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劉頭明,1981年出生,博士,研究員,碩士生導師,先後被聘為中國農業科學院南方蛋白飼料植物資源開發與利用創新團隊副首席科學家,麻類研究所南方飼料作物資源與利用研究室副主任。國家自然科學基金委、教育部學位中心通訊評審專家,Frontiers in Plant Science雜誌編委會成員。湖南省農學會理事。2016年入選中國農業科學院青年英才計畫。



在Cell Res,Molecular Plant等國際權威SCI收錄雜誌上發表論文47篇,其中第一或通訊作者發表SCI論文32篇,論文被引1000餘次;獲國家發明專利授權3項;培養研究生8人。獲專利授權4項。


  • 中文名:劉頭明
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1981年
  • 畢業院校:華中農業大學
  • 主要成就:2016年湖南省自然科學獎,苧麻轉錄組研究,三等獎(排名第一)
  • 職務:中國農科院麻類研究所南方飼料作物資源與利用研究室副主任 
  • 職稱:研究員 


研究方向:(1 )作物基因組;(2)比較基因組與進化;(3)作物重要性狀遺傳和分子基礎。






(1)苧麻纖維產量QTL qFY3的精細定位、克隆及功能分析,72萬(國家自然基金,在研)


1.Zhu S, TangS, TanZ, YuY, DaiQ, LiuT(通訊作者)(2017)Comparative transcriptomics provide insight into the morphogenesis and evolution of fistular leaves in Allium. BMC Genomics 18:60.
2.Zheng X, Zhu S, Tang S, Liu T(通訊作者)(2016) Identification of drought, cadmium and rootlesion nematode infection stress-responsive transcription factors in ramie. Open Life Sci. 11: 191–199.
3.Zheng X, Tang S, Zhu S, Dai Q, Liu T(通訊作者)(2016) Identification of an NAC transcription factor family by deep transcriptome sequencing in onion (Allium cepa L.). PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157871.
4.Zhu S, Zheng X, Dai Q, Tang S, Liu T(通訊作者)(2016) Identification of quantitative trait loci for flowering time traits in ramie (Boehmeria niveaL. Gaud). Euphytica 210:367–374
5.LiuT, Zeng L, ZhuS, ChenX, TangQ, Mei S, Tang S (2015) Large-scale development of expressed sequence tag-derived simple sequence repeat markers by deep transcriptomesequencing in garlic (Allium sativumL.). Mol Breeding 35:204.
6.Liu T, Zhu S Tang Q, and Tang S (2015) Genome-wide transcriptomic profiling of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud) in response to cadmium stress. Gene 558:131–137.
7.Liu T, Zhu S,Tang Q, TangS (2015) Identification of a CONSTANS homologous gene with distinct diurnal expression patterns in varied photoperiods in ramie (Boehmeria niveaL.Gaud).Gene560:63-70.
8.Zhu S, TangS, Tang Q, Liu T(通訊作者)(2014) Genome-wide transcriptional changes of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud) in response to root-lesion nematode infection. Gene 552:67-74.
9.Liu T, Tang S, Zhu S, Tang Q and Zheng X (2014) Transcriptome comparison reveals the patterns of selection in domesticated and wildramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud). Plant Mol Biol 86:85–92
10.Liu T, Zhu S, Tang Q, Tang S (2014) Identification of 32 full-length NAC transcription factors in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud) and characterization of the expression pattern of these genes. Mol Genet Genomics 289:675–684
11.Liu T, Zhu S, Tang Q, Tang S(2014) QTL mapping for fiber yield-related traits by constructing the first genetic linkage map in ramie (Boehmeria niveaL. Gaud). Mol Breeding 34:883–892.
12.Liu T, Zhu S, Fu L, Yu Y, Tang Q, Tang S (2013) Morphologicaland physiological changes of ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud)in response to drought stress and GA3 treatment. Russia Journal of Plant Physiology60:749-755
13.Liu T, Zhu S, Tang Q, Chen P, Yu Y and Tang S (2013) De novoassembly and characterization of transcriptome using Illumina paired-end sequencing and identification of CesA gene in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud). BMC Genomics 14:125
14.Liu T, Zhu S, Tang Q, Yu Y and Tang S(2013) Identification of drought stress-responsive transcription factor in ramie (Boehmeria niveaL. Gaud). BMC Plant Biology 13:130
15.Liu T, Zhu S, Fu L, Tang Q, Yu Y, Chen P, Luan M, Wang C and Tang S (2013) Development and characterization of 1827 expressed sequence tag-derived simple sequence repeat markers in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud), PLoS ONE 8:e60346
16.Liu T,Yu T,XingY (2013) Identification and validation of yield-enhancing QTL cluster in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Euphytica 192:145–153
17.Liu T,Liu H,Zhang H, Xing Y (2013) Validation and characterization ofGhd7.1, a major QTL with pleiotropic effects on spikelets per panicle, plant height, and heading date in rice (Oryza sativaL.). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 55:917–927, 2013
18.Liu T, Zhang Y, Zhang H and Xing Y (2011) Quantitative trait loci for the number of grains per panicle dependent on or independent of heading date in rice (Oryza Sativa L.). Breeding Sci61:142–150
19.Liu T, Li L, Zhang Y, Xu C, Li X and Xing Y(2011) Comparison of quantitative trait loci for rice yield, panicle length and spikelet density across three connected populations. J Genet 90:377–382
20.Liu T, Shao D, Kovi M, Xing Y (2010) Mapping and validation of quantitative trait loci for spikelets per panicle and 1000-grain weight in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Theor Appl Genet120:933–942
21.Liu T, Zhang Y, Xue W, Xu C, LiX, XingY (2010) Comparison of quantitative trait loci for 1,000-grain weight and spikelets per panicle across three connected rice populations. Euphytica175: 383–394
22.Liu T, Mao D, Zhang S, Xu C, Xing Y (2009) Fine mapping SPP1, a QTL controlling the number of spikelets per panicle, to a BAC clone in rice (Oryza Sativa). Theor Appl Genet118:1509–17.




