


以第一作者在《心理發展與教育》,Developmental Psychology, School Psychology, Computers in Human Behaviors等核心中文期刊和SSCI雜誌發表論文20餘篇。主持2項博士後基金(重慶市特別資助一等,中國博士後科學基金面上項目一等),參研3項國家社科基金項目。






擔任 Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Aggression & Violent Behavior, Children and Youth Services Review, Psychology of Popular Media, Behavior and Information Technology, Current Psychology, 心理發展與教育, 心理科學等期刊審稿人。


2015.9-2018.6 西南大學心理學部 發展與教育心理學 博士 導師:郭成教授
2012.9-2015.6 西南大學心理學部 套用心理學 碩士 導師:劉衍玲教授
2008.9-2012.6 西南科技大學 法學院心理學系 學士 導師:翟瑞教授


2021.7- 西南大學心理學部 教授
2019.12-2021.1 美國加州大學伯克利分校 訪問學者 合作導師:Chunyan Yang教授
2018.6-2021.6 西南大學教育學博士後流動站 博士後 合作導師:郭成教授


  1. 國家社科基金青年項目“媒體中欺凌報導對青少年現實欺凌行為的影響及對策研究”(2020年國家社科基金立項);資助機構:全國哲學社會科學工作辦公室;主持人;研究起止時間:2020年12月-2023年6月。
  2. 重慶市博士後特別資助項目“暴力電子遊戲對青少年道德認知的影響及對策研究”(批准號:XmT2018010);資助機構:重慶市人力資源社會保障部;主持人;結項情況:結題;研究起止時間:2018年9月-2021年6月。
  3. 第64批中國博士後科學基金面上項目“暴力電子遊戲對青少年道德認知發展的影響及干預對策”(批准號:2018M640892);資助機構:中國博士後科學基金委;主持人;結項情況:結題;研究起止時間:2018年11月-2021年6月。
  4. 中央高校基本科研項目:早期青少年電子遊戲對其道德認知發展的影響 (SWU1909566),主持人(已結題)。
  5. 中央高校基本科研項目:青少年親社會視頻遊戲接觸與其親社會行為:道德推脫的中介作用(SWU1609320),主持人.(已結題)。
  6. 國家社科基金 教育科學十二五”規劃課題:親社會視頻遊戲對青少年親社會行為的影響(BBA140049). 第一主研.(已結題)。
  7. 國家社科基金青年項目:媒體不良報導對兒童霸凌心理的負面效應與應對策略研究(17CSH006).主研.(在研)。


Teng, Z., Pontes, H. M., Nie, Q., Griffiths, M. D., & Guo, C. (2021). Depression and anxiety symptoms associated with internet gaming disorder before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 10(1), 169–180. (SSCI一區, IF=6.75)
Nie, Q., Teng, Z., Yang, C., Lu, X., Liu, C., Zhang, D., & Guo, C. (2021). Psychological suzhi and academic achievement in Chinese adolescents: A 2‐year longitudinal study. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(2), 638–657. (SSCI一區, IF=3.24)
Nie, Q., Yang, C., Stomski, M., Zhao, Z., Teng, Z., & Guo, C. (2021). Longitudinal link between bullying victimization and bullying perpetration: A multilevel moderation analysis of perceived school climate. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260521997940. (SSCI一區, IF=6.14)
Zhang, Y., Chen, C., Teng, Z., & Guo, C. (2021). Parenting style and cyber-aggression in Chinese youth: The role of moral disengagement and moral identity. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 621878. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.621878 (SSCI二區, IF=2.99)
Yang, C., Manchanda, S., Lin, X., & Teng, Z. (2021). An Intersectional Examination of the Effects of Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Status on School Victimization in Predominantly Hispanic/Latinx High Schools. School Psychology Review. Advance online publication. (SSCI二區, IF=2.72)
向光璨, 滕召軍, 郭成, 陳紅, 繆華靈. (2021). 父母, 同伴依戀與希望的相互作用模型: 一項大學新生的追蹤研究. 心理發展與教育, 37(3), 371–380.
Teng, Z., Pontes, H. M., Nie, Q., Xiang, G., Griffiths, M. D., & Guo, C. (2020). Internet gaming disorder and psychosocial well-being: A longitudinal study of older-aged adolescents and emerging adults. Addictive Behaviors, 110, 106530. (SSCI一區, IF=3.91)
Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Zhu, Z., & Guo, C. (2020). Violent video game exposure and (Cyber) bullying perpetration among Chinese youth: The moderating role of trait aggression and moral identity. Computers in Human Behavior, 104, 106193. (SSCI一區, IF=6.83)
Teng, Z., Griffiths, M. D., Nie, Q., Xiang, G., & Guo, C. (2020). Parent–adolescent attachment and peer attachment associated with Internet Gaming Disorder: A longitudinal study of first-year undergraduate students. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9(1), 116–128. (SSCI一區, IF=6.75)
Teng, Z., Bear, G. G., Yang, C., Nie, Q., & Guo, C. (2020). Moral disengagement and bullying perpetration: A longitudinal study of the moderating effect of school climate. School Psychology, 35(1), 99–109. (SSCI一區, IF=4.33)
Xiang, G., Teng, Z., Li, Q., Chen, H., & Guo, C. (2020). The influence of perceived social support on hope: A longitudinal study of older-aged adolescents in China. Children and Youth Services Review, 119, 105616. (SSCI一區, IF=2.39)
Nie, Q., Yang, C., Teng, Z., Furlong, M. J., Pan, Y., Guo, C., & Zhang, D. (2020). Longitudinal association between school climate and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of psychological suzhi. School Psychology, 35(4), 267–276. (SSCI一區, IF=4.33)
Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Guo, C., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y., & Bushman, B. J. (2019). A longitudinal study of link between exposure to violent video games and aggression in Chinese adolescents: The mediating role of moral disengagement. Developmental Psychology, 55(1), 184–195. (SSCI一區, IF=3.85)
Nie, Q., Teng, Z., Bear, G. G., Guo, C., Liu, Y., & Zhang, D. (2019). Hope as mediator between teacher–student relationships and life satisfaction among Chinese adolescents: A between-and within-person effects analysis. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(7), 2367–2383. (SSCI一區, IF=3.85)
Zhang, Q., Cao, Y., Gao, J., Yang, X., Rost, D. H., Cheng, G., Teng, Z., & Espelage, D. L. (2019). Effects of cartoon violence on aggressive thoughts and aggressive behaviors. Aggressive Behavior, 45(5), 489–497. (SSCI二區, IF=2.92)
邵嶸, 滕召軍, 劉衍玲. (2019). 暴力視頻遊戲對個體親社會性的影響: 一項元分析. 心理科學進展, 27(3), 453–464.
Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Liu, Y., & Guo, C. (2018). Is prosocial video game exposure related to prosociality? An ERP study based on a prosocial help needed decision task. Computers in Human Behavior, 79, 30–39. (SSCI一區, IF=6.75)
Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Guo, C., & Liu, Y. (2017). Violent video game exposure and moral disengagement in early adolescence: The moderating effect of moral identity. Computers in Human Behavior, 77, 54–62. (SSCI一區, IF=6.75)
Teng, Z., Nie, Q., Pan, Y., Liu, Y., & Guo, C. (2017). A cross-lagged model of the relationship between violent video game exposure and moral disengagement in middle school and high school students. Children and Youth Services Review, 81, 117–123. (SSCI一區, IF=2.39)
Teng, Z., Liu, Y., & Guo, C. (2015). A meta-analysis of the relationship between self-esteem and aggression among Chinese students. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 21, 45–54. (SSCI一區, IF=4.38)
Teng, Z., Li, Y., & Liu, Y. (2014). Online gaming, internet addiction, and aggression in Chinese male students: The mediating role of low self-control. International Journal of Psychological Studies, 6(2), 89–97.
Teng, Z., & Liu, Y. (2013). The role of neuroticism in the relation between self-esteem and aggressive emotion among 1085 Chinese adolescents. Psychology, 4(10), 729–735.
Liu, Y., Teng, Z., Lan, H., Zhang, X., & Yao, D. (2015). Short-term effects of prosocial video games on aggression: An event-related potential study. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 9, 193.
Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Liu, Y., Ran, G., & Teng, Z. (2017). The effects of attachment style and security priming on the perception of others’ pain. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 34(2), 184–208.
Yang, Y., Cao, S., Shields, G. S., Teng, Z., & Liu, Y. (2017). The relationships between rumination and core executive functions: A meta‐analysis. Depression and Anxiety, 34(1), 37–50.
Liu, Y., Lan, H., Teng, Z., Guo, C., & Yao, D. (2017). Facilitation or disengagement? Attention bias in facial affect processing after short-term violent video game exposure. PloS one, 12(3), e0172940.
Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Liu, Y., Ran, G., & Teng, Z. (2016). Different effects of paternal and maternal attachment on psychological health among Chinese secondary school students. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(10), 2998–3008.
聶倩, 張大均, 滕召軍, 陸星月. (2018). 感知的學校氛圍與主客觀學業成績:心理素質及其分維度的中介作用. 心理發展與教育, 34(6), 715–723.
游雪勤, 陰山燕, 郭成, 滕召軍. (2018). 公寓老年人主觀幸福感及心理健康的中介作用. 中國老年學雜誌, 38(6), 1484-1486.
游雪勤, 郭成, 滕召軍, 李振興. (2018). 小學生感知到的教師人際行為與學校滿意度的關係: 學業自我概念的中介. 心理研究, 11(3), 282-288.
滕召軍, 劉衍玲, 郭成. (2015). 暴力電子遊戲對攻擊行為的影響及其爭論. 心理發展與教育, 31(4), 494–502.
滕召軍, 劉衍玲, 劉勇, 翟瑞. (2014). 樂觀偏差的認知神經機制. 心理科學進展, 22(1), 57–66.
滕召軍, 劉衍玲, 潘彥谷, 堯德中. (2013). 媒體暴力與攻擊性: 社會認知神經科學視角. 心理發展與教育, 29(6), 664–672.
滕召軍, 劉衍玲, 蘭海英, 張鑫. (2015). 中職生神經質與攻擊情緒認知: 特質憤怒的中介作用. 西南師範大學學報: 自然科學版, 40(8), 112–117.


