



  • 中文名:中國法律文化概況(英文)
  • 作者:伍巧芳
  • 出版社:法律出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年9月
  • 頁數:290 頁
  • 定價:69 元
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787519736743






Table of
Chapter One Introduction
1.Law and Legal Culture
2.Elements of the formation of Chinese legal culture
Chapter Two Challenges in Modern Times:Stabilization and Changes Symbolized by “Socialist Market Economy”
1.Economic System Reform
2.Social Conditions
Chapter Three Legal Thoughts and the Legal System in Traditional China
1.Legal Thoughts:the Confucian School and the Legal School
2.The History of Legislation
3.The Features of Traditional Chinese Legal Culture
Chapter Four Influence of Foreign Legal Culture on Modern China
1.Influence of Western Legal Culture
2.Soviet Influence on Chinese Legal System
Chapter Five Legal Theories and Legal Awareness in the Reform and Opening Up Period
1.The Development of Legal System and Legal Thought
2.The Change of Chinese Legal Awareness
3.Legal Aid and Legal Education
4.Publicity of Law
Chapter Six Sources of Law and the Law-making System
1.Sources of Law
2.Law-making System
3.The Interpretation of Laws
Chapter Seven Judicial Organs
1.The Peoples Courts
2.The Peoples Procuratorates
3.Peoples Mediation Committees and the Judicial Assistants
Chapter Eight Lawyers
1.Historical Background
2.Independent Professionals
3.Professional Qualifications
Chapter Nine The Establishment of Political System:Constitution
1.Development of Constitution in Modern China
2.The Purposes of PRC Constitution
Chapter Ten The Efficiency and Supervision of Administration:Administrative Law
1.Administration by law
2.Administrative Supervision
3.Administrative Litigation
4.State Compensation
5.Civil Servant Law
Chapter Eleven Punishment for Acts against Society:Criminal Laws in Traditional China
1.The Principles of Criminal Policy
2.The General Practice of Conviction and Sentencing
3.The Evolution of Penalty from Ancient Times to“Transmodern”Times
Chapter Twelve Punishment for Acts against Society:Criminal Laws in Modern China
1.The Criminal Law and the Law of Criminal Procedure
2.The Administrative Sanction
Chapter Thirteen The Order of Private Relationship:Civil Law in Traditional China
1.Contractual Spirit
2.Marriage System
3.Inheritance System
Chapter Fourteen The Order of Private Relat-ionship:Civil Law in Modern China
3.Property rights
5.Marriage and Family
7.Inheritance Law of the Peoples Republic of China
Chapter Fifteen The Role of Law in the Years of Economic Reform
1.The Place of Law in the Early Years of Reform
2.The Economy and the Law Coevolve
3.The Development of Economic Law:A Timeline
4.Evolution of Contract Law
5.Dispute Resolution
6.The Role of Corporate Governance in Facilitating the Flow of Finance


