Area
15. Wudalianchi World Geopark
16. Sino-Russian Border Lake--Lake Xingkai
17. Qiqihar Zhalong Nature Reserve
18. Mudanjiang Snow Village--Snow World in China
19. Wanyan Aguda Mausoleum
20. History Museum of the Upper Capital of the Jin Dynasty inAcheng
21. Site of Huiningfu, the Upper Capital of the Jin Dynasty inAcheng
22. Yagou Moya Stone Carving Statues of the Jin Dynasty
23. Ice and Snow Sculpture World of Harbin
24. Daqing Grassland Racetrack in Daqing
25. Uhomill Scenic Spot in Daqing
26. Harbin Huatian Wujimi Ski Resort
27. Harbin Moon Bay Ski Resort
28. Jihua Longevity Mountain Ski Resort
29. Langxiang Rock Monkey Mountain Ski Resort
30. The Longzhu Ski Resort in Double-Dragon Mountain
31. The Riyuexia Ski Resort in Tieli
32. The Wofuo Mountain Ski Resort
33. The Amota Tourist Resort in Daqing
34. The Shoushan Tourist Resort in Daqing
35. The Oroqen Folklore Tour
36. The Jiejinkou Hezhen Village
37. Meilisi Daur Hala Village in Qiqihar
38. Site of Longquanfu, the Upper Capital of the Bohai State
39. The Dalizi Site
40. Heilongjiang Provincial Museum
41. The Site of Ancient Cemetery in Hengshan
42. Ruins of Puvulu Ancient City ( Jin Dynasty)
43. Yanzhigou Gold Mine in Mohe County
44. Site of Ancient Human Beings of Daziyang Mountain in SonglingDistrict
45. Site of Shibazhan Ancient Human Beings in Tahe County
46. The Former Residence of Xiao Hong
47. Northern First Rafting--Rafting On Balan River
48. Rafting On Fenglin River
49. Rafting On Jinsha River in Meixi District
50. Rafting On Xiangshui River
51. Rafting on Zhan River in Xunke County
52. Rafting on Yongcui River
53. Baliwan National Forest Park
54. Longevity Mountain National Forest Park
55. Xinlin Virgin Forest Park of "Beauty Pines" on Greater KhinganMountains
56. Liangshui Nature Reserve in Dailing District
57. The Virgin Forests Park in Fangzheng County
58. Fenglin Nature Reserve in Wuying District
59. The Fenghuang (Phoenix) Mountain Forests Park
60. Harbin Northern Forest Zoo
61. The Heilongiiang Forest Botanical Garden
62. Huzhong National Nature Reserve
63. Langxiang Garden in the Forest
64. Meihuashan National Forest Park
65. The Mudanfeng (Peony Peak) National Forest Park
66. Sandaoguan National Forest Park
67. Linhaiqishi National Forest Park
68. Taoshan National Forest Park
69. Taoshan Hunting Ground
70. Weihushan National Forest Park
71. Chinese Woodcarving Park in the City of Woods
72. The Lianhua (Lotus) Lake Scenic Area in Fangzheng County
73. The Great White Mountain in Huzhong
74. Baleng River Scenic Resort in Jidong County
75. Unicorn Mountain Scenic Resort in Jixi City
76. Tianci Lake (The Heaven-sent Lake)
77. Toulong Mountain Scenic Spot in Tieli City
78. Wogui Mountain ( Crouching Turtle Mountain)
79. Wusuli River
80. Cuibei Wetland Nature Reserve
81. Sanjiang Wetland Nature Reserve
82. Songfeng Mountain in Acheng District
83. Guogeli Street
84. Dragon Tower--The Highest Steel Tower in Asia
85. Hengdaohezi Amur Tiger Garden
86. Jingpo Lake Lava Tunnel Scenery
87. Shuangfeng Snow Town
88. Erke Mountain
89. Shedong Mountain Scenic Spot in Qiqihar
90. Jiayin Dinosaur National Geological Park
91. Maolangou National Forest Park
92. Stone Forest Scenic Area
93. The Dinosaur Museum of Lesser Khingan Mountains
94. Wuying National Forest Park in Yichun City
95. Pukui Mosque
96. Jinshantun Orthodox Church
97. Mahayana Temple in Qiqihar
98. The Huamei Western-style Restaurant
99. The Modem Hotel in Harbin
Ⅰ. Folk Arts
Ⅱ. Ethnic Culture


