

《國際貿易實務(雙語版)》是2013年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是許 進 楊楚欣。


  • 書名:國際貿易實務(雙語版)
  • 作者:許 進 楊楚欣
  • ISBN:9787566308627
  • 定價:24.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2013.10
  • 開本:185mm×260mm/
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 字數/頁數:307千字/
  • 適用層次:本科




Chapter One Overview1
Section 1 Introduction to International Trade 國際貿易簡介1
1.1 International Trade and Its Importance 國際貿易及其重要性1
1.2 Rationale for International Trade 國際貿易的根由3
1.3 Major Differences between International Trade and Domestic Trade
1.4 Classification of International Trade 國際貿易分類8
Section 2 Basic Procedures of Import and Export Business 進出口貿易的基本流程12
2.1 Preparation for Business 貿易前的準備13
2.2 Business Negotiation 商務談判14
2.3 Performance of a Contract 契約履行15
2.4 Follow-up Work after the Import and Export 進出口善後工作19
Section 3 Required Skills for International Trade 國際貿易業務技能22
Section 4 Electronic Commerce and EDI 電子商務及電子數據交換24
4.1 E-commerce 電子商務 25
4.2 EDI 電子數據交換27
Chapter Two Preparation for Import and Export Transactions31
Section 1 Getting Familiar with a Commodity 了解商品31
1.1 What Is a Commodity? 什麼是商品32
1.2 Knowledge about a Commodity 商品知識32
Section 2 Overseas Market Research and Analysis 海外市場調研和分析34
2.1 The Process of Research about the International Market
2.2 What to Be Researched about the International Market
2.3 Sources for Information of the International Market
2.4 Analyzing the Research Findings and Preparing a Report
Section 3 Channels of Developing Overseas Customers 開發海外客戶的渠道39
3.1 Ways to Find Overseas Customers 尋找海外客戶的途徑39
3.2 Choosing Qualified Customers 選擇合格客戶41
Section 4 Marketing Program 行銷方案42
4.1 Product Strategy 產品策略42
4.2 Pricing Strategy 價格策略44
4.3 Placing Strategy 渠道策略44
4.4 Promoting Strategy 促銷策略44
Section 5 Application for a License and a Quota 進出口許可證和配額的申請46
5.1 Role of an Import or Export License 進出口許可證的作用46
5.2 Role of an Import or Export Quota 進出口配額的作用47
5.3 Procedures of Applying for a License and a Quota
Chapter Three International Trade Negotiation51
Section 1 Procedure of Negotiation 談判的程式52
1.1 Preparation for Business Negotiation 商務談判前的準備52
1.2 What to Be Negotiated 談判的內容53
1.3 Inquiry 詢盤54
1.4 Offer 發盤55
1.5 Counter-offer 還盤61
1.6 Acceptance 接受62
Section 2 Conclusion of a Contract 達成契約65
2.1 What Is a Contract? 什麼是契約?65
2.2 Importance of a Written Contract 書面契約的重要性66
2.3 Format of a Sales Contract 銷售契約的格式67
Chapter Four Terms and Conditions of a Sales Contract73
Section 1 Description of Goods 商品描述74
1.1 Quality 質量74
1.2 Quantity 數量77
1.3 Packing 包裝80
Section 2 Price 價格85
2.1 Factors That Influence Commodity Pricing 影響商品價格的因素85
2.2 Incoterms 2010 國際貿易術語解釋通則201086
2.3 Trade Terms 貿易術語87
2.4 Conversion of Three Main Trade Terms 三種主要貿易術語的換算95
2.5 Price Clauses in a Contract 契約中的價格條款95
Section 3 Transport 運輸97
3.1 Marine Transport 海上運輸97
3.2 Other Types of Transport 其他運輸方式99
3.3 Clauses of Shipment 裝運條款100
Section 4 Insurance 保險104
4.1 Definition and Basic Principles 定義和基本原則104
4.2 Risks, Losses and Expenses 風險損失和費用107
4.3 Scope of Insurance Coverage 保險險別110
4.4 Calculation of Insurance Premium 保險費的計算111
4.5 Effecting Insurance 辦理保險113
4.6 Insurance Clauses in the Contract 契約中的保險條款113
4.7 Insurance Claim 保險索賠113
Section 5 Payment 支付115
5.1 International Payment Instruments 國際(貨款)支付工具115
5.2 International Payment Methods 國際(貨款)支付方式120
Section 6 Inspection 檢驗129
6.1 Concept of the Inspection of Goods 貨物檢驗的概念130
6.2 Time and Place of Inspection 檢驗的時間和地點130
6.3 Inspection Agencies 檢驗機構132
6.4 Inspection Certificates 檢驗證書133
6.5 Inspection Standards and Methods 檢驗標準和方法133
6.6 Inspection Clauses in the Contract 契約中的檢驗條款135
Chapter Five Contract Executing (Import and Export)137
Section 1 L/C Affairs 信用證業務138
Section 2 Preparing the Commodity for Export 出口備貨145
2.1 Following Up the Quality 質量跟單146
2.2 Quantity 數量149
2.3 Packing & Marking 包裝和嘜頭150
Section 3 Inspection and Customs Clearance 檢驗與報關152
3.1 Inspection of Import and Export Commodities 進出口商品的檢驗152
3.2 Customs Clearance 清關153
Section 4 Arranging Shipment 安排裝運155
4.1 Parties Involved in Shipment 運輸的當事人156
4.2 General Procedures of Shipment 運輸的一般程式156
4.3 Matters Needing Attention 注意事項157
Section 5 Documentation and Settlement of Exchange 制單與結匯158
5.1 Bills of Exchange 匯票159
5.2 Invoices 發票162
5.3 Packing Lists 裝箱單165
5.4 Bills of Lading 提單167
5.5 Insurance Policies 保險單據172
5.6 Certificates of Origin (C/O) 原產地證書176
5.7 Beneficiary’s Certificates 受益人證書177
5.8 Discrepancies 不符點179
Section 6 Disputes and Claims 爭議和索賠182
6.1 Force Majeure 不可抗力182
6.2 Disputes and Claims 爭議和索賠183
Chapter Six Export Accounting187
Section 1 Composition of Price 價格的組成187
1.1 Export Costs 出口成本187
1.2 Freight, Insurance Premium and Commission 運費、保險費和佣金189
1.3 Expected Profits 預期利潤191
1.4 Taxes 稅收191
Section 2 Export Rebate 出口退稅192
2.1 What Is the Export Rebate? 什麼是出口退稅?192
2.2 What Is the Export Rebate Rate? 什麼是出口退稅率?193
2.3 Calculation of the Export Rebate 出口退稅的計算193
2.4 General Procedures of the Export Rebate 出口退稅的一般流程195


