- 外文名:victimization
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˌvɪktɪmaɪˈzeɪʃn]
- 美式發音:[ˌvɪktɪməˈzeɪʃn]
victimize,英語單詞,主要用作及物動詞,作及物動詞時譯為“使受害;使犧牲;欺騙”。單詞用法 1.V-T If someone is victimized, they are deliberately treated unfairly. 受迫害 2. victimization N-UNCOUNT 迫害 短語搭配 the urge to victimize 犧牲的傾向 Victimize The Rich 擇肥而噬 Victimize The ...
《Childhood Victimization》是2008年Oxford University Press出版的圖書,作者是David Finkelhor。內容簡介 Children are the most criminally victimized segment of the population, and a substantial number face multiple, serious "poly-victimizations" during a single year. Despite the fact that the priority ...
《The Victims of Crime》是2009年1月出版的圖書,作者是Jerin, Robert A、Moriarty, Laura J。內容簡介 The Victims of Crime provides indispensable information on all aspects of crime victimization, victims, rights, and victims, services. Organized in an easy-to-follow, four-part format, it provides...
Multiple Victimization of Children 《Multiple Victimization of Children》是一本圖書,作者是Rossman, Robbie; Rossman, Betty B.; Rossman, B. B.
多重傷害(Poly-Victimization)是指兒童在過去一年內經歷多種不同類型的傷害(Finkelhor,D., Ormrod, R. K, Turner, H. A, & Hamby, S. L., 2005),具體包括:身體攻擊、財產傷害、虐待、兒童欺凌、性傷害、目睹/間接傷害。而多重傷害受害者則是指在一年中同時經歷4種或4種以上傷害的個體。
新一代史學家首先對菲利普的觀點進行了全面批判,突出美國種植園奴隸制的殘酷性和它對黑人造成的傷害,“受害說”(victimization)一時成為最流行的觀點。“薩姆保”被解釋為受奴隸制摧殘的、心理變態的和精神不健全的人。斯坦普 (Kenneth B.Stampp )所著《獨特的制度》(The Peculiar Institution)(1955)是系統地...
auditors, fraud investigators, and managers to: Thoroughly evaluate their organization′s system of internal controls Assemble a fraud examination team Document a fraud action plan Expose weaknesses that could lead to fraud Take corrective action to reduce the possibility of victimization ...
(注6) Criminal Victimization 2007,U.S. Department of Justice,(注7) Crime down in U.S. and Phila:but the decline in violent crime here still left the city with the highest numbers among the 10 biggest cities,(注8)《華盛頓郵報》,2008年9月16日。(注9)《僑報》,2008年10月16日。(注...
一、生活方式暴露理論(ExposuremodelofpersonaIvictimization)二、日常活動理論(Routineactivitytheory)三、個人被害因素理論 四、暴力循環理論(ThecycleofvioIence)五、無助學習理論(Learnedhelplessness)第三節刑事被害人的基本特性 一、性被害人的特性 二、家庭暴力中女性被害人的特性 三、家庭暴力中的未成年被害人...
Nie, Q., Yang, C., Stomski, M., Zhao, Z., Teng, Z., & Guo, C. (2021). Longitudinal link between bullying victimization and bullying perpetration: A multilevel moderation analysis of perceived school climate. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260521997940. (SSCI一區, IF=6.14)Zhang,...
Re—victimization: An Analysis of a Hotline Service for Battered Women in China Counseling with Rural Battered Women in China:Individual—centered or Family—centered Rebellion and Revenge:The Meaning of Woman Suicide in Rural China. 後記 [1] ...
《Violence and Mental Health in Everyday Life》是2005年11月Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc出版的圖書,作者是Flannery, Daniel J。內容簡介 Clinical psychologist Daniel J. Flannery reveals the impact of violence and victimization in the lives of children and adolescents from a developmental perspective. He...
Lian, Y., Liu, L., Lu, Z., & Wang, W.* (2022). Longitudinal Relationships between Bullying Victimization and Prosocial Behavior: The Mediating Roles of Trauma-Related Guilt and Shame. PsyCh Journal. DOI:10.1002/pchj.540 王文超, 原昊, 伍新春.* (Accepted). 災後中小學生創傷後應激障礙...
(注1)Criminal Victimization2008,U.S. Department of Justice,(注2)Crime in the United States, 2008,(注3)《紐約時報》,2009年12月30日。(注4)《僑報》,2009年12月30日。(注7)《僑報》,2009年9月25日。(注9)《今日美國報》,2009年9月15日。(注11)《今日美國報》,2009年3月11日...
* Take corrective action to reduce the possibility of victimization Fraud deterrence is not exclusive to large corporations. Recommended reading for nonprofit professionals, Preventing Fraud in Nonprofit Organizations will motivate executives to take a fresh and intensive look at their organization's ...
Chapter 9.The Role of Positive Parenting between Cyber Victimization and Psychological Well-Being Chapter 10.Academic Stress and Depression of Adolescents Chapter 11.Teacher Discrimination and Adolescents Mental Health Chaprer 12.Peer Victimization and Depression among Chinese Children Chapter 13.Poverty...
1. Donato, S., Barni, D., Ferrais, A., Iafrate, R., de Silva, A., Gao, M. M., Miller-Graff, L., & Cummings, E. M. (2022). Adolescents’ victimization and internalizing problems: The protective role of parental sense of coherence. Journal of Child and Family Studies. http:/...
Bonnie S. Fisher is Professor in the School of Criminal Justice and a research Fellow at the Center for Criminal Justice Research at the University of Cincinnati. She has authored or co-authored more than 150 scholarly publications and has co-edited four volumes that focus on victimization issues...
2.Wang M, Lou J, Xie X, Zhao G, Zhu H*. Parental migration and cyberbullying victimization among Chinese left-behind children: understanding the association and mediating factors. Frontiers in Public Health . 2024.3.Cantó-Sancho N, Seguí-Crespo M, Zhao G*, Ronda-Pérez E. The Chinese ...