- 中文名:吳銳
- 職稱:教授
- 磁學與磁性材料、自旋電子學、氧化物功能薄膜材料
- Wu, R.*; Zhang, D.; Maity, T.*; Lu, P.; Yang, J.; Gao, X.; Zhao, S.; Wei, X.; Zeng, H.; Kursumovic, A.; Tian, G.; Li, W.; Yun, C.; Wang, Y.; Ren, Z.; Zhou, Z.; Liu, M.; Zhang, K. H. L.; Jia, Q.; Yang, J.; Wang, H.; MacManus-Driscoll, J. L.*, Self-biased magnetoelectric switching at room temperature in three-phase ferroelectric–antiferromagnetic–ferrimagnetic nanocomposites. Nature Electronics 2021, 4 (5), 333-341.
- Xu, H.#; Wu, R.#; Zhang, J.-Y.; Han, W.; Chen, L.; Liang, X.; Haw, C. Y.; Mazzolini, P.; Bierwagen, O.; Qi, D.-C.*; Zhang, K. H. L.*, Revealing the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of CuFeO2 as a p-Type Oxide Semiconductor. ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2021, 3 (4), 1834-1841.
- Wu, R.#; Xue, M.#; Maity, T.; Peng, Y.; Giri, S. K.; Tian, G.; MacManus-Driscoll, J. L.*; Yang, J.*, Influence of atomic roughness at the uncompensated Fe/CoO (111) interface on the exchange-bias effect. Physical Review B 2020, 101 (1), 014425.
- Wen, X.; Wu, R.*; Yang, W.-Y.; Wang, C.-S.; Liu, S.-Q.; Han, J.-Z.; Yang, J.-B., Room-temperature electric control of exchange bias effect in CoO1–δ/Co films using Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3) 0.7Ti0.3O3 (110) substrates. Chinese Physics B 2020, 29 (9), 098503.
- Wu, R.#*; Yun, C.#; Wang, X.; Lu, P.; Li, W.; Lin, Y.; Choi, E.-M.; Wang, H.; MacManus-Driscoll, J. L.*, All-oxide nanocomposites to yield large, tunable perpendicular exchange bias above room temperature. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (49), 42593-42602.
- Wu, R.; Kursumovic, A.; Gao, X.; Yun, C.; Vickers, M. E.; Wang, H.; Cho, S.*; MacManus-Driscoll, J. L.*, Design of a vertical composite thin film system with ultralow leakage to yield large converse magnetoelectric effect. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018, 10 (21), 18237-18245.
- Wu, R.*; Ding, S.; Lai, Y.; Tian, G.; Yang, J.*, Enhancement of exchange bias in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic core-shell nanoparticles through ferromagnetic domain wall formation. Physical Review B 2018, 97 (2), 024428.
- Park, C.#; Wu, R.#; Lu, P.; Zhao, H.; Yang, J.; Zhang, B.; Li, W.; Yun, C.; Wang, H.; MacManus-Driscoll, J. L.*; Cho, S.*, Use of Mesoscopic Host Matrix to Induce Ferrimagnetism in Antiferromagnetic Spinel Oxide. Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 28 (11), 1706220.
- Xia, Y.#; Wu, R.#; Zhang, Y.; Liu, S.; Du, H.; Han, J.; Wang, C.; Chen, X.; Xie, L.; Yang, Y.; Yang, J.*, Tunable giant exchange bias in the single-phase rare-earth–transition-metal intermetallics YMn12−xFex with highly homogenous intersublattice exchange coupling. Physical Review B 2017, 96 (6), 064440.
- Wu, R.; Yun, C.; Ding, S.; Wen, X.; Liu, S.; Wang, C.; Han, J.; Du, H.; Yang, J., A separation of antiferromagnetic spin motion modes in the training effect of exchange biased Co/CoO film with in-plane anisotropy. Journal of Applied Physics 2016, 120 (5), 053902.
- 《固體材料的電子結構與化學性質》(The Electronic Structure And Chemistry of Solids), P. A. Cox【著】,張洪良、王婧、吳銳 【譯】,2020,科學出版社,上海。