姚洋,現為北京大學國家發展研究院(前身北京大學中國經濟研究中心)教授、院長、北京大學國家發展研究院中國經濟研究中心主任。國務院特殊津貼專家。北京大學社會科學學部委員,同時擔任《經濟學季刊》主編、Agricultural Economics副主編、World Development 副主編以及《世界經濟文匯》、China Economic Journal和Journal of Rural Cooperatives學術委員會成員,中國金融四十人論壇成員。
包括中國制度轉型、開放條件下的中國經濟成長以及農村發展。在國內外發表學術論文數十篇,著有《制度與效率-和諾斯對話》、《作為制度創新的經濟改革》(中英文版),並與他人合著《制度經濟學三人談》、《我們的時代》、Ownership Transformation in China、CSR and Competitiveness in China等著作,出版文集《自由、公正和制度變遷》、《土地、制度和農業發展》、《中國道路的世界意義》和《穿行於書齋和現實之間》,主編《轉軌中國-轉型時期的社會公正和平等》、Globalization and Economic Growth in China(與他人合編)和China’s Economic Reform and Growth(與他人合編)等;在《讀書》、《南方周末》等雜誌和報紙發表數十篇通俗性文章和評論,並在Foreign Affairs和Financial Times等英文雜誌和報紙上發表過文章。姚洋
Agricultural Economics, American Economic Review, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economic Journal, Economics of Transition, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Theoretical and Institutional Economics, Urban studies, 經濟研究,世界經濟,教育部社會科學項目(2005),社會科學基金會(2002),中國發展研究基金會(2001),英國Economic & Social Research Council (2000), 中國軟科學學會 (1999)。
姚洋(校者):《博弈論》(Tirole and Fudenberg著),人民大學出版社,2002年11月。
Shen, Yan, and Yang Yao. “Does Grassroots Democracy Reduce Income Inequality in China?” Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming.
Lu, Feng, and Yang Yao. “The Effectiveness of Law, Financial Development, and Economic Growth in an Economy of Financial Repression:Evidence from China.” World Development, forthcoming.
Yao, Yang, and Dongya Zheng. “Externalities and the Development of Heavy Industries.” Frontier of Economics in China, 2007, 2(4): 467-489.
Wang, Shuna and Yang Yao. “Grassroots Democracy and Local Governance: Evidence from Rural China.” Forthcoming, World Development, 2007, Vol. 29, No. 10: 1635-1649.
Yao, Yang. “Establishing a Chinese Theory of Social Justice.” Contemporary Chinese Thought, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Fall 2006): 15-51. (translated from Chinese by David Kelly)
Yao, Yang. “Introduction to Examining China – Social Justice and Reality in the Transitional Era.” Contemporary Chinese Thought, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Fall 2006): 60-67. (translated from Chinese by David Kelly)
Yao, Yang. “Village Elections, Accountability, and Income Distribution in Rural China.” China & World Economy, 2006, Vol. 14, No. 6: 20-38.
Bromley, Daniel and Yang Yao. “Understanding China’s Economic Transformation: Are There Lessons for the Developing World?” World Economics, April–June 2006, 7(2): 73-96.
Gao, Mengtao, and Yang Yao. “Gender Gaps in Access to Healthcare in Rural China.” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2006, Vol. 55(1): 87-107.
Garnaut, Ross, Ligang Song, and Yang Yao. “Impact and Significance of State-Owned Enterprise Restructuring in China.” China Journal, January 2006, Issue 55: 35-66.
Song, Ligang and Yang Yao. “Impacts of Privatization on Firm Performance in China.” Social Sciences in China, January 2006.
Yao, Yang. Book review for China’s Retreat from Equality: Income Distribution and Economic Transition by Carl Riskin, Zhao Renwei, and Li Shi. Journal of Asian Business, 2005, Vol. 21 (1): 75-76.
Yao, Yang. “Chinese Privatization: Causes and Outcomes.” China and World Economy, 2005, Vol. 13(1): 66-80.
Guo, Kai and Yang Yao. “Causes of Privatization in China: Testing Several Hypotheses.” Economics of Transition, 2005, Vol. 13(2): 211-238 (lead paper).
Yao, Yang. “Land Tenure Choice in Chinese Villages: The Rational versus the Political Model.” Land Economics, 2004, 80(4): 477-488 (lead paper).
Yao, Yang. “Political Process and Efficient Institutional Change.” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2004, 160(3): 439-453.
Rong, Zhao and Yang Yao. “Public Service Provision and the Demand for Electric Appliances in Rural China.” China Economic Review, 2003, 14(2): 131-141.
Carter, Michael and Yang Yao. “Local versus Global Tests of Separability in Agricultural Household Models: The Factor Price Equalization Effect of Land Transfer Rights.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2002, 84(3): 702-715.
Li, Jing and Yang Yao. “Egalitarian Land Distribution and Labor Migration in Rural China.” Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives, FAO, 2002(1): 80-91.
Wang, Yueping and Yang Yao. “Market Reforms, Technological Capabilities and the Performance of Small Enterprises in China.” Small Business Economics, Vol. 18(2002), Nos. 1-3: 197-211.
Yao, Yang. "Building Support for Policy Change by Improving Governance in China: The Case of Shunde." Transition Newsletter, Vol. 12(2): 13-15.
Yao, Yang. “The Development of the Land Lease Market in Rural China.” Land Economics, 2000, Vol. 76(2): 252-266.
Yao, Yang. “Rural Industry and Labor Market Integration in Eastern China.” Journal of Development Economics, 1999, Vol. 59: 463-496.
Shanwen Gao and Yang Yao. "Implementation of Socially Optimal Outcomes in the Process of Dissolving Public Enterprises in China." China Economic Review, Vol. 10 (1), Spring 1999: 41-58.
Deininger, K., B. Davis, Y. Yao, and P. Olinto. “Land Markets and Land Reform under Multiple Market Imperfections.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1998, Vol. 80 (5): 1160-1160.
Liu, Shouying, Michael Carter, and Yang Yao. “Dimensions and Diversity of Property Rights in Rural China: Dilemmas on the Road to Further Reform.” World Development. 1998, Vol 26(10): 1789-1806. 姚洋、鄭東雅,“重工業和經濟發展:計畫經濟時代再考察”,《經濟研究》,2008年4期:26-40頁。
Gan, Li, Lixin Xu, and Yang Yao. “Health Shocks, Village Elections, and Long-term Income: Evidence from Rural China.” CCER Working Paper No. E2006012; NBER Working Paper w12686. November 2006.
Sun, Ang, and Yang Yao. “Health Shocks and Children’s Educational Attainment: Evidence from rural China.” CCER Working Paper No. E2006011. September 2006.
Huang, Lingwen, and Yang Yao. “The Impacts on Privatization on Profitability and Employment in China.” CCER Working Paper No. E2006008. September 2006.
Shen, Yan, and Yang Yao. “Local Governance and Income Distribution: Evidence from Rural China.” CCER Working Paper No. E2006005. May 2006.
Wang, Shuna, and Yang Yao. “Village Election and Accountability in Rural China.” CCER Working Paper No. E2006001. January 2006.
Lu, Susan and Yang Yao. “The Effectiveness of the Law, Financial Development, and Economic Growth in an Economy of Financial Repression: Evidence from China.” Stanford Center for International Development Working Paper No. 179. October 2003.
Carter, Michael and Yang Yao. "Specialization without Regret --- Transfer Rights, Agricultural Productivity, and Investment in an Industrializing Economy." World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2202, October 1999.
Yang, Rudai, and Yang Yao. “Limited Catch-up and China’s Economic Growth.” In John Wong and Wei Liu, editors. China’s Surging Economy: Adjusting for More Balanced Development. World Scientific, 2007.
Song, Ligang and Yang Yao. “The Impact of Privatization on Firm Performance in China.” In Yang Yao and Linda Yueh, editors, Globalization and Economic Growth in China, World Scientific, 2006.
Yang Yao. “Village Elections, Accountability, and Income Distribution in Rural China.” In Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song, editors, The Turning Point in China’s Economic Development, Asia Pacific Press, Canberra, 2006.
Carter, Michael, and Yang Yao. “Market versus Administrative Reallocation of Land: An Econometric Analysis.” In Peter Ho, editor, Developmental Dilemmas: Land Reform and Institutional Change in China, RoutledgeCurzon, New York, 2005.
Yao, Yang. “Government Commitment and the Outcome of Privatization in China.” In Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger, editors, Governance, Regulation and Privatization, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2004.
Yao, Yang. “Privatizing the small SOEs.” In Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song editors, China’s Third Economic Transformation, RoutledgeCurzon, New York, 2004.
Yao, Yang. “In Search of Balance: Technological Development in China.” In Sanjaya Lall and Shujiro Urata editors, Competitiveness, FDI and Technological Activity in East Asia, Edward Elgar, Cheltenhan, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, 2003.
Lin, Justin and Yang Yao. "Chinese Rural Industrialization in the Context of the East Asian Miracle." Chapter 4 in Joseph Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf editors, Rethinking the East Asian Miracle, the World Bank and Oxford University Press, 2001.
Yao, Yang. "Urbanization and Its Impacts on China''s Environment." Book chapter in China’s Sustainable Development Framework, edited by Fu-chen Lo and Yu-qing Xing, Institute of Advanced Studies, the United Nations University, Japan, 1999.
2006年11月13日:“Health Shocks, Local Governance, and Long-term Income: Evidence from Rural China.” 上海交通大學安泰管理學院。2006年10月24日:“Health Shocks, Local Governance, and Long-term Income: Evidence from Rural China.” 北京大學光華管理學院。姚洋
1998年8月3-5日:參加於鹽湖城召開的美國農經學會1998年年會並宣讀論文"Specialization without Regret --- Transfer Rights, Agricultural Productivity, and Investment in an Industrializing Economy"(與Michael Carter合作)。
1998年6月17-18日:代表中國經濟研究中心與國務院發展研究中心組織並參加於北京召開的《中國土地制度與農業績效國際研討會》,宣讀論文"Labor Market Imperfections and the Activities of the Land Lease Market”.