



  • 書名:實用職場英語讀寫教程2
  • 作者:《實用職場英語》編寫組
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040426106




UNIT 1 invitation
Section 1 TrylngYour Hard
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp
Passage I Business
Passage II An lnvitafion Leter
Section 3 AppreCiating Culture Tips
UNIT 2 Email
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage I E-mail, a Blessing and Annoyance
Passage II Privacy, Are You Kidding?
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 3 Communication by Phone
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage I For Conversation Press
Passage II Business Telephone Etiquette for Success.
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 4 Hotel Service
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage I Climer Lodge
Passage I I What to Include in a Hotel Guest Survey
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 5 Food Blogs.
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage I Blogs on Food
Passage II Toast at a Wedding Dinner
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 6 Shopping and Sightseeing
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage I How to Survive the Shanghai Expo
Passage II Yiwu,a Mega Market for Small Commodities
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips.
UNIT 7 Farewel I
Section 1 Trying Your Hand
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye。
Passage I The Most U nforgettable Character Ive Met
Passage II A Farewell Speech
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
UNIT 8 Applying for a Job
Section 2 Maintaining a Sharp Eye
Passage I Applying for a New Boss
Passage II I Like to Work for ABC Insurance Company
Section 3 Appreciating Culture Tips
New Words and Expressions


