

王娟主編的《大學英語分級閱讀教程》分為三個篇章——初級篇、中級篇、高級篇,每個篇章由6個單元組成,每個單元含2—3篇閱讀材料,後面輔以針對英語套用能力考試A、B級和大學英語四級考試的閱讀理解練習。初級篇、中級篇、高級篇文章由易到難,初級篇文章較容易,適合B級水平的學生閱讀學習;中級篇難度有所提高,適合A級水平的學生閱讀學習;高級篇為提高篇,水平由A級向大學英語四級過渡,為學生通過大學英語四級考試打好基礎。 《大學英語分級閱讀教程》以國家教育部頒布的《高職高專英語課程教學基本要求》為指導精神,針對高職以及音、體、美專業英語基礎相對比較薄弱的本科生閱讀教學的現狀而編寫。文章選材新穎,趣味性強,併兼顧實用性,為高職及音、體、美專業學生提供了良好的閱讀學習素材。學生通過學習《大學英語分級閱讀教程》可以掌握基本辭彙、短語、句法等,能有效地提高閱讀理解能力和語言綜合套用能力,為順利通過英語套用能力考試打好基礎。同時本書也可作為英語國中級讀物,供具有一定基礎的英語愛好者參考使用。


  • 書名:大學英語分級閱讀教程
  • 出版社:南開大學出版社
  • 頁數:201頁
  • 開本:16
  • 作者:王娟
  • 出版日期:2012年9月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787310040124, 7310040120




Unit One Stories
Passage A Things Aren't Always What They Seem
Passage B The Neighbors' Dog
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Two Life
Passage A Perfect Life
Passage B All work and no play
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Three Famous People
Passage A Washington Irving
Passage B Winston Churchill
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Four Travel
Passage A Experiences in Disseldorf
Passage B Tokyo
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Five Education and Study
Passage A Studying Agriculture in the US
Passage B What Education do You Need?
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Six Festivals
Passage A Teachers' Day in Singapore
Passage B The Symbol of the Resurrection
Extra Reading Practice
Unit One Kindness
Passage A Kindness with Class
Passage B The Experience of My Best Friend
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Two Health
Passage A How to Keep Healthy
Passage B Smoking Ban Expands in Beijing
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Three Friendship
Passage A A Great Friendship
Passage B Emerson Friendship
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Four Sports
Passage A Table Tennis
Passage B Luxury Bikes
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Five Pollution
Passage A A Geoengineering Solution Will Influence the Rainfall
Passage B Human Activities are the Main Reason to Ocean Warming
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Six Art
Passage A Music Plays an Important Role in African Life
Passage B Jazz and Country Music in America
Extra Reading Practice
Unit One Job Hunting
Passage A Internships or Paid Work: which would you choose?
Passage B Unemployment
Passage C Employment for the Aged
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Two Family
Passage A The Elderly in the United States
Passage B It is never too late to be successful parents!
Passage C Changes in Male and Female Roles
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Three Hot Topics
Passage A Economy in the World
Passage B 2010 World Exposition
Passage C Cross-culture Management
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Four Environment
Passage A Should Plastic Bags be Banned?
Passage B Resources in the World
Passage C Study of Reducing Methane in the Atmosphere
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Five Health
Passage A Study of Ovarian Cancer
Passage B Treatment for Allergies
Passage C Study of the Influenza in Asia
Extra Reading Practice
Unit Six Science
Passage A Ions in the Air
Passage B The Origin of Roman Alphabets
Passage C Development of Aquaculture
Extra Reading Practice
Keys to Exercises


