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UNIT 1 NEW ECONOMIC ERA Text A World Economy in Past and Future Tense Text B Data-Terminal Business and Media Business Conflict, So Bloomberg Must Find a New Outlet Supplementary Reading 8 Surprising Traits of the World's Most Successful Entrepreneurs UNIT 2 MODELING NEW BUSINESS Text A How to Start a Seasonal Business Text B Low-Cost Ways to Promote Your Business Supplementary Reading That Thrift Store Salesman May Be a Former Government Official UNIT 3 BUSINESS STORIES Text A What Has Square Experienced before Coming into the Market'? Text B This Guy Had a Great Year Betting against a Favorite Tool of Morn and Pop Investors Supplementary Reading Twenty Years Ago, What It was Like to Work in Amazon UNIT 4 MARKETING Text A Why a Big Clothing Retailer Is Trying an Amazon Prime-Like Subscription? Text B Four Commercial Secrets of Disneyland Supplementary Reading How to Create a Killer Brand? UNIT 5 GLOBALIZATION Text A The Effect of Economic Globalization Text B What France Thinks about Globalization Supplementary Reading Job Insecurity and the Welfare State in a Globalized World UNIT 6 GREEN ECONOMY Text A Doing Well by Doing Good Text B Laurent Fabius' Address to COP21 Supplementary Reading World Bank: The Way Climate Change Is Really Going to Hurt Us Is Through Water UNIT 7 ECONOMIC MEASURES Text A China's Stock Market Crash: Not the Crisis is Warning Text B Why Wall Street Wants Five Years to Implement the Volcker Rule Supplementary Reading What It's like to House Hunt in Silicon Valley, the Nation's Priciest Market UNIT 8 GENDER EQUALITY Text A South Korea: Trying to Become a Tiger Once Again Text B How Advancing Women's Equality Can Add $12 Trillion to Global Growth Supplementary Reading Former Lehman CF( ) Looks Back on Life out of Balance UNIT 9 VIEWS ON THE WTO Text A The WTO Can Stimulate Economic Growth and Employment Text B The Dark Side of the WTO Supplementary Reading DDG Brauner Urges Trade Community to Build on COP21 Momentum and Support Climate Action UNIT 10 GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS Text A The Jobs Crisis Is Coming, Whatever Governments Do Text B Emerging Market Rout Highlights China Caution on Currency Reform Supplementary Reading An Interview with Satya Nadella by Fortune UNIT 11 NEW TECHNOLOGY Text A Eye in the Sky Camera Computes Your Emotions Text B As Self-driving Cars Come to More States, Regulators Take a Back Seat Supplementary Reading "I Feel Sick, Give Me the Bucket": What 25 Hours in Virtual Reality Feels Like UNIT 12 DISPUTABLE BONUS Text A Profits are Down at Exxon Mobil, But Don't Cry for CEO Rex Tillerson Text B 7 Years after Lehman Failed,This Trader Still Wants His $ 83 Million Bonus Supplementary Reading Yahoo's Marissa Mayer Could Get $ 55 Million in Severance Pay 參考答案


