



  • 書名:全新版大學英語閱讀教程1:教師手冊
  • 作者:王秀珍 樊葳葳;汪火焰
  • 出版日期:2011年3月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787544620895, 7544620891
  • 外文名:New College English(Second Edition)Reading Course 1 Teacher's Manual
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 頁數:138頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:英漢達




Unit One
I. Goodbye School
2. The Saturday Evening Post
3. Love Thy Neighbor
Unit Two
4. Making, Friends in American Culture
5. My Daughter, My Friend
6. Hope in a Bottle
Unit Three
7. The Fun They Had
8. Today's Technology Could Seem Goofy Tomorrow
9. A Short Biog, raphy of the Long Life of: Benjamin Franklin
Unit Four
10. Are You Trying Real Hard?
11. Jim Lovell: An Astronaut's Story
12. Only Daughter
Unit Five
13. Take ThisJob arid Love It
14. A Lamp in a Window
15. Stock and Gown
Unit Six
16,, My OnlyTrue Love
17. The Dragon Rock
18. Does Sleep Help You Study?
Unit Seven
19. Leaving, the Land of the Blind
20. The Christmas Truce
21. An American Educator's Fable
Unit Eight
22. Students Who Push Burgers
23. A Small Miracle
24. You Can Have Anything You Want, ButYou Can't Have Everything You Want




Unit One
1. The Grammarian Who Lost a War of Words
2. Berkeley Blues
3. Ten Commandments for a College Freshman
Unit Two
4. At Last He Said
5. Letters to Anne Frank's Father
6. My Clrcle of Frlends
Unit Three
7. The Brain's Balanclng Act
8. Upending theTradltional Farm
9. Virtual Water - A Smarter Way to Think about How Much H20 You Use
Unit Four
10. The WhinyGeneratlon
11. A License to Drive
12. Death in the Open
Unit Five
13. We're Too Busy for Ideas
14. Get a Grip
15. Hold Your Horsepower
Unit Six
16. Two Unique "i DO's" .
17. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
18. Looking, for Love Where My Mother Never Could
Unit Seven
19. The Soul of a Champion: A Letter to Michael Jordan
20. Do Heroes Exlst?
21. Tyranny of Weakness
Unit Eight
22. Overcoming an Invisible Handicap
23. A Llberating Curriculum
24. In Defense of Testlng


