接下來的一些年是皮爾遜智力全面勃發的重要時期。1880年4月國王學院給他提供了研究會員身份,使他在隨後的幾年獲得了經濟上的獨立。他利用這一時機按照自己的愛好讀書、學習, 通過信件、詩歌、批判性的評論、隨筆和講演展示自己的才智和表達能力。畢業後,他馬上來到德國。從1879—1880年,他先在海德堡大學學習物理學和哲學,然後到柏林大學學習了羅馬法,還聽了埃米爾·杜波·雷蒙德講授的達爾文進化論課程。不久,他對德國民俗學、中世紀和文藝復興時期的德國文學、宗教改革的歷史、德國人文主義和路德的特徵以及婦女問題等發生了濃厚興趣。自1882年至1884年,他就德國的思想史、人文等做了一系列講座。
出版年 | 圖書信息 |
1880 | The New Werther. C, Kegan Paul & Co. |
1882 | The Trinity: A Nineteenth Century Passion-play. Cambridge: E. Johnson. |
1887 | Die Fronica. Strassburg: K.J. Trübner |
1887 | The Moral Basis of Socialism. William Reeves, London. |
1888 | The Ethic of Freet hought. London: T. Fisher Unwin. Rep. University Press of the Pacific, 2002. |
1892 | The Grammar of Science. London: Walter Scott. Dover Publications, 2004 |
1892 | The New University for London: A Guide to its History and a Criticism of its Defects. London: T. Fisher Unwin. |
1897 | The Chances of Death and Other Studies in Evolution, 2 Vol. London: Edward Arnold. |
1904 | On the Theory of Contingency and its Relation to Association and Normal Correlation. London: Dulau & Co. |
1905 | On the General Theory of Skew Correlation and Non-linear Regression. London: Dulau & Co. |
1906 | A Mathematical Theory of Random Migration. London: Dulau & Co. |
1907 | Studies in National Deterioration. London: Dulau & Co. |
1907 | with Pollard, A.F. Campbell.An Experimental Study of the Stresses in Masonry Dams. London: Dulau & Co. |
1907 | A First Study of the Statistics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. London: Dulau & Co. |
1909 | with Barrington, Amy.A First Study of the Inheritance of Vision and of the Relative Influence of Heredity and Environment on Sight. London: Dulau & Co. |
1909 | with Reynolds, W. D., & Stanton, W. F. On a Practical Theory of Elliptical and Pseudo-elliptical Arches, with Special Reference to the Ideal Masonry Arch. |
1909 | The Groundwork of Eugenics. London: Dulau & Co. |
1909 | The Scope and Importance to the State of the Science of National Eugenics. London: Dalau & Co. |
1910 | with Barrington, Amy. A Preliminary Study of Extreme Alcoholism in Adults. London: Dulau & Co. |
1910 | with Elderton, Ethel M. A First Study of the Influence of Parental Alcoholism on the Physique and Ability of the Offspring. London: Dulau & Co. |
1910 | The Influence of Parental Alcoholism on the Physique and Ability of the Offspring: A Reply to the Cambridge Economists. London: Dulau & Co. |
1910 | with Elderton, Ethel M. A Second Study of the Influence of Parental Alcoholism on the Physique and Ability of the Offspring. London: Dulau & Co |
1911 | An Attempt to Correct some of the Misstatements Made by Sir Victor Horsley and Mary D. Sturge, M.D. in the Criticisms of the Galton Laboratory Memoir: A First Study of the Influence of Parental Alcoholism, &c. London: Dulau & Co. |
1911-13 | with Nettleship, Edward, & Usher, Charles. A Monograph on Albinism in Man, 2 Vol. London: Dulau & Co., Ltd. |
1912 | The Problem of Practical Eugenics. London: Dulau & Co. |
1912 | Tuberculosis, Heredity and Environment. London: Dulau & Co. |
1913 | On the Correlation of Fertility with Social Value: A Cooperative Study. London: Dulau & Co. |
1914 | with Jaederholm, Gustav A. Mendelism and the Problem of Mental Defect, II: On the Continuity of Mental Defect. London: Dulau & Co. |
1914 | with Williams, M.H., & Bell, Julia. A Statistical Study of Oral Temperatures in School Children. London: Dulau & Co. |
1914 | The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton, Vol. 1. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
1915 | Some Recent Misinterpretations of the Problem of Nurture and Nature. Cambridge University Press. |
1918 | with Young, A.W., & Elderton, Ethel. On the Torsion Resulting from Flexure in Prisms with Cross-sections of Uni-axial Symmetry Only. Cambridge University Press. |
1919 | with Bell, Julia. A Study of the Long Bones of the English Skeleton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. |
1920 | The Science of Man: its Needs and its Prospects. Cambridge University Press. |
1922 | with Karn, Mary Noel. Study of the Data Provided by a Baby-clinic in a Large Manufacturing Town. Cambridge University Press. |
1922 | Francis Galton, 1822–1922: A Centenary Appreciation. Cambridge University Press. |
1923 | On the Relationship of Health to the Psychical and Physical Characters in School Children. Cambridge University Press. |
1924 | The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton, Vol. 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
1926 | On the Skull and Portraits of George Buchanan. Edinburgh, London: Oliver & Boyd. |
1930 | The Life, Letters and Labours of Francis Galton, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. |
本表資料來源: |
發表年 | 信息 |
1883 | "Maimonides and Spinoza," Mind, Vol. 8, pp. 338–353. |
1885 | "On a Certain Atomic Hypothesis," Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. 14, 71–120. |
1890 | "On Wöhler's Experiments on Alternating Stress," The Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. XX, pp. 21–37. |
1891 | "Ether Squirts," American Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 13, No. 4, 309–72. |
1897 | "On Telegony in Man," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. LX, pp. 273–283. |
1897 | "On a Form of Spurious Correlation which May Arise when Indices are Used in the Measurement of Organs," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. LX, pp. 489–502. |
1899 | "On the Reconstruction of the Stature of Prehistoric Races," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 192, pp. 169–243. |
1899 | with Lee, Alice, & Bramley-Moore, Leslie. "Genetic (Reproductive) Selection," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 192, pp. 257–330. |
1899 | with Whiteley, M.A. "Data for the Problem of Evolution in Man, I: A First Study of the Variability and Correlation of the Hand," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. LXV, pp. 126–151. |
1899 | with Beeton, Mary. "Data for the Problem of Evolution in Man, II: A First Study on the Inheritance of Longevity and the Selective Death-rate in Man," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. LXV, pp. 290–305. |
1900 | "On the Law of Reversion," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. LXVI, pp. 140–164. |
1900 | with Beeton, M., & Yule, G.U. "On the Correlation Between Duration of Life and the Number of Offspring," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. LXVII, pp. 159–179. |
1900 | "On the Criterion that a Given System of Deviations from the Probable in the Case of a Correlated System of Variables is Such that it can be Reasonably Supposed to Have Arisen from Random Sampling," Philosophical Magazine, 5th Series, Vol. L, pp. 157–175. |
1901 | "On Lines and Planes of Closest Fit to Systems of Points in Space," Philosophical Magazine, 6th Series, Vol. II, pp. 559–572. |
1902-3 | "The Law of Ancestral Heredity," Biometrika, Vol. II, pp. 221–229. |
1903 | "On a General Theory of the Method of False Position", Philosophical Magazine, 6th Series, Vol. 5, pp. 658–668. |
1907 | "On the Influence of Past Experience on Future Expectation," Philosophical Magazine, 6th Series, Vol. XIII, pp. 365–378. |
1907 | with Gibson, Winifred. "Further Considerations on the Correlations of Stellar Characters," Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. LXVIII, pp. 415–448. |
1910 | "A Myth About Edward the Confessor," The English Historical Review, Vol. 25, pp. 517–520. |
1920 | "The Problems of Anthropology," The Scientific Monthly, Vol. 11, No. 5, 451–458. |
1930 | "On a New Theory of Progressive Evolution,"Annals of Eugenics, Vol. IV, Nos. 1–2, pp. 1–40. |
1931 | "On the Inheritance of Mental Disease," Annals of Eugenics, Vol. IV, Nos. 3–4, pp. 362–380. |
本表資料來源: |
皮爾遜推廣了高爾登的相關結論和方法,推導出人們稱之為 “皮爾遜積動差”的公式和兩個其他相當的分工,給出了簡單的計算:說明對三個變數的一般相關理論,並且賦予多重回歸方程係數以零階相關係數的名稱。他意識到只有通過回歸才能回答韋爾頓提出的關於出現相關器官的選擇問題,意識到要測定復回歸係數值,廣泛蒐集所有變數的基本平均數、標準差和相關的數據。他提出了淨相關、復相關、總相關、相關比等概念,發明了計算復相關和淨相關的方法及相關係數的公式。
皮爾遜認為,在各個個體之間真正變異性的概念,與在估算一個單值方面的誤差之間的機遇變異有著很大的差別。對這個觀念的強調,是他對生命了解的真正貢獻之一。他在1894年那篇關於不對稱次數曲線的論文中,提出了“標準差”及其符號 σ。