



  • 書名:商務談判(雙語版)
  • 作者:羅立彬
  • ISBN:9787121214875
  • 頁數:232頁
  • 定價:33元
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年10月
  • 開本:16開




目 錄
Chapter 1 An Introduction to Negotiations(談判概述)蜜拳雅 1
1.1 Negotiation: Definitions, Foundations and Key Factors
(談判:定義、基礎和主要要素) 1
1.1.1 Definitions(談判的定義) 2
1.1.2 Foundations of Negotiation(談判的基礎) 4
1.1.3 Key factors in a negotiation(談判的主要要素) 6
1.2 Classifications of Negotiations(談判的分類) 9
1.2.1 Different Subjects(不同的談判主題) 9
1.2.2 Number of Parties(談判方數量不同) 10
1.2.3 Number of Participants(參與者人數不同) 10
1.2.4 Differences in Principles (原則不同) 10
1.2.5 Formality(談判正式性不同) 11
1.3 Business Negotiation(商務談判) 11
1.3.1 What is business negotiation?(什麼是商務談判) 12
1.3.2 Characteristics of business negotiations(商務談判的特點) 12
1.3.3 Principles of Business Negotiations(商務談判的原則) 13
Key terms: 19
Summary: 19
Chapter 2 Preparations for Business Negotiations(商務談宙格喇判的準備) 22
2.1 Researching on Negotiation Background(談判背景調查) 22
2.1.1 What is Background Information?(什麼是背甩廈兵嘗景信息?) 23
2.1.2 Ways of Information Collection(蒐集信息的方式) 24
2.1.3 Principles in Information Collection(信息收集的原則) 26
2.2 Finding the Right People to Make a Negotiation Team
(尋找組建談判團隊的合跨蘭適成員) 27
2.2.1 Different Roles in a Negotiation Team(談判團隊中的不同角色) 28
2.2.2 Choosing the Right People to Fill Each Role(選擇合適的人員來填補每個角色) 31
2.3 Negotiation Planning(談判計畫) 32
2.3.1 Setting the goals that you want to achieve(確定要實現的目標) 32
2.3.2 Defining the Issues(定義問題) 34
2.3.3 Determine your walkaway point(確定談判底線) 35
2.3.4 Know yourself and your negotiating partner(解膠連嘗你自己和你的談判夥伴) 38
2.3.5 Developing the Negotiation Strategies(制定談判策略) 40
2.3.6 Working out the Negotiation Plan(制定談判計畫) 48
2.4 Simulated Negotiation(模擬談判) 53
2.4.1 Why is Simulated Negotiation Needed?(為什麼需要模擬談判?) 53
2.4.2 Procedures of Simulated Negotiation(模擬談判的程式) 54
2.4.3 Types of Simulated Negotiation(模擬談判的類型) 54
Summary: 55
Key Terms: 56
Chapter 3 Opening the Negotiation(談判的開局階段) 57
3.1 Objectives of the Opening Stage(談判開局階段的目標) 58
3.1.1 Designing the Opening(設計開局) 59
3.1.2 Expressing in the Opening(開場陳述) 63
3.1.3 Realizing the Opening(正式開局) 65
3.2 Creating the Atmosphere in the Negotiation(營造談判氣氛) 66
3.2.1 High-spirit Atmosphere(高調氣氛) 67
3.2.2 Low-spirit Atmosphere(低調氣氛) 67
3.2.3 Natural Atmosphere(自然氣氛) 67
Summary: 68
Key Terms: 69
Chapter 4 Bargaining in Business Negotiations(商務談判的磋商階段) 71
4.1 Quoting Prices(發盤) 72
4.1.1 Definition of Quotation(發盤的定義) 72
4.1.2 Principles in Quoting Prices(發盤的原則) 74
4.1.3 Should I be the first to quote?(我應該率先報價嗎?) 75
4.2 Counter-Quotation(還盤) 77
4.3 Concession making in different situations(不同情況下的讓步) 80
4.3.1 Concession making in tacit coordination and relationship situations
(在默契配合關係下做出讓步) 81
4.3.2 Concession making in transactions: distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining
(交易中的讓步:分配式談判和整合式談判) 83
4.3.3 Concession making in balanced concerns(在平衡的基礎上做出讓步) 91
Summary: 92
Key Terms: 93
Chapter 5 Conclusion of the Business Negotiation(結束商務談判) 95
5.1 Concluding the Business Negotiation(結束商務談判) 96
5.1.1 Finding the Right Time to Conclude the Business Negotiation(結束商務談判的正確時間) 96
5.1.2 Points to Consider When Concluding the Business Negotiation
(結束商務談判時需要考慮的因素) 101
5.1.3 Possible Results of the Business Negotiation(商務談判的結果) 102
5.2 Entering into a Business Contract(簽訂契約) 104
5.2.1 What Is a Business Contract?(什麼是商務契約) 104
5.2.2 Structure of a Business Contract(商務契約的結構) 105
5.2.3 Major Clauses in a Business Contract(商務契約的主要條款) 108
Summary: 113
Key Terms: 114
Chapter 6 Psychology in Business Negotiations(商務談判中的心理學) 116
6.1 Negotiations are not always rational(談判並非都是理性的) 118
6.1.1 Cognitive Bias(認知偏差) 118
6.1.2 Motivational Bias(激勵偏差) 125
6.2 Confronting Psychological Biases(應對心理偏差) 130
6.2.1 Use ”System 2” Thinking(採用“系統2”思維) 130
6.2.2 Learn Through the Use of Analogies(通過類比使用進行學習) 132
6.2.3 Adopt the Outsider Lens(選擇局外人的角度) 132
6.3 Confronting the Psychological Biases of Others(應對他人的心理偏差) 133
6.3.1 Incorporate the Consequences of Their Biases in Your Strategy
(在策略中結合對方偏差的後果) 133
6.3.2 Help Others be Less Biased(幫助別人減少偏見) 134
6.3.3 Calibrate Information Provided by Others(校準由他人提供的信息) 134
6.3.4 Use Contingency Contracts to Resolve Conflicts Stemming from Biases
(使用應急契約來解決源自於偏差的衝突) 135
Summary: 135
Key terms: 136
Chapter 7 Negotiation Power, Persuasion and Ethics(談判力、說服策略與談判論理) 138
7.1 Sources of Negotiation Power(談判力的來源) 141
7.1.1 Informational Power(信息性談判力) 141
7.1.2 Legitimate Power(法定談判力) 141
7.1.3 Relationship-based Power(以關係為基礎的談判力) 143
7.1.4 Time Power(以時間為基礎的談判力) 143
7.1.5 Contextual Power(背景性談判力) 144
7.1.6 Free Sources of Power(免費的談判力來源) 145
7.2 How to Persuade Your Counterparty for Your Favor?(如何說服對方) 146
7.2.1 Central Route Tactics(中央路徑的策略) 147
7.2.2 Peripheral Route Tactics(外圍路徑策略) 148
7.3 Negotiation Ethics(談判倫理) 152
7.3.1 Schools of Attitudes toward Lying(關於說謊的態度) 152
7.3.2 How to determine whether your behavior is ethical or not?
(如何確定你的行為是否符合倫理?) 156
7.3.3 Dealing with Unethical Negotiators(應對不符合倫理的談判者) 157
Summary 162
Key terms: 163
Chapter 8 Communications in Negotiation(談判溝通) 165
8.1 Essentials of Communications in Business negotiations(商務談判中的溝通實質) 166
8.1.1 Concept of Communications in Business Negotiations(商務談判中溝通概念) 166
8.1.2 Four key elements of a communication(溝通的四個關鍵要素) 167
8.1.2 Characteristics of Communications in Business Negotiations(商務談判中的溝通特點) 170
8.2 Effective Communications in a Business Negotiation(商務談判中的有效溝通) 171
8.2.1 Advantages and characteristics of effective communication(有效溝通的優勢及特點) 171
8.2.2 Communication barriers(溝通障礙) 172
8.2.3 Overcoming Communication Barriers in a Negotiation(克服談判中的溝通障礙) 174
8.3 Effective Listening during Business Negotiations (商務談判過程中的有效傾聽) 179
8.3.1 What can effective listening do for you?(有效傾聽能為你做什麼?) 179
8.3.2 Barriers to Effective Listening(有效傾聽的障礙) 181
8.3.3 Characteristics of Good and Effective Listener(好的、有效的傾聽者的特點) 183
8.4 Raising Questions during Business Negotiations(在商務談判的過程中提出問題) 184
8.4.1 Why do we raise questions during business negotiations?
(為什麼要在商務談判的過程中提出問題?) 184
8.4.2 Skills of raising question(提問題的技巧) 185
8.5 Some useful speaking skills(一些有用的演講技巧) 187
Summary 188
Key terms: 188
References: 221
Chapter 9 Culture Dimensions and Negotiation Styles in Different Countries
(不同國家的文化維度和談判風格) 192
9.1 Culture: Definitions and Dimensions(文化:定義和維度) 193
9.1.1 Behaviors and Institutions(行為方式和制度) 194
9.1.2 Some important cultural traits for negotiations(對談判而言非常重要的一些文化特性) 195
9.1.3 Negotiation Styles in Different Countries(不同國家的談判風格) 204
9.2 Strategies for Intercultural Negotiations(跨文化談判策略) 208
9.2.1 Adhering(堅持) 210
9.2.2 Avoiding-Contending(迴避——鬥爭) 212
9.2.3 Adapting(適應) 215
9.2.4 Adopting(採用) 216
9.2.5 Advancing(前進) 217
Summary: 218
Key terms: 219
2.1.3 Principles in Information Collection(信息收集的原則) 26
2.2 Finding the Right People to Make a Negotiation Team
(尋找組建談判團隊的合適成員) 27
2.2.1 Different Roles in a Negotiation Team(談判團隊中的不同角色) 28
2.2.2 Choosing the Right People to Fill Each Role(選擇合適的人員來填補每個角色) 31
2.3 Negotiation Planning(談判計畫) 32
2.3.1 Setting the goals that you want to achieve(確定要實現的目標) 32
2.3.2 Defining the Issues(定義問題) 34
2.3.3 Determine your walkaway point(確定談判底線) 35
2.3.4 Know yourself and your negotiating partner(解你自己和你的談判夥伴) 38
2.3.5 Developing the Negotiation Strategies(制定談判策略) 40
2.3.6 Working out the Negotiation Plan(制定談判計畫) 48
2.4 Simulated Negotiation(模擬談判) 53
2.4.1 Why is Simulated Negotiation Needed?(為什麼需要模擬談判?) 53
2.4.2 Procedures of Simulated Negotiation(模擬談判的程式) 54
2.4.3 Types of Simulated Negotiation(模擬談判的類型) 54
Summary: 55
Key Terms: 56
Chapter 3 Opening the Negotiation(談判的開局階段) 57
3.1 Objectives of the Opening Stage(談判開局階段的目標) 58
3.1.1 Designing the Opening(設計開局) 59
3.1.2 Expressing in the Opening(開場陳述) 63
3.1.3 Realizing the Opening(正式開局) 65
3.2 Creating the Atmosphere in the Negotiation(營造談判氣氛) 66
3.2.1 High-spirit Atmosphere(高調氣氛) 67
3.2.2 Low-spirit Atmosphere(低調氣氛) 67
3.2.3 Natural Atmosphere(自然氣氛) 67
Summary: 68
Key Terms: 69
Chapter 4 Bargaining in Business Negotiations(商務談判的磋商階段) 71
4.1 Quoting Prices(發盤) 72
4.1.1 Definition of Quotation(發盤的定義) 72
4.1.2 Principles in Quoting Prices(發盤的原則) 74
4.1.3 Should I be the first to quote?(我應該率先報價嗎?) 75
4.2 Counter-Quotation(還盤) 77
4.3 Concession making in different situations(不同情況下的讓步) 80
4.3.1 Concession making in tacit coordination and relationship situations
(在默契配合關係下做出讓步) 81
4.3.2 Concession making in transactions: distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining
(交易中的讓步:分配式談判和整合式談判) 83
4.3.3 Concession making in balanced concerns(在平衡的基礎上做出讓步) 91
Summary: 92
Key Terms: 93
Chapter 5 Conclusion of the Business Negotiation(結束商務談判) 95
5.1 Concluding the Business Negotiation(結束商務談判) 96
5.1.1 Finding the Right Time to Conclude the Business Negotiation(結束商務談判的正確時間) 96
5.1.2 Points to Consider When Concluding the Business Negotiation
(結束商務談判時需要考慮的因素) 101
5.1.3 Possible Results of the Business Negotiation(商務談判的結果) 102
5.2 Entering into a Business Contract(簽訂契約) 104
5.2.1 What Is a Business Contract?(什麼是商務契約) 104
5.2.2 Structure of a Business Contract(商務契約的結構) 105
5.2.3 Major Clauses in a Business Contract(商務契約的主要條款) 108
Summary: 113
Key Terms: 114
Chapter 6 Psychology in Business Negotiations(商務談判中的心理學) 116
6.1 Negotiations are not always rational(談判並非都是理性的) 118
6.1.1 Cognitive Bias(認知偏差) 118
6.1.2 Motivational Bias(激勵偏差) 125
6.2 Confronting Psychological Biases(應對心理偏差) 130
6.2.1 Use ”System 2” Thinking(採用“系統2”思維) 130
6.2.2 Learn Through the Use of Analogies(通過類比使用進行學習) 132
6.2.3 Adopt the Outsider Lens(選擇局外人的角度) 132
6.3 Confronting the Psychological Biases of Others(應對他人的心理偏差) 133
6.3.1 Incorporate the Consequences of Their Biases in Your Strategy
(在策略中結合對方偏差的後果) 133
6.3.2 Help Others be Less Biased(幫助別人減少偏見) 134
6.3.3 Calibrate Information Provided by Others(校準由他人提供的信息) 134
6.3.4 Use Contingency Contracts to Resolve Conflicts Stemming from Biases
(使用應急契約來解決源自於偏差的衝突) 135
Summary: 135
Key terms: 136
Chapter 7 Negotiation Power, Persuasion and Ethics(談判力、說服策略與談判論理) 138
7.1 Sources of Negotiation Power(談判力的來源) 141
7.1.1 Informational Power(信息性談判力) 141
7.1.2 Legitimate Power(法定談判力) 141
7.1.3 Relationship-based Power(以關係為基礎的談判力) 143
7.1.4 Time Power(以時間為基礎的談判力) 143
7.1.5 Contextual Power(背景性談判力) 144
7.1.6 Free Sources of Power(免費的談判力來源) 145
7.2 How to Persuade Your Counterparty for Your Favor?(如何說服對方) 146
7.2.1 Central Route Tactics(中央路徑的策略) 147
7.2.2 Peripheral Route Tactics(外圍路徑策略) 148
7.3 Negotiation Ethics(談判倫理) 152
7.3.1 Schools of Attitudes toward Lying(關於說謊的態度) 152
7.3.2 How to determine whether your behavior is ethical or not?
(如何確定你的行為是否符合倫理?) 156
7.3.3 Dealing with Unethical Negotiators(應對不符合倫理的談判者) 157
Summary 162
Key terms: 163
Chapter 8 Communications in Negotiation(談判溝通) 165
8.1 Essentials of Communications in Business negotiations(商務談判中的溝通實質) 166
8.1.1 Concept of Communications in Business Negotiations(商務談判中溝通概念) 166
8.1.2 Four key elements of a communication(溝通的四個關鍵要素) 167
8.1.2 Characteristics of Communications in Business Negotiations(商務談判中的溝通特點) 170
8.2 Effective Communications in a Business Negotiation(商務談判中的有效溝通) 171
8.2.1 Advantages and characteristics of effective communication(有效溝通的優勢及特點) 171
8.2.2 Communication barriers(溝通障礙) 172
8.2.3 Overcoming Communication Barriers in a Negotiation(克服談判中的溝通障礙) 174
8.3 Effective Listening during Business Negotiations (商務談判過程中的有效傾聽) 179
8.3.1 What can effective listening do for you?(有效傾聽能為你做什麼?) 179
8.3.2 Barriers to Effective Listening(有效傾聽的障礙) 181
8.3.3 Characteristics of Good and Effective Listener(好的、有效的傾聽者的特點) 183
8.4 Raising Questions during Business Negotiations(在商務談判的過程中提出問題) 184
8.4.1 Why do we raise questions during business negotiations?
(為什麼要在商務談判的過程中提出問題?) 184
8.4.2 Skills of raising question(提問題的技巧) 185
8.5 Some useful speaking skills(一些有用的演講技巧) 187
Summary 188
Key terms: 188
References: 221
Chapter 9 Culture Dimensions and Negotiation Styles in Different Countries
(不同國家的文化維度和談判風格) 192
9.1 Culture: Definitions and Dimensions(文化:定義和維度) 193
9.1.1 Behaviors and Institutions(行為方式和制度) 194
9.1.2 Some important cultural traits for negotiations(對談判而言非常重要的一些文化特性) 195
9.1.3 Negotiation Styles in Different Countries(不同國家的談判風格) 204
9.2 Strategies for Intercultural Negotiations(跨文化談判策略) 208
9.2.1 Adhering(堅持) 210
9.2.2 Avoiding-Contending(迴避——鬥爭) 212
9.2.3 Adapting(適應) 215
9.2.4 Adopting(採用) 216
9.2.5 Advancing(前進) 217
Summary: 218
Key terms: 219


