wuthering heights

wuthering heights

《wuthering heights》是2011年Penguin出版社出的圖書,作者是EmilyBronte。



作 者:EmilyBronte
出 版 社:Penguin
版 次:1
頁 數:334
開 本:32開
紙 張:膠版紙
印 次:1
I S B N:9780451531797
包 裝:平裝


There are few more convincing, less sentimental accounts of passionate love than V/uthering Heights. This is the story of the savage, tormented foundling Heatheliff, who falls wildly in love with Catherine Earnshaw, the daughter of his benefactor, and of the violence and misery that result from their thwarted longing for each other. A book of great power and strength, it is filled with the raw beauty of the moors and an uncanny un- derstanding of the terrible truths about men and women. It is an understanding made even more extraordinary by the fact that it came from the heart of a woman who lived most of her brief life in the remote wildness of the moors. Emily Bronte died a year after this great novel was published。


