



  • 書名:大學英語閱讀教材:34級
  • ISBN:7561424507
  • 頁數:239頁
  • 出版社四川大學出版社
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16
  • 尺寸:25.6 x 18.2 x 1.4 cm
  • 條形碼:9787561424506
  • 重量:240 g




2000年修訂的《大學英語教學大綱》明確規定“培養學生具有較強的閱讀能力和一定的聽、說、寫、譯能力”,把培養閱讀技能定為大學英語教學的重點,並且提出了較高的要求。這是基於非英語專業的學生在畢業之後的實際棵舉估企工作需要而定的。他們在今後的工作中更多地是要通過準確閱讀來直接獲取最新信息,吸取世界各國的先進經驗和技術。全國大學英語四級統考大綱也把閱讀技能的考查放在重要位置,並占40%的分數。 已推出的新題型英譯漢與簡答題要求學生具備精確閱讀的能力,也是為了促使教師和學生更加重視閱讀技能。因此,抓好閱讀教學,培養學生分析、推斷、綜合的閱讀理解能力是十分重要的。
本書由四川大學外語學院幾位長期從事大學英語教學的教師編寫狼抹棵。 肖瀾教授擔任主審並對全書提出了很多寶貴的意見,對此,我們表示衷心的感謝!
編 者


Band III
Unit 1 No Story
Unit 2 Four of the Leaders in the Computer Revolution
Unit 3 A School Book Stall
Unit 4 Energy Sense Makes Future Sense
Unit 5 The Nutrients in Food
Unit 6 The Seven Gifts
Unit 7 The Voice of Time
Unit 8 Your Dreams Don't Lie
Unit 9 Manners
Unit 10 The History of Thanksgiving Day
Unit 11 An International Language
Unit 12 The History of Books
Unit 13 Art for Sale
Unit 14 Daydreaming is Good for You
Unit 15 The Story of Creative Man
Unit 16 Cigarettes
Unit 17 British Character
Unit 18 Affluence and Effluence
Unit 19 Ants Are Smarter Than We Think
Unit 20 Home-made Atomic Bomb
Unit 1 A Warning from Nature?
Unit 2 House and Home
Unit 3 Meeting E.relations in the Real World Is aTrip
Unit 4 College Pressure
Unit 5 An Observation and An Explanation
Unit 6 Pitying Animals
Unit 7 Computers in Education
Unit 8 The Euro
Unit 9 Americans Bewildered by 7heir Baby.faced Killers
Unit 1 0 The Facts about Vitamin C
Unit 1 1 Bringing up Children
Unit 1 2 Basic Research and Graduate Education
Unit 14 Women and the Vote
Unit 1 3 How to Avoid Foolish Opinions
Unit 1 5 A Brief History of Measurement Systems
Unit 16 The Game of Life
Unit 17 How t0 Grow Old
Unit 18 English for Americans
Unit 19 Work and Play
Unit 20 Culture Shock and Adjustment
Unit 13 Art for Sale
Unit 14 Daydreaming is Good for You
Unit 15 The Story of Creative Man
Unit 16 Cigarettes
Unit 17 British Character
Unit 18 Affluence and Effluence
Unit 19 Ants Are Smarter Than We Think
Unit 20 Home-made Atomic Bomb
Unit 1 A Warning from Nature?
Unit 2 House and Home
Unit 3 Meeting E.relations in the Real World Is aTrip
Unit 4 College Pressure
Unit 5 An Observation and An Explanation
Unit 6 Pitying Animals
Unit 7 Computers in Education
Unit 8 The Euro
Unit 9 Americans Bewildered by 7heir Baby.faced Killers
Unit 1 0 The Facts about Vitamin C
Unit 1 1 Bringing up Children
Unit 1 2 Basic Research and Graduate Education
Unit 14 Women and the Vote
Unit 1 3 How to Avoid Foolish Opinions
Unit 1 5 A Brief History of Measurement Systems
Unit 16 The Game of Life
Unit 17 How t0 Grow Old
Unit 18 English for Americans
Unit 19 Work and Play
Unit 20 Culture Shock and Adjustment


