- 中文名:大邦之夢:吳越楚青銅器
- 作者:蘇州博物館
- 出版時間:2017年12月
- 出版社:上海古籍出版社
- 頁數:224 頁
- ISBN:9787532586219
- 定價:198 元
- 開本:16 開
- 裝幀:精裝
第一單元 Chapter 1 兵戎相見——青銅兵器……………Bronze Weapons ………………….........…… 001 001
吳王餘眜劍…………………………….Sword of Yumo, King of Wu ……………………...…. 007 007
吳王夫差劍…………………………….Sword of Fuchai, King of Wu …………..………...… 010 010
越王勾踐劍…………………………….Sword of Goujian, King of Yue …………………...… 013 013
越王者旨於睗劍……………………….Sword of Zhezhiyuci, King of Yue ………..………... 017 017
徐王義楚之元子劍…………………....Sword of Yichu’sson, King of Xu……………..……... 019 019
越王州句錯金劍………………Gold-inlaid Bronze Sword of Zhougou, King of Yue ……... 021 021
越王州句劍……………………..……..Sword of Zhougou, King of Yue …………...……..… 023 023
越王不光劍……………………...……..Sword of Buguang, King of Yue ……………..…..… 025 025
越王不光劍…………………...………..Sword of Buguang, King of Yue ………………....… 027 027
者差其餘劍………………………….....Sword of Zhechaiqiyu,king of Yue ………..…..…… 029 029
工吳鈹……………………………033,Blade of Yuji, King of Wu ………………………………....033
吳王諸樊戈………………………035,Ge (Dagger Axe) of Zhufan, King of Wu ……….……....035
吳王光戈……………..........…...037,Ge (Dagger Axe) of Helv, King of Wu ………….…….....037
吳王夫差戈………………………039,Ge (Dagger Axe) of Fuchai, King of Wu ……....…….....039
王子戈……………………………041,Ge (Dagger Axe) of Liao, Prince of Wu ……….............041
邗王是埜戈………………………043,Ge (Dagger Axe) of Shiye, King of Wu …….........…….043
楚屈喜戈…………………………045,Ge (Dagger Axe) of Qu Xi, Aristocrat of Chu ………….045
楚王孫漁戈……………………...047,Ge (Dagger Axe) of Yu, Aristocrat of Chu ………..…….047
子受戟………….........…………049,Halberd of Viscount Wei Shou ……………........……..…049
倗戟……………………………...051,Halberd of Peng………………………….............………..051
王子午戟………………………...053,Halberd of Wu, Prince of Chu ……………............……..053
工矛……………………….........055,Spear of Wu ………………………......................………..055
越王大子不壽矛………………...059,Spear of Bushou, King of Yue ……………...............…..059
鳩杖鐓………………………......062,Scepter End ……………………......................…………..062
Scepter Head with Tiger and Goat Pattern (with Bronze Sheathing in Gold-and-Silver-inlaid Triangle Pattern) ………….......................................................……………………..................................…063
第二單元 禮尚往來——青銅禮器……....….....…065,Chapter 2 Bronze Ritual Vessels ………....…….…065
克黃鼎……………………..….…067,Ding (Tripod) of Kehuang, Of.cial of Chu …………..…...067
鄧公乘鼎…………………………070,Ding (Tripod) of Cheng, Chief of Deng County ………...070
楚叔之孫倗鼎……………………072,Ding (Tripod) of Peng ………………….................……...072
襄子湯鼎………………………...074,Ding (Tripod) of Viscount Tang …………….......………....074
蟠虺紋小口鼎…………075,Coiled-Serpent-Pattern Ding (Tripod) with a Small Mouth ………075
S 形紋鼎……………………......076,Ding (Tripod) with S-shaped Pattern …….....…………....076
蟠螭紋鼎…………………………077,Ding (Tripod) with Hornless Dragon Pattern ……….…...077
楚王酓脠鼎………………………080,Ding (Tripod) of Xiongyuan, King of Chu ……………......080
鑄客為王后鼎……………………082,Ding (Tripod) of Queen by Casting Of.cial ……....……...082
鑄客為太后鼎……………………086,Ding (Tripod) of King’s Mother by Casting Of.cial ...……086
鑄客鼎……………………………087,Ding (Tripod) by Casting Of.cial ……………………..……087
楚子敦…………....089,Dui (Ritual Vessel used to Contain Grains) of Viscount of Chu …………..089
上鄀府簠……092,Fu (Ritual Vessel used to Contain Grains) of Fu, Chief of Shangruo County …092
鄬子孟青嬭簠…095,Fu (Ritual Vessel used to Contain Grains) of Viscountess Meng Qingmi...…095
申公彭宇簠………......099,Fu (Ritual Vessel used to Contain Grains) of Peng Yu …….......…..….099
楚子棄疾簠………102,Fu (Ritual Vessel used to Contain Grains) of Qiji, Viscount of Chu ………102
子季嬴青簠………104,Fu (Ritual Vessel used to Contain Grains) of Viscount Ying Qing ………...104
鑄客簠……………106,Fu (Ritual Vessel used to Contain Grains) by Casting Of.cial ……………..106
棘刺紋尊…………...................107,Zun (Wine Vessel) with Thorn Pattern ……………………107
蔡侯申尊………………............109,Zun (Wine Vessel) of Shen,King of Cai ……………...…109
螭紋提梁盉………111,He (Wine Vessel) with Handle and Hornless Dragon Pattern ……………....111
銅甗……………………............114,Bronze Yan (Cooking Vessel) ……………...………………114
塞公孫父匜………...............…116,Yi (Water Vessel) of Yanfu, Royal Desendant of Sai …....116
羅兒匜…………………..………118,Yi (Water Vessel) of Luo’er ……………………………....…118
工吳季生匜……………………..121,Yi (Water Vessel) of Jisheng of Wu …………………….....121
蔡侯朱缶………………………..123,Fou (Water Vessel) of Zhu, Marquis of Cai ……….......…123
帶蓋…………………............…124,He (Wine Vessel) with Lid ……………………………..……124
集脰太子鎬……………………..125,Gao (Wine Vessel) of Royal Kitchen of Chu ……..………125
鑄客爐…………………….........127,Stove by Casting Of.cial …………………………....………127
龍鳳紋帶環銅鎮……128,Bronze Weight with Dragon and Phoenix Pattern and Loop …………....128
鳳鳥紋銅插座………………......130,Square base with Phoenix and Bird Pattern ………….…130
曾仲鄬君鎮墓獸座………………132,Square base of Zeng Zhong Wei Jun ………………....…132
青銅步輿構件……………………134,Bronze Vehicle Part ……………….............................…134
楚季寶鐘……………………...…137,Chime Bell of Chuji ………………………........……………137
曾侯與鐘…………………………143,Chime Bell of yu, Marquis of Zeng …………..................143
秦王卑命鐘…………………......146,Chime Bell of Qin ……………………………………………146
蔡侯申鎛…………………………149,Chime Bell of Shen,King of Cai ……………..........……149
巢鎛…………….............………152,Chime Bell of Zhachao ……………………........…………152
旨賞鐘……………………………156,Chime Bell of Zhishang……………………………........…156
臧孫鐘……………………………160,Chime Bell of Zangsun …………….............………........160
甚六鎛……………………...……163,Chime Bell of Shenliu ………………………………………163
青銅鎛…………….……............164,Bronze Chime Bell …………….……….............…………164
配兒鉤鑃……………167,Gou Diao (Musical Instrument) of Pei’er, Aristocrat of Wu …………..…167
配兒鉤鑃……………169,Gou Diao (Musical Instrument) of Pei’er, Aristocrat of Wu …………..…169
鉤鑃…………………….............170,Gou Diao (Musical Instrument)………………..........……170
青銅錞於………………..........…172,Bronze Chun Yu (Musical Instrument) ………………..…172
懸鼓銅環鈕底座…………..........174,Bronze Loop Base of Hanging Drum ….....................…174
第四單元 工精技良——青銅工藝………........…175,Chapter 4 Bronze Crafts ………………………….….175
陶劍范……………….............…177,Pottery Moulds of Sword ………………...............………177
盥缶………………………………179,Guan Fou (Water Vessel) ……...........……………………179
途為盉…………………………...181,He (Wine Vessel) of Tu Wei ………………..................…181
菱形暗格紋劍…………………...183,Darkened-Diaper-Pattern Sword …………..........………183
錯金夔紋有箍式劍………………185,Gold-Inlaid Kui-Dragon Sword with Collar Rings ………185
越王州句劍………………………187,Sword of Zhougou, King of Yue ………….....……………187
越王州句劍…………………......189,Sword of Zhougou, King of Yue ……............……………189
青銅複合劍…………………......191,Compound Bronze Sword …….................................…191
刻劃紋銅盤…….............………192,Bronze Pan with Coiled Pattern ………………...........…192
蔡侯產戈…………………………194,Ge (Dagger Axe) of Chan, Marquis of Cai …………......194
戈………………….................. 195,Ge (Dagger Axe) with Bird-shaped Seal Script ……...…195
吳王之子帶鉤……………......…198,Hook of Prince of Wu …………...........……………………198
錯金銀捲雲紋銅鐓….199,Bronze Dui (Sheathing) with Gold-and-Silver-inlaid Cloud Pattern ….199
方豆………………...................201,Square Dou (Stemmed Bowl) ……………….........………201
附録一 吳越楚世系表…………………......................…………………………………………………202
附録二 吳越楚交往年表………………......................…………………………………………………204