

voting,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時譯為“投票;選舉”,作動詞時譯為“投票;選舉(vote 的現在分詞)”。


  • 外文名:voting
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈvəʊtɪŋ]
  • 美式發音:[ˈvoʊtɪŋ]


1.N-COUNT A vote is a choice made by a particular person or group in a meeting or an election. 選票
2.N-COUNTAvote is an occasion when a group of people make a decision by each person indicating his or her choice. The choice that most people support is accepted by the group. 投票表決
3.N-SINGThevote is the total number of votes or voters in an election, or the number of votes received or cast by a particular group. 投票總數; 得票總數
4.N-SING If you have the vote in an election, or have a vote in a meeting, you have the legal right to indicate your choice. 選舉權
5.V-T/V-I When you vote, you indicate your choice officially at a meeting or in an election, for example, by raising your hand or writing on a piece of paper. 投票; 表決
6. voting N-UNCOUNT 投票
7.V-T If you vote a particular political party or leader, or vote yes or no, you make that choice with the vote that you have. 投票支持
8.V-T If people vote someone a particular title, they choose that person to have that title. 投票授予…稱號
9.PHRASE If you vote with your feet, you show that you do not support something by leaving the place where it is happening or leaving the organization that is supporting it. (以離去或退出的方式) 反對
10.PHRASE If you say, for example, I vote that we go or I vote we stay, you are suggesting that you should go or stay. 我建議 [非正式]
11.PHRASEOne man one vote or one person one vote is a system of voting in which every person in a group or country has the right to cast their vote, and in which each individual's vote is counted and has equal value. 一人一票制


voting age 投票年齡 ; 法定選民年齡 ; 選舉年齡 ; 選民年齡
compulsory voting 強制投票 ; 強制性投票
voting right[社科] 投票權 ; 表決權 ; 選舉權 ; 有投票權
tactical voting 策略性投票 ; 戰術投票 ; 戰略票
voting power 投票權 ; 更下的投票權值
early voting 提前投票 ; 早期投票
tensor voting 張量投票 ; 張量選舉 ; 與張量投票
Cumulate voting 累加式選舉


