丘成棟,男,原籍廣東省梅州市蕉嶺縣,1952年生於香港,曾任美國伊利諾伊大學芝加哥分校數學、統計和計算機科學系特聘教授,該校信息控制實驗室主任,IEEE Fellow,國際頂尖數學專業雜誌《Journal of Algebraic Geometry》創始人與主編、《Communications in Information and Systems》創始人與主編。
Stephen Yau
Ph.D (1976), The state University of New York at Stony Brook
M.A. (1974), The State University of New York at Stony Brook
Virus classification in 60-dimensional protein space (with Yongkun Li, Kun Tian, Changchuan Yin and Rong Lucy He), (to appear), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2016.
A New Method for Studying the Evolutionary Origin of the SAR11 Clade Marine Bacteria (with Xin Zhao and Rong Lucy He), (to appear), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2016.
Derivations of the moduli algebras of weighted homogeneous hypersurface singularities (with Huaiqing Zuo), (to appear), Journal of Algebra, 2016.
Thom-Sebastiani properties of Kohn-Rossi cohomology of compact connected strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds (with Huaiqing Zuo), (to appear), SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, 2016.
A Sharp upper estimate conjecture for the Yau number of weighted homogeneous isolated hypersurface singularity (with HUAI QING ZUO),(to appear), Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2016.
Recent results on rigidity of CR morphisms between compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds (with Huaiqing Zuo), (to appear), Proceedings of ICCM2013, 2016.
A sharp estimate of positive integral points in 6-dimensional polyhedra and a sharp estimate of smooth numbers (with Andrew Liang and Huaiqing Zuo), SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, Vol. 59, No. 3 (2016), 425-444.
On the polynomial sharp upper estimate conjecture in 7-dimensional simplex (with Beihui Yuan and Huaiqing Zuo), Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 160 (2016), 254-286.
On higher dimensional complex Plateau problem (with Rong Du and Yun Gao), Mathematische Zeitschrift, Vol. 282(2016), 389-403.
Interplay between CR Geometry and Algebraic Geometry (with Huaiqing Zuo), Complex Geometry and Dynamics – Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2013, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, July 2-5, 2013, Vol. 10(2015), 227-258.
On the quenching behavior of the mems with fringing field (with Xue Luo), Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 73, No. 4 (2015), 629-659.
Some Finite Dimensional Filters derived from the Structure Theorem for Five-dimensional Estimation Algebras (with Wen-Lin Chiou and Shaopu Lin), Asian Journal of Math., Vol. 19, No. 5 (2015), 793-810.
Topological Classification of Simplest Gorenstein Non-complete Intersection Singularities of Dimension 2 (with Mingyi Zhang and Huaiqing Zuo), Asian Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 4 (2015), 651-792.
A Novel Suboptimal Method for Solving Polynomial Filtering Problems (with Xue Luo, Yang Jiao and Wen-Lin Chiou), Automatica, Vol. 62 (2015), 26-31.
Two dimensional Yau-Hausdorff distance with applications on comparison of DNA and protein sequences (with Kun Tian, Xiaoqian Yang, Qin Kong, Changchuan Yin and Rong L. He), PLoS ONE, 2015, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0136577.
Ebolaviruses Classification Based on Natural Vectors (with Hui Zheng, Changchuan Yin, Tung Hoang, Rong Lucy He and Jie Yang), DNA and Cell Biology, Vol. 34, No. 6 (2015), 1-11.
An improved model for whole genome phylogenetic analysis by Fourier transform (with Changchuan Yin), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 382 (2015), 99-110.
Time-dependent Hermite-Galerkin spectral method and its applications (with Xue Luo and Shing Tung Yau), Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 264 (2015), 378-391.
A new method to cluster DNA sequences using Fourier power spectrum (with Tung Hoang, Changchuan Yin, Hui Zheng, Chenglong Yu and Rong Lucy He), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 372 (2015), 135-145.
Plurigenera of compact connected strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds (with Ke-Pao Lin and Huaiqing Zuo), Science China Mathematics, Vol. 58, No. 3 (2015), 525-530.
Distinguishing Proteins From Arbitrary Amino Acid Sequences (with Wei-Guang Mao, Max Benson, and Rong Lucy He), Scientific Reports,Vol. 5 (2015), 1-8.
Complete characterization of isolated homogeneous hypersurface singularities (with Huaiqing Zuo), Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 273, No. 1 (2015), 213-224.
On classification of toric surface codes of low dimension (with Xue Luo, Mingyi Zhang and Huaiqing Zuo), Finite Fields and Their Applications, Vol. 33 (2015), 90-102.
A sharp polynomial estimate of positive integral points in a 4-dimensional tetrahedron and a sharp estimate of the Dickman-de Bruijn function (with Xue luo and Huaiqing Zuo), Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 288, No. 1 (2015), 61-75.
On a number-theoretic conjecture on positive integral points in a 5-dimensional tetrahedron and a sharp estimate of the Dickman-De Bruijn function (with Ke-Pao Lin, Xue Luo, and Huaiqing Zuo), Journal of the European Mathematical Society, Vol. 16 (2014), 1937-1966.
Global comparison of multiple-segmented viruses in 12-dimensional Genome space (with Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Chenglong Yu, Hui Zheng, Troy Hernandez, Shek-Chung Yau, Rong Lucy He, and Jie Yang), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Vol. 81 (2014), 29-36.
K-mer sparse matrix model for genetic sequence and its applications in sequence comparison (with Jia Wen and YuYan Zhang), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 363 (2014), 145-150.
A measure of DNA sequence similarity by Fourier Transform with applications on hierarchical clustering (with Changchuan Yin, and Ying Chen), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 359 (2014), 18-28.
DFA7, A New Method to Distinguish between Intron-containing and Intronless Genes (with Chenglong Yu, Mo Deng, Lu Zheng, Rong Lucy He, and Jie Yang ), PLoS ONE, Vol. 9, No. 7 (2014), 1-10.
K-mer natural vector and its application to the phylogenetic analysis of genetic sequences (with Wen Jia, Raymond H.F. Chan, Shek-Chung Yau, Rong L. He), Gene, Vol. 546, No. 1 (2014), 25-34.
Viral genome phylogeny based on Lempel-Ziv complexity and Hausdorff distance (with Chenglong Yu, Rong Lucy He), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 348 (2014), 12-20.
On variance of exponents for isolated surface singularities with modality ≤ 2 (with Huaiqing Zuo), Science China Mathematics, Vol. 57, No. 1 (2014), 31-41.
Hermite Spectral Method with Hyperbolic Cross Approximations to High-dimensional Parabolic PDEs (with Xue Luo), SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 51, No. 6 (2013), 3186-3212.
Hermite spectral method to 1-D forward Kolmogorov equation and its application to nonlinear filtering problems (with Xue Luo), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 58, No. 10 (2013), 2495-2507.
Several splitting criteria for vector bundles and reflexive sheaves (with Fei Ye), Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 266, No. 2 (2013), 449-456.
Complete real time solution of the general nonlinear filtering problem without memory (with Xue Luo), IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 58, No. 10 (2013), 2563-2578.
Protein sequence comparison based on K-string dictionary (with Chenglong Yu and Rong L. He), Gene, Vol. 529 (2013), 250-256.
Nonconstant CR morphisms between compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds and étale convering between resolutions of isolated singularities (with Yu-Chao Tu and Huaiqing Zuo), J. Differential Geometry, Vol. 95 (2013), 337-354.
Denoising the 3-Base Periodicity Walks of DNA Sequences in Gene Finding (with Changchuan Yin and Dongchul Yoo), Journal of Medical and Bioengineering, Vol. 2, No. 2 (2013), 80-83.
Real Time Classification of Viruses in 12 Dimensions (with Chenglong Yu, Troy Hernandez, Hui Zheng, Shek-Chung Yau, Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Rong Lucy He, Jie Yang), PLoS One, Vol. 8, No. 5 (2013), 1-10.
Characterization of isolated complete intersection singularities with C*-action of dimension n≥2 by means of geometric genus and irregularity (with Huaiqing Zuo), Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2013), 509-526.
Protein space: A natural method for realizing the nature of protein universe (with Chenglong Yu, Mo Deng, Shiu-Yuen Cheng, Shek-Chung Yau, Rong L. He), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 318 (2013), 197-204.
Sharp polynomial estimate of integral points in right-angled simplices (with Linda Zhao), Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 133, No. 2 (2013), 398-425.
Mitter conjecture and structure theorem for six-dimensional estimation algebras (with Yang Jiao and Wen-Lin Chiou), International Journal of Control, Vol. 86, No. 1 (2013), 146-158.
Decentralized detection in ad hoc sensor networks with low data rate inter sensor communication (with Lu Zheng, Yingwei Yao, Mo Deng), IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 58, No. 5 (2012), 3215-3224.
A Novel Algorithm to Solve the Robust DMZ Equation in Real Time (with Xue Luo), 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, Dec. 10-13, (2012), 606-611.
Lower estimate of milnor number and characterization of isolated homogeneous hypersurface singularities (with Huaiqing Zuo), Pacific J. math., Vol. 260, No. 1 (2012), 245-255.
Kohn-Rossi cohomology and its application to the complex plateau problem, III, (with Rong Du), J. Differential Geometry, Vol. 90 (2012), 251-266.
Codes from infinitely near points (with Bruce M. Bennett and Hing Sun Luk), Asian J. Mathematics, Vol. 16, No. 1 (2012), 89-101.
New invariants for complex manifolds, singularities, and CR manifolds with applications (with Rong Du), Proceeding of ICCM 2010, AMS/IP Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol. 51 (2012), 431-445.
New invariants for complex manifolds and isolated singularities (with Rong Du and Hing Sun Luk), Communications in Analysis and Geometry, Vol. 19, No. 5 (2011), 991-1021.
Coordinate-free characterization of homogeneous polynomials with isolated singularities (with Irene Chen, Ke-Pao Lin, and Huaiqing Zuo), Communications in analysis and geometry, Vol. 19, No. 4 (2011), 661-704.
Protein map: An alignment-free sequence comparison method based on various properties of amino acids (with Chenglong Yu, ShiuYuen Cheng, Rong L. He), Gene, Vol. 486 (2011), 110-118.
A novel clustering method via nucleotide-based Fourier power spectrum analysis (with Bo Zhao and Victor Duan), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 279 (2011), 83-89.
A new distribution vector and its application in genome clustering (with Bo Zhao and Rong He), Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Vol. 59 (2011), 438-443.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U.S.A.: 1. Index theory for the boundaries of complex analytic varieties, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U.S.A. , 77 (1980), 1248-1249. pdf 2. Criterion for biholomorphic equivalence of isolated hypersurface singularities, (with John N. Mather), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U.S.A. 78 (1981), 5946-5947. pdf 3. Continuous family of finite-dimensional representations of a solvable Lie algebra arising from singularities, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U.S.A. 80 (1983),7694-7696. pdf Annals of Math.: 4. Kohn-Rossi cohomology and its application to the complex Plateau problem,I, Annals. of Math., 113 (1981) 67-110. pdf 5. Counterexample to boundary regularity of strongly pseudoconvex CR submanifold: An addendum to the paper of Harvey-Lawson (with H.S. Luk), Annals of Math., 148(1998), 1153-1154. pdf Invent. Math.: 6. The Signature of Milnor Fibers and Duality Theorem for Strongly Pseudoconvex Manifolds, Invent. Math., 46(1978), 81-97. pdf 7. Classification of Isolated Hypersurface Singularities by Their ModuliAlgebras, (with John N. Mather), Invent. Math., 69 (1982), 243-251. pdf 8. Variation of complex structures and variation of Lie algebras, (with Craig Seeley), Invent. Math., 99 (1990), 545-565. pdf Duke Math. J.: 9. Existence of L2-integrable holomorphic forms and lower estimates of T^1V, Duke Math. J. 48 (1981), 537-547. pdf Math. Ann.: 10. Two theorems on higher dimensional singularities, Math. Ann. 231 (1977), 55 -59. pdf 11. Equivalence between isolated hypersurface singularities, (with Max Benson), Math. Ann. 287 (1990), 107-134. pdf 12. Algebraic determination of isomorphism classes of the moduli algebras of ~E6 singularities (with Hao Chen, and Craig Seeley), Math. Ann. 318, (2000), 637-666. pdf Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup.: 13. Holomorphic symmetry, (with Blaine Lawson), Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. 4e series, t. 20(1987), 557-577. pdf Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze: 14. An estimate of the gap of the first two eigen-values in the Schrodinger operator,(with I.M. Singer, Bun Wong and Shing-Tung Yau), Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup., Pisa, Classe di Scienze, Serie IV, Vol. XII, N.2 (1985), 319-333. pdf 15. Intersection lattices and the topological structures of complements of arrangements in CP^2 (with Tan Jiang), Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl.Sci (4), Vol. XXVI, (1998), 357-381. pdf Journal of European Mathematical Society: 16. Rigidity of CR morphisms between compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds, Journal of European Mathematical Society, Vol 13,(2011),175-184. pdf 17. On number theoretic conjecture of positive integral points in 5-dimensional tetrahedron and a sharp estimation of Dickman-De Bruijn function (with Ke-Pao Lin, Xue Luo, and Huaiqing Zuo), 33pp. (to appear) Journal of European Mathematical Society (2013). pdf J. Differential Geometry: 18. Durfee conjecture and coordinate free characterization of homogeneous singularities, (with Yi- Jing Xu), Journal of Differential Geometry 37 (1993), 375-396. pdf 19. Moduli and Modular groups of a class of Calabi-Yau n-dimensional manifolds, n>=3 (with Hao Chen), Journal of Differential Geometry, 54(2001), 1-12. pdf 20. Holomorphic De-Rham cohomology of strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds with holomorphic S1-action (with Hing Sun Luk), Journal of Differential Geometry, 63(2003), 155-170. pdf 21. On a CR family of compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds, (with X. Huang, H.S. Luk), Journal of Differential Geometry, Vol. 72, No.3, (2006), 353-379. pdf 22. Kohn-Rossi cohomology and its application to the complex plateau problem II (with H.S. Luk), Journal of Differential Geometry, Vol. 77, No. 1 (2007), 135-148. pdf 23. Higher order Bergman functions and explicit construction of moduli space for complete Reinhardt domains (with Rong DU), Journal of Differential Geometry, 82 (2009), 567-610. pdf 24. Kohn-Rossi cohomology and its application to the complex plateau problem, III, (with Rong Du), J. Differential Geometry, Vol. 90, (2012), 251-266. pdf Amer. J. Math.: 25. Hypersurface weighted dual graphs of normal singularities of surfaces, Amer. J. Math. 101 (1979), 761-812. pdf 26. Gorenstein singularities with geometric genus equal to two, Amer. J. Math. 101 (1979), 813-854. pdf 27. On strongly elliptic singularities, Amer. J. Math. 101 (1979), 855-884. pdf 28. S_n^1 invariant for isolated n-dimensional singularities and its application to moduli problems, Amer. J. Math. 104 (1982), 829-841. pdf 29. Various numerical invariants for isolated singularities, Amer. J. Math. 104 (1982), 1063-1100. pdf 30. Singularities defined by sl(2,C)invariant polynomials and solvability of Lie algebras arising from isolated singularities, Amer. J. Math. 108 (1986), 1215-1240. pdf 31. The multiplicity of isolated two-dimensional hypersurface singularities:Zariski problem, Amer. J. Math. 111 (1989), 753-767. pdf 32. A remark on moduli of complex hypersurface, Amer. J. Math., 113 (1990), 287-292. pdf 33. Solvability of the Lie algebras arising from singularities and non-isolatedness of the singularities defined by the invariant polynomials of sl(2,C), Amer. J. Math. 113 (1991), 773-778. pdf 34. Classification of gradient space as sl(2,C)-module I (with J. Sampson and Yung Yu), Amer. J. Math.114 (1992), 1147-1161. pdf 35. Some remarks on the local moduli of tangent bundles over complex surfaces (with W.S. Cheung and B. Wong), Amer. J. Math., 125 (2003), 1029-1035. pdf Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.: 36. Normal two-dimensional elliptic singularities, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 254 (1979), 117-134. pdf 37. On maximally elliptic singularities, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 257 (1980), 269-329. pdf Math. Res. Lett.: 38. An upper estimate of integral points in real simplices with application in singularity theory (with Letian Zhang), Math. Research Letter, Vol 13, No. 6, (2006), 911-922. pdf