



  • 中文名:商務英語:理論與實務
  • 作者:魏思思,鄒勇
  • 出版社:西南財經大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2021年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787550448582


 在全球經濟一體化趨勢日益明顯的今天,全球範圍內的科技競爭、貿易摩擦和市場爭奪愈演愈烈。這是一場爭奪國際市場的戰鬥,其實質是人才的競爭。在這種背景下,作為國際貿易用語的英語變得越來越重要,社會上也越來越迫切地需要既有專業知識又能熟練運用英語的人才。為了有效地提高學生的實際語言運用能力,培養既有專業知識又能熟練運用英語的人才,使學生所學的知識能夠跟上時代的步伐,滿足社會經濟生活的實際需求,我們特別編寫了這本(新編國際商務英語————理論與實務)。在這《新編國際商務英語:理論與實務》里,我們加入了版本的《2020年國際貿易術語解釋通則》。同時,也介紹了“中歐安全智慧型貿易航線試點計畫”(安智貿),以更好的質量和的內容呈現給廣大讀者。 《新編國際商務英語:理論與實務》涉及的內容包括國際商務談判,國際貿易術語,國際結算,國際運輸方式,國際保險,電子商務,國際商務信函等。


Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade
1.1 The Definition of the International Trade
1.2 Reasons for the International Trade
1.3 Trade Protectionism
Chapter 2 Business Negotiation and Conclusion of Contract
2.1 Business Negotiation
2.2 General Procedure in Business Negotiation
Chapter 3 International Trade Terms
3.1 Generalization
3.2 Incoterms 2020 Rules in Detail
Chapter 4 Bill of Exchange
4.1 Definition and Essentials
4.2 Parties and Acts
Chapter 5 Remittance
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Application
Chapter 6 Collection
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Types of Collection and Procedures
6.3 Characteristics, Risks and Bank .s Liabilities
6.4 Finance Under Documentary Collection
Chapter 7 The Letter of Credit
7.1 The Letter of Credit I
7.2 The Letter of Credit II
Chapter 8 International Factoring
8.1 Definition of Factoring
8.2 Functions of Factoring
8.3 Costs of Factoring
8.4 Procedures of Factoring
8.5 Types of Factoring
8.6 Advantages to Exporters of Factoring
Chapter 9 Transport Documents
9.1 Bill of Lading
9.2 Other Transport Documents
Chapter 10 Cargo Transportation Insurance
10.1 Perils and Losses
10.2 Marine Insurance Clauses
10.3 London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses
10 .4 Contents of the Insurance Document
10 .5 Insurance Claim
10 .6 Marine Insurance Business in China and Insurance Clause in the Contract
10 .7 Types of Insurance Document
Chapter 11 E?commerce and EDI
11.1 Basics of E?commerce
11.2 Traditional Commerce VS E?commerce
11.3 Electronic Data Interchange EDI
11.4 Benefits and Disciplines of E?commerce and EDI
Chapter 12 Commodity Inspection and Customs Formalities
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Where and When Inspection Undergoes
12.3 Commodity Inspection Certificates
12.4 Customs Formalities for Exports and Imports
12.5 Customs Duties
Chapter 13 Modes of International Trade
13.1 Distribution and Agency
13.2 Consignment, Fairs and Sales, Auction
13.3 Tender
13.4 Counter Trade
Chapter 14 Job Interview
14.1 Analyzing the situation
14.2 Résumé
14.3 A Letter of Application
14.4 Interviewing
Chapter 15 Business Letters
15.1 In a Nutshell
15.2 Letter formats




