1995年和1998年分別在武漢大學生命科學學院生物化學系獲得學士和碩士學位。2006年在首爾大學農業與生命科學學院食品科學系獲得博士學位。2006年到2010年在美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學從事博士後研究工作。2011 年獲中科院“百人計畫”資助,加入中國科學院微生物研究所,擔任蛋白質工程與微生物酶套用課題組組長。文章發表在Angewandte Chemie International Edition以及Journal of the American Chemical Society等國際期刊上。 中科院微生物所唐雙焱研究員
1. Tang SY, Cirino PC. Design and application of a mevalonate-responsive regulatory protein. Angew Chem Int Ed 2011, 50: 1084-1086.
2. Tang SY, Cirino PC. Elucidating residue roles in engineered variants of AraC regulatory protein. Protein Sci 2010, 19: 291-298.
3. Tang SY, Fazelinia H, Cirino PC. AraC regulatory protein mutants with altered effector specificity. J Am Chem Soc 2008, 130: 5267-5271.
4. Tang SY, Yang SJ, Cha H, Woo EJ, Park C, Park KH. Contribution of W229 to the transglycosylation activity of 4-α-glucanotransferase from Pyrococcus furiosus. BBA-Proteins Proteom 2006, 1764:1633-1638.
5. Tang SY, Le QT, Shim JH, Yang SJ, Auh JH, Park C, Park KH. Enhancing thermostability of maltogenic amylase from Bacillus thermoalkalophilus ET2 by DNA shuffling. FEBS Journal, 2006, 273:3335-3345.
6. Cheong KA,* Tang SY,* Cheong TK, Cha H, Kim JW, Park KH. Thermostable and alkalophilic maltogenic amylase of Bacillus thermoalkalophilus ET2 in monomer-dimer equilibrium. Biocatal Biotransfor, 2005, 23(2): 79-87 * contributed equally
7. Li D, Park SH, Shim JH, Lee HS, Tang SY, Park CS and Park KH. In vitro enzymatic modification of puerarin to puerarin glycosides by maltogenic amylase. Carbohyd Res 2004, 339:2789-2797.