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  • 中文名:劉傑
  • 外文名:Jie Liu
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院昆明植物研究所
  • 職業:科研工作者
  • 主要成就:雲南省自然科學二等獎


2016.9-2017.10: Aberystwyth University, UK,訪問學者
2013.8-2013.12: Queen's University Belfast, UK, Research Fellow


研究成果以第一作者的身份發表在學科領域的主流期刊Science, Molecular Ecology Resources和New Phytologist等雜誌上。其中關於第三極環境危機及其破解之道的文章發表在Science上(Liu et al. 2018),文章提出需要針對第三極開展生物多樣性不同層次的享槳套研究,進而構建跨境生物多樣性保護體系,服務國家青頸符藏高原生態文明建設戰略。而喜馬拉雅-橫斷山地區紅豆杉屬植物遺傳格局歷史動態及成因的論文發表在New Phytologist上,相關工作通過物種分布區模擬、遺傳和氣候因子的耦聯分析,發現地理隔離伴隨的生態因子分化驅動了物種形成;提出“冰期擴張,間冰期收縮”第三極植物回響冰期氣候變化的新機制(Liu et al. 2013),相關結論得到後續大量研究的支持。此外,發表在Molecular Ecology Resources上鑽墓喇匪的工作基於遺傳和分布數據的整合分析,繪製了第三極紅豆杉屬植物精準的遺傳和分布格局圖(Liu et al. 2011; 2018),制定了“分子和地理身份證”,提出了珍稀瀕危植物“護身符”制定的方案。相關研究成果得到中國科學院網、新華網、科技日報等數十家媒體的報導。此外,參與本草中國第八集《本草中國沉浮-紅豆杉》的拍攝。紀錄片記錄了項目組在縱向嶺谷區高黎貢山開展喜馬拉雅紅霉芝戶豆杉野外考察的場景,並對紅豆杉的保護進行了科普。
目前已發表研究論文41篇,其中SCI收錄33篇,相關論文在google學術中,累計引用1481次,H指數為16;2018年入選入選雲南省萬人計畫“青年拔尖人才”;2015年獲雲南省自然科學二等獎1項;主持國家自然科學基金4項,中科院從0到1原始創新項目1項;973項目子課題1項,其他課題10項;是Biological Reviews, Journal of Biogeography和Journal of Systematics and Evolution等雜誌的審稿人。指導博士後1名,碩士研究生4名狼汗拳,科創計畫學生9名。






1.Xu ZC, Jin YC, Milne RI, Xiahou ZY, Qin HT, Ye LJ, Gao LM,Liu J*, Li DZ*.2020. Development of 32 novel microsatellite loci inJuglans sigillatausing genomic data.Applications in Plant Sciences8, e11328. (IF5y= 1.389)
2.Fu CN, Wu CS, Ye LJ, Mo ZQ,Liu J, Chang YW, Li DZ, Chaw SM, Gao LM.2019. Prevalence of isomeric plastomes and effectiveness of plastome super-barcodes in yews (Taxus) worldwide.Scientific Reports9, 2773.(IF5y= 4.525)
3.Khan R, Zain Ul Abidin S, Ahmad M, Zafar M,Liu J, Lubna, Jamshed S, Kiliç Ö.2019. Taxonomic importance of SEM and LM foliar epidermal micro-morphology: A tool for robust identification of gymnosperms.Flora,255, 42-68.(IF5y= 1.544)
4.Luo YH, Cadotte MW, Burgess KS,Liu J, Tan SL, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM.2019a. Forest community assembly is driven by different strata-dependent mechanisms along an elevational gradient.Journal of Biogeography46, 2174-2187.(IF5y=4.639)
5.Luo YH, Cadotte MW, Burgess KS,Liu J, Tan SL, Zou JY, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM.2019b. Greater than the sum of the parts: How the species composition in different forest strata influence ecosystem function.Ecology Letters22, 1449-1461.(IF5y=11.775)
6.Maity D, Mandal M,Liu J.2019. Where doesJuglans regiaL. (Juglandaceae) grow in Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalaya?Juglans sigillataDode needs attention!Pleione13, 393-398.
7.Khan R, Ul Abidin SZ, Ahmad M, Zafar M,Liu J, Amina H.2018. Palyno-morphological characteristics of gymnosperm flora of Pakistan and its taxonomic implications with LM and SEM methods.Microscopy Research and Technique81, 74-87. (IF5y= 1.177)
8.Liu J, Milne RI, Cadotte MW, Wu ZY, Provan J, Zhu GF, Gao LM, Li DZ.2018a. Protect Third Pole's fragile ecosystem.Science362, 1368.(IF5y=40.627)
9.Liu J, Milne RI, MöllerM, et al.2018b. Integrating a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library with a global map of yews (TaxusL.) for forensic identification.Molecular Ecology Resources18, 1115-1131.(IF5y=6.073)
10.Meegahakumbura MK, Wambulwa MC, Li MM, et al.2018. Domestication origin and breeding history of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) in China and India based on nuclear microsatellites and cpDNA sequence data.Frontiers in Plant Science8.(IF5y=4.855)
11.Wu ZY, Du XY, Milne RI,Liu J, Li DZ.2018a. Complete chloroplast genome sequences of twoBoehmeriaspecies (Urticaceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B3, 939-940.(IF5y=0.488)
12.Wu ZY,Liu J, Provan J, et al.2018b. Testing Darwin's transoceanic dispersal hypothesis for the inland nettle family (Urticaceae).Ecology Letters21, 1515-1529.(IF5y=11.775)
13.Ye LJ, Fu CN, Wang YH,Liu J*, Gao LM*.2018. Characterization of the complete plastid genome of a Chinese endemic speciesCarya kweichowensis.Mitochondrial DNA Part B3, 492-493.(IF5y=0.488)
14.Qin HT, Yang GQ, Provan J,Liu J*, Gao LM*.2017. Using MiddRAD-seq data to develop polymorphic microsatellite markers for an endangered yew species.Plant Diversity39, 294-299.
15.Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Kamunya S, Muchugi A, MöllerM,Liu J, Xu JC, Li DZ, Gao LM.2017. Multiple origins and a narrow genepool characterise the African tea germplasm: Concordant patterns revealed by nuclear and plastid DNA markers.Scientific Reports7, 4053.(IF5y= 4.525)
16.Wu ZY, Du XY, Milne RI,Liu J, Li DZ.2017. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome sequence ofCecropia pachystachya.Mitochondrial DNA Part B2, 735-737.(IF5y=0.488)
17.劉傑,羅亞皇,李德銖,高連明.2017.青藏高原及毗鄰區植物多樣性演化與維持機制:進展及展望.生物多樣性25, 163-174. (IF5y= )
18.Luo YH,Liu J, Tan SL, Cadotte MW, Wang YH, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM.2016a. Trait-based community assembly along an elevational gradient in subalpine forests: Quantifying the roles of environmental factors in inter- and intraspecific variability.PLoS ONE11, e0155749.(IF5y= 3.352)
19.Luo YH,Liu J, Tan SL, Cadotte MW, Xu K, Gao LM, Li DZ.2016b. Trait variation and functional diversity maintenance of understory herbaceous species coexisting along an elevational gradient in Yulong Mountain, Southwest China.Plant Diversity38, 303-311.
20.Meegahakumbura MK, Wambulwa MC, Thapa KK, et al.2016. Indications for three independent domestication events for the tea plant (Camellia sinensis(L.) O. Kuntze) and new insights into the origin of tea germplasm in China and India revealed by nuclear microsatellites.PLoS ONE11, e0155369.(IF5y=3.352)
21.Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Chalo R, Kamunya S, Muchugi A, Xu JC,Liu J, Li DZ, Gao LM.2016a. Nuclear microsatellites reveal the genetic architecture and breeding history of tea germplasm of East Africa.Tree Genetics & Genomes12, 1-10.(IF5y=2.104)
22.Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Kamunya S, et al.2016b. Insights into the genetic relationships and breeding patterns of the African tea germplasm based on nSSR markers and cpDNA sequences.Frontiers in Plant Science7, 1244.(IF5y=4.855)
23.Li ZH, Yang C, Mao KS, Ma YZ,Liu J, Liu ZL, Deng TT, Zhao GF.2015. Molecular identification and allopatric divergence of the white pine species in China based on the cytoplasmic DNA variation.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology61, 161-168.(IF5y=1.121)
24.Wu ZY, Milne RI, Chen CJ,Liu J, Wang H, Li DZ.2015. Ancestral state reconstruction reveals rampant homoplasy of diagnostic morphological characters in Urticaceae, conflicting with current classification schemes.PLoS ONE10, e0141821.(IF5y=3.352)
25.Yan LJ,Liu J, MöllerM, Zhang L, Zhang XM, Li DZ, Gao LM.2015. DNA barcoding ofRhododendron(Ericaceae), the largest Chinese plant genus in biodiversity hotspots of the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains.Molecular Ecology Resources15, 932-944. (IF5y=6.073)
26.李苗苗,嚴麗君,劉傑,高連明.2015.核基因組微衛星標記揭示大理茶參與了普洱茶的馴化過程.植物分類與資源學報37, 29-37.
27.Poudel RC, MöllerM,Liu J, Gao LM, Baral SR, Li DZ.2014. Low genetic diversity and high inbreeding of the endangered yews in Central Himalaya: Implications for conservation of their highly fragmented populations.Diversity and Distributions20, 1270-1284. (IF5y= 4.948)
28.Liu J, Möller M, Provan J, Gao LM, Poudel RC, Li DZ.2013. Geological and ecological factors drive cryptic speciation of yews in a biodiversity hotspot.New Phytologist199, 1093-1108.(IF5y=7.833)
29.MöllerM, Gao LM, Mill RR,Liu J, Zhang DQ, Poudel RC, Li DZ.2013. A multidisciplinary approach reveals hidden taxonomic diversity in the morphologically challengingTaxus wallichianacomplex.Taxon62, 1161-1177. (IF5y= 3.251)
30.Poudel RC, Gao LM, MöllerM, Baral SR, Uprety Y,Liu J, Li DZ.2013. Yews (Taxus) along the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region: Exploring the ethnopharmacological relevance among communities of Mongol and Caucasian origins.Journal of Ethnopharmacology147, 190-203. (IF5y= 3.671)
31.Wu ZY, Monro AK, Milne RI, Wang H, Yi TS,Liu J, Li DZ.2013. Molecular phylogeny of the nettle family (Urticaceae) inferred from multiple loci of three genomes and extensive generic sampling.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution69, 814-827. (IF5y= 4.383)
32.羅亞皇,劉傑,高連明,李德銖.2013. DNA條形碼在生態學研究中的套用與展望.植物分類與資源學報35, 761-768.
33.Liu J, Provan J, Gao LM, Li DZ.2012. Sampling strategy and potential utility of indels for DNA barcoding of closely related plant species: A case study inTaxus.International Journal of Molecular Sciences13, 8740-8751.(IF5y=3.878)
34.Poudel RC, MöllerM, Gao LM, Ahrends A, Baral SR,Liu J, Thomas P, Li DZ.2012. Using morphological, molecular and climatic data to delimitate yews along the Hindu Kush-Himalaya and adjacent regions.PLoS ONE7, e46873.(IF5y=3.352)
35.高連明,劉傑,蔡傑,楊俊波,張挺.2012.關於植物DNA條形碼研究技術規範.植物分類與資源學報34, 592-606.
36.Li DZ, Gao LM, Li HT, et al.2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America108, 19641-19646.(IF5y= 10.600)
37.Liu J, Gao LM, Li DZ, Zhang DQ, M?ller M.2011a. Cross-species amplification and development of new microsatellite loci forTaxus wallichiana(Taxaceae).American Journal of Botany98, e70-73.(IF5y=3.061)
38.Liu J, MöllerM, Gao LM, Zhang DQ, Li DZ.2011b. DNA barcoding for the discrimination of Eurasian yews (TaxusL., Taxaceae) and the discovery of cryptic species.Molecular Ecology Resources11, 89-100.(IF5y=6.073)
39.劉傑,高連明.2011.紅豆杉屬植物三種不同總DNA提取方法的分析比較.廣西植物31, 244-249.
40.Yang JB, Li HT, Li DZ,Liu J, Gao LM.2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the endangered speciesTaxus wallichianausing the FIASCO method.Hortscience44, 2043-2045.(IF5y= 1.130)
41.Gao LM, MöllerM, Zhang XM, Hollingsworth ML,Liu J, Mill RR, Gibby M, Li DZ.2007. High variation and strong phylogeographic pattern among cpDNA haplotypes inTaxus wallichiana(Taxaceae) in China and North Vietnam.Molecular Ecology16, 4684-4698.(IF5y= 6.614)
目前已發表研究論文41篇,其中SCI收錄33篇,相關論文在google學術中,累計引用1481次,H指數為16;2018年入選入選雲南省萬人計畫“青年拔尖人才”;2015年獲雲南省自然科學二等獎1項;主持國家自然科學基金4項,中科院從0到1原始創新項目1項;973項目子課題1項,其他課題10項;是Biological Reviews, Journal of Biogeography和Journal of Systematics and Evolution等雜誌的審稿人。指導博士後1名,碩士研究生4名,科創計畫學生9名。






1.Xu ZC, Jin YC, Milne RI, Xiahou ZY, Qin HT, Ye LJ, Gao LM,Liu J*, Li DZ*.2020. Development of 32 novel microsatellite loci inJuglans sigillatausing genomic data.Applications in Plant Sciences8, e11328. (IF5y= 1.389)
2.Fu CN, Wu CS, Ye LJ, Mo ZQ,Liu J, Chang YW, Li DZ, Chaw SM, Gao LM.2019. Prevalence of isomeric plastomes and effectiveness of plastome super-barcodes in yews (Taxus) worldwide.Scientific Reports9, 2773.(IF5y= 4.525)
3.Khan R, Zain Ul Abidin S, Ahmad M, Zafar M,Liu J, Lubna, Jamshed S, Kiliç Ö.2019. Taxonomic importance of SEM and LM foliar epidermal micro-morphology: A tool for robust identification of gymnosperms.Flora,255, 42-68.(IF5y= 1.544)
4.Luo YH, Cadotte MW, Burgess KS,Liu J, Tan SL, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM.2019a. Forest community assembly is driven by different strata-dependent mechanisms along an elevational gradient.Journal of Biogeography46, 2174-2187.(IF5y=4.639)
5.Luo YH, Cadotte MW, Burgess KS,Liu J, Tan SL, Zou JY, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM.2019b. Greater than the sum of the parts: How the species composition in different forest strata influence ecosystem function.Ecology Letters22, 1449-1461.(IF5y=11.775)
6.Maity D, Mandal M,Liu J.2019. Where doesJuglans regiaL. (Juglandaceae) grow in Sikkim and Darjeeling Himalaya?Juglans sigillataDode needs attention!Pleione13, 393-398.
7.Khan R, Ul Abidin SZ, Ahmad M, Zafar M,Liu J, Amina H.2018. Palyno-morphological characteristics of gymnosperm flora of Pakistan and its taxonomic implications with LM and SEM methods.Microscopy Research and Technique81, 74-87. (IF5y= 1.177)
8.Liu J, Milne RI, Cadotte MW, Wu ZY, Provan J, Zhu GF, Gao LM, Li DZ.2018a. Protect Third Pole's fragile ecosystem.Science362, 1368.(IF5y=40.627)
9.Liu J, Milne RI, MöllerM, et al.2018b. Integrating a comprehensive DNA barcode reference library with a global map of yews (TaxusL.) for forensic identification.Molecular Ecology Resources18, 1115-1131.(IF5y=6.073)
10.Meegahakumbura MK, Wambulwa MC, Li MM, et al.2018. Domestication origin and breeding history of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) in China and India based on nuclear microsatellites and cpDNA sequence data.Frontiers in Plant Science8.(IF5y=4.855)
11.Wu ZY, Du XY, Milne RI,Liu J, Li DZ.2018a. Complete chloroplast genome sequences of twoBoehmeriaspecies (Urticaceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B3, 939-940.(IF5y=0.488)
12.Wu ZY,Liu J, Provan J, et al.2018b. Testing Darwin's transoceanic dispersal hypothesis for the inland nettle family (Urticaceae).Ecology Letters21, 1515-1529.(IF5y=11.775)
13.Ye LJ, Fu CN, Wang YH,Liu J*, Gao LM*.2018. Characterization of the complete plastid genome of a Chinese endemic speciesCarya kweichowensis.Mitochondrial DNA Part B3, 492-493.(IF5y=0.488)
14.Qin HT, Yang GQ, Provan J,Liu J*, Gao LM*.2017. Using MiddRAD-seq data to develop polymorphic microsatellite markers for an endangered yew species.Plant Diversity39, 294-299.
15.Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Kamunya S, Muchugi A, MöllerM,Liu J, Xu JC, Li DZ, Gao LM.2017. Multiple origins and a narrow genepool characterise the African tea germplasm: Concordant patterns revealed by nuclear and plastid DNA markers.Scientific Reports7, 4053.(IF5y= 4.525)
16.Wu ZY, Du XY, Milne RI,Liu J, Li DZ.2017. Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome sequence ofCecropia pachystachya.Mitochondrial DNA Part B2, 735-737.(IF5y=0.488)
17.劉傑,羅亞皇,李德銖,高連明.2017.青藏高原及毗鄰區植物多樣性演化與維持機制:進展及展望.生物多樣性25, 163-174. (IF5y= )
18.Luo YH,Liu J, Tan SL, Cadotte MW, Wang YH, Xu K, Li DZ, Gao LM.2016a. Trait-based community assembly along an elevational gradient in subalpine forests: Quantifying the roles of environmental factors in inter- and intraspecific variability.PLoS ONE11, e0155749.(IF5y= 3.352)
19.Luo YH,Liu J, Tan SL, Cadotte MW, Xu K, Gao LM, Li DZ.2016b. Trait variation and functional diversity maintenance of understory herbaceous species coexisting along an elevational gradient in Yulong Mountain, Southwest China.Plant Diversity38, 303-311.
20.Meegahakumbura MK, Wambulwa MC, Thapa KK, et al.2016. Indications for three independent domestication events for the tea plant (Camellia sinensis(L.) O. Kuntze) and new insights into the origin of tea germplasm in China and India revealed by nuclear microsatellites.PLoS ONE11, e0155369.(IF5y=3.352)
21.Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Chalo R, Kamunya S, Muchugi A, Xu JC,Liu J, Li DZ, Gao LM.2016a. Nuclear microsatellites reveal the genetic architecture and breeding history of tea germplasm of East Africa.Tree Genetics & Genomes12, 1-10.(IF5y=2.104)
22.Wambulwa MC, Meegahakumbura MK, Kamunya S, et al.2016b. Insights into the genetic relationships and breeding patterns of the African tea germplasm based on nSSR markers and cpDNA sequences.Frontiers in Plant Science7, 1244.(IF5y=4.855)
23.Li ZH, Yang C, Mao KS, Ma YZ,Liu J, Liu ZL, Deng TT, Zhao GF.2015. Molecular identification and allopatric divergence of the white pine species in China based on the cytoplasmic DNA variation.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology61, 161-168.(IF5y=1.121)
24.Wu ZY, Milne RI, Chen CJ,Liu J, Wang H, Li DZ.2015. Ancestral state reconstruction reveals rampant homoplasy of diagnostic morphological characters in Urticaceae, conflicting with current classification schemes.PLoS ONE10, e0141821.(IF5y=3.352)
25.Yan LJ,Liu J, MöllerM, Zhang L, Zhang XM, Li DZ, Gao LM.2015. DNA barcoding ofRhododendron(Ericaceae), the largest Chinese plant genus in biodiversity hotspots of the Himalaya–Hengduan Mountains.Molecular Ecology Resources15, 932-944. (IF5y=6.073)
26.李苗苗,嚴麗君,劉傑,高連明.2015.核基因組微衛星標記揭示大理茶參與了普洱茶的馴化過程.植物分類與資源學報37, 29-37.
27.Poudel RC, MöllerM,Liu J, Gao LM, Baral SR, Li DZ.2014. Low genetic diversity and high inbreeding of the endangered yews in Central Himalaya: Implications for conservation of their highly fragmented populations.Diversity and Distributions20, 1270-1284. (IF5y= 4.948)
28.Liu J, Möller M, Provan J, Gao LM, Poudel RC, Li DZ.2013. Geological and ecological factors drive cryptic speciation of yews in a biodiversity hotspot.New Phytologist199, 1093-1108.(IF5y=7.833)
29.MöllerM, Gao LM, Mill RR,Liu J, Zhang DQ, Poudel RC, Li DZ.2013. A multidisciplinary approach reveals hidden taxonomic diversity in the morphologically challengingTaxus wallichianacomplex.Taxon62, 1161-1177. (IF5y= 3.251)
30.Poudel RC, Gao LM, MöllerM, Baral SR, Uprety Y,Liu J, Li DZ.2013. Yews (Taxus) along the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region: Exploring the ethnopharmacological relevance among communities of Mongol and Caucasian origins.Journal of Ethnopharmacology147, 190-203. (IF5y= 3.671)
31.Wu ZY, Monro AK, Milne RI, Wang H, Yi TS,Liu J, Li DZ.2013. Molecular phylogeny of the nettle family (Urticaceae) inferred from multiple loci of three genomes and extensive generic sampling.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution69, 814-827. (IF5y= 4.383)
32.羅亞皇,劉傑,高連明,李德銖.2013. DNA條形碼在生態學研究中的套用與展望.植物分類與資源學報35, 761-768.
33.Liu J, Provan J, Gao LM, Li DZ.2012. Sampling strategy and potential utility of indels for DNA barcoding of closely related plant species: A case study inTaxus.International Journal of Molecular Sciences13, 8740-8751.(IF5y=3.878)
34.Poudel RC, MöllerM, Gao LM, Ahrends A, Baral SR,Liu J, Thomas P, Li DZ.2012. Using morphological, molecular and climatic data to delimitate yews along the Hindu Kush-Himalaya and adjacent regions.PLoS ONE7, e46873.(IF5y=3.352)
35.高連明,劉傑,蔡傑,楊俊波,張挺.2012.關於植物DNA條形碼研究技術規範.植物分類與資源學報34, 592-606.
36.Li DZ, Gao LM, Li HT, et al.2011. Comparative analysis of a large dataset indicates that internal transcribed spacer (ITS) should be incorporated into the core barcode for seed plants.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America108, 19641-19646.(IF5y= 10.600)
37.Liu J, Gao LM, Li DZ, Zhang DQ, M?ller M.2011a. Cross-species amplification and development of new microsatellite loci forTaxus wallichiana(Taxaceae).American Journal of Botany98, e70-73.(IF5y=3.061)
38.Liu J, MöllerM, Gao LM, Zhang DQ, Li DZ.2011b. DNA barcoding for the discrimination of Eurasian yews (TaxusL., Taxaceae) and the discovery of cryptic species.Molecular Ecology Resources11, 89-100.(IF5y=6.073)
39.劉傑,高連明.2011.紅豆杉屬植物三種不同總DNA提取方法的分析比較.廣西植物31, 244-249.
40.Yang JB, Li HT, Li DZ,Liu J, Gao LM.2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the endangered speciesTaxus wallichianausing the FIASCO method.Hortscience44, 2043-2045.(IF5y= 1.130)
41.Gao LM, MöllerM, Zhang XM, Hollingsworth ML,Liu J, Mill RR, Gibby M, Li DZ.2007. High variation and strong phylogeographic pattern among cpDNA haplotypes inTaxus wallichiana(Taxaceae) in China and North Vietnam.Molecular Ecology16, 4684-4698.(IF5y= 6.614)


