Bo Wang, Wenzong Liu*, Yifeng Zhang, Aijie Wang. Natural solar intermittent-powered electromethanogenesis towards green carbon reduction. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022. 432 (2022) 134369
Xi-Qi Li, Wen-Zong Liu*, Ai-Jie Wang, Xiang-Yu Gao, Yu Tao, Xiao-Li Ge, Zhen Lin. Enhanced treatment of oily ink wastewater using a modified degreaser by nano-Fe3O4/Na2S2O8: Efficient coagulation and sedimentation. 2022. 47:102675
Lei Gao,Wenzong Liu*, Minhua Cui, Yingshi Zhu, Ling Wang, Aijie Wang*, Cong Huang. Enhanced methane production in an up-flow microbial electrolysis assisted reactors: hydrodynamics characteristics and electron balance under different spatial distributions of bioelectrodes. Water research. 2021. 191,116813
Hui Wang, Wenzong Liu*, Muhammad Rizwan Haider, Feng Ju, Zhe Yu, Yingjun Shi, Weiwei Cai, Aijie Wang. Enhanced anaerobic digestion of sludge lysate: biogas recovery and refractory organics degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021, 416 (2021) 12620
Weiwei Cai, Bo Wang, Wenzong Liu*, Hong Yao, Ye Deng, Aijie Wang. Sessile methanogens dominated cathodic biofilm: Distribution and network in physiological transitions. Science of The Total Environment. 2021. 795: 148724
Zhe Yu, Wenzong Liu*, Yingjun Shi, Bo Wang, Cong Huang, Chunshuang Liu, AijieWang. Microbial electrolysis enhanced bioconversion of waste sludge lysate for hydrogen production compared with anaerobic digestion. Science of The Total Environment. 2021. 144344-144350
Bo Wang, Wenzong Liu*, Yifeng Zhang, Aijie Wang. Intermittent electro field regulated mutualistic interspecies electron transfer away from the electrodes for bioenergy recovery from wastewater. Water Research. 2020. 185: 116238-116250
Bo Wang, Wenzong Liu*, Yifeng Zhang, Aijie Wang. Bioenergy recovery from wastewater accelerated by solar power: intermittent electro-driving regulation and capacitive storage in biomass. Water research. 2020. 175:115696-115708
Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu*, Bo Wang, Hong Yao, Awoke Guadie, Aijie Wang. Semi-quantitative detection of hydrogen-associated or -free electron transfer within methanogenic biofilm of microbial electrosynthesis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2020. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01056-20
Ling Wang, Zhangwei He, Zechong Guo, Thangavel Sangeetha, Chunxue Yang, Lei Gao, Aijie Wang*, Wenzong Liu*. Microbial community development on different cathode metals in a bioelectrolysis enhanced methane production system. Journal of Power Sources. 2019. 444, 227306-227313
Zhang-Wei He, Wen-Zong Liu*, Cong-CongTang, Bin Liang, Ze-Chong Guo, Ling Wang, Yong-Xiang Ren, Ai-Jie Wang. Performance and microbial community responses of anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge to residual benzalkonium chlorides. Energy Conversion and Management. 2019. 202. 112211-112219
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Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu*, Zhaojing Zhang, Kai Feng, Ge Ren, Chuanliang Pu, Haishu Sun, Jiaqi Li, Ye Deng, Aijie Wang*. mcrA Sequencing reveals the role of basophilic methanogens in a cathodic methanogenic community. Water Research. 2018. 136: 192–199
Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu*, Haishu Sun, Jiaqi Li, Liming Yang, Meijun Liu, Shenlong Zhao, Aijie Wang*. Ni5P4-NiP2 nanosheet matrix enhances electron-transfer kinetics for hydrogen recovery in microbial electrolysis cells. Applied Energy. 2018, 209 (2018): 56-64
Zechong Guo, Wenzong Liu*, Chunxue Yang, Lei Gao, Sangeetha Thangavel, Ling Wang, Zhangwei He, Aijie Wang*. Computational and experimental analysis of organic degradation pathways positively regulated by electrochemistry in anaerobic bioreactor system. Water Research. 2017. 125:170-179
Thangavel Sangeetha, Zechong Guo, Wenzong Liu*, Lei Gao, Ling Wang, Minhua Cui, Chuan Chen, Aijie Wang. Energy recovery evaluation of an up flow microbial electrolysis assisted anaerobic reactor: Electrode positions and hydraulic retention times regulating microbial community functions and structures. Applied Energy. 2017. 206: 1214-1224
Weiwei Cai, Wenzong Liu*, Chunxue Yang, Ling Wang, Bin Liang, Sangeetha Thangavel, Zechong Guo, Aijie Wang*. Biocathodic methanogenic community in an integrated anaerobic digestion and microbial electrolysis system for enhancement of methane production from waste sludge. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2016. 4(9): 4913–4921
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Wenzong Liu, Zhangwei He, Chunxue Yang, Aijuan Zhou, Zechong Guo, Bin Liang, Cristiano Varrone, Ai-Jie Wang*. Microbial network for waste activated sludge cascade utilization in an integrated system of microbial electrolysis and anaerobic fermentation. Biotechnology for Biofuels. 2016. 9: 83-98
Wenzong Liu, Weiwei Cai, Anzhou Ma, Ge Ren, Zhiling Li, Guoqiang Zhuang, Aijie Wang*. Improvement of bioelectrochemical property and energy recovery by acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs). Journal of Power Sources. 2015. 284: 56–59
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Wenzong Liu, Aijie Wang*, Shaoan Cheng, Bruce. E. Logan, Hao Yu, Ye Deng, Joy D. Van Nostrand, Liyou Wu, Zhili He and Jizhong Zhou. Geochip-based Functional Gene analysis of Anodophilic Communities in microbial electrolysis cells under Different Operational modes. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (19), 7729–7735
1. Bo Wang, Wenzong Liu*, Cristiano Varrone*, Zhe Yu, Aijie Wang. Chapter 5 Hydrogen and Methane Generation from Biowaste: Enhancement and Upgrading via Bioelectrochemical Systems. Bioelectrochemical Systems: Vol. 2 Current and Emerging Applications Pages 83 Publisher: Springer Nature. Publication date 2021/2
2. Aijie Wang, Wenzong Liu, Bo Zhang, Weiwei Cai. Bioelectrosynthesis: Principles and Technologies for Value-Added Products. John Wiley & Sons. 2020.
3. Wenzong Liu, Ling Wang, Lei Gao, Ai-Jie Wang. Chapter 5.10 Hydrogen and Methane Production in Bioelectrochemical System: Biocathode Structure and Material Upgrading. Microbial Electrochemical Technology. Elsevier. 2019. 921-953. Editor: S. Venkata Mohan, Sunita Varjani, Ashok Pandey
4. Aijie Wang *, Guangli Cao, Wenzong Liu. Fermentative Biohydrogen Technology in China. Chapter in Biotechnology in China III: Biofuels and Bioenergy published by Springer in Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. 2012. Editor: T. Scheper
1. 廣東省傑出青年基金,弱電介入強化剩餘污泥厭氧碳轉化產甲烷,2021/01/01- 2024/12/31,100萬,在研,主持
2. 山東省重點研發計畫,2020CXGC011202,面向高耗能、重污染行業的綠色高效清潔生產關鍵技術集成與套用,2020 /12-2023 /12,1833萬,在研,課題負責人,課題四:上游廠站及園區污水廠物化及生化污泥協同資源化技術體系
3. NSFC-ISF(中以)合作與交流項目,41961144024,基於電化學厭氧反應器-基因組代謝模型構建揭示土壤污染生物修復的動力學過程及機制,2019.10-2022.09,35/175萬,在研,參加
4. 國家自然科學基金委重大國際合作項目,31861133001,微生物-植物-電多效耦合作用機制及低耗型修復技術課題二:弱電能介入型生物強化處理系統中毒害性有機污染物的定向轉化及調控機制,2019-01至2022-12,500萬元,在研,參加(核心骨幹)
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51778607,電極電子傳遞促進污泥厭氧代謝系統慢生菌功能強化研究,2018/01-2021/12,60萬,在研,主持
6. 中國科學院重點部署項目課題,KFZD-SW-219,活性污泥微生物組功能網路解析及調節機制,2017.10-2019.09,500萬,在研,子任務負責人
7. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,51578534,微生物電解促進剩餘污泥產甲烷及電極-生物界面電子還原機制,2016/01-2019/12,72.8萬,在研,主持
8. 國家自然科學基金 青年科學基金項目,51208496,微生物催化電解促進剩餘污泥產甲烷新型工藝及定向調控,2013/01-2015/12,25萬,結題,主持。
9. 中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目,2013T60182,微生物催化電解促進污泥厭氧消化產甲烷新型工藝研究, 2013/06-2014/12,15萬,結題,主持。
10. 中國博士後科學基金,2012M510574,微生物電化學技術用於剩餘污泥處置與能源化研究, 2012/06-2013/06,5萬,結題,主持。
11. 中國科學院“一三五”項目,YSW2013B06,污染物生物轉化及利用原理與技術,2013/07-2015/06,150萬,結題,參加。
12. 國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫),2012AA051502,生物制氫關鍵技術研究及示範,2012/01-2014/12,結題,參加。
13. 國家科技支撐計畫項目課題,2010BAC67B02,城市生活垃圾兩相濕式厭氧生物制氣設備研發與示範工程,2010/01-2013/12,結題,參加。
14. 國家863計畫重點項目課題,2009AA064702,城市污泥分級/分相厭氧消化 組合技術研發及工程示範,2009/01-2012/12,結題,參加。
15. 橫向課題 油田污水微生物電催化技術研究. 31450009-16-ZC0607-0002. 2016/08 -2017/12. 38萬。結題,主持