



  • 外文名:unbounded
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音:[ʌnˈbaʊndɪd]
  • 美式讀音: [ʌnˈbaʊndɪd]


英 [ʌnˈbaʊndɪd] 美 [ʌnˈbaʊndɪd]
adj. 無限的;不受控制的


unbounded dependency 無界限依存
unbounded fracture 無邊界裂縫
unbounded reservoir 不封閉儲集層
UNBOUNDED PRECEDING 之前的所有記錄 ; 第一行 ; 統計之前所有記錄
Passion Unbounded 四級殺人狂
unbounded wildcard type 無限制的通配符類型
unbounded tendon 非里握鋼腱 ; 非粘結鋼腱
unbounded space [電磁] 無界空間 ; 翻譯


  • To connect with your real nature that is unbounded and invincible, practice yoga and meditation. 為了連線你無限的不可戰勝的真實本質,練習瑜伽和冥想。
  • There is a well-known incident in one of Moliere's plays, where the author makes the hero express unbounded delight on being told that he had been talking prose during the whole of his life. 在莫里哀的一部戲劇中有一個很有名的故事:當主人公被告知他一生都在講散文時,作者讓主人公表達了無限的喜悅。
  • He was a strong leader with unbounded optimism. 他是一位能力很強的領導,無比樂觀。
  • His ambition is unbounded. 他的野心毫無止境。
  • The universe is "finite but unbounded" . 宇宙是“有限而沒有邊界的。”
  • Similarly, COBOL does not support unbounded arrays. 類似的,COBOL不支持非固定的數組。
  • Our culture likes to invite us to dream about our unbounded potential. 我們的文化會令我們夢想自己有無限潛力。
  • It displays mean reverting properties but is unbounded as of 1999. 它展示了平均的恢復性質,但在1999年卻是極大的。
  • The time taken for reclamation is unbounded and subject to fluctuations. 回收所花費的時間沒有限制並受波動的影響。
  • Set minOccurs attribute to be zero and the maxOccurs attribute to be unbounded. 將minOccurs屬性設定為零,並將 maxOccurs 屬性設定為 unbounded
  • With unbounded enthusiasm he volunteered personally to acquaint him with it. 帶著無限的熱情,他自告奮勇地把這首詩給我父親看了。
  • But I no longer feel in myself the same unbounded profusion of ready contrivance. 但是我自己卻不再感到我急中生智的能力還是那般的無限豐富了。
  • However, we must recognize that these detention policies cannot be unbounded. 然而,我們必須認識到,在拘押人員問題上的政策不可漫無邊際。
  • No machine could do this because our capacity for language is unbounded and free. 機器並不具備語言能力,因為我們的語言能力,是不受控制的,是自由的。
  • The first is a single integer, and the other is an unbounded sequence of integers. 第一個是單個整數,而另一個是一個無限制的整數序列。
  • This helps mitigate the problem of unbounded expectations for a given software release. 它可以緩和人們對特定軟體發布無限大期望的問題。
  • Of course, to contain unbounded mount creation, we mark the mount at /user as unbindable. 當然,為了包含非綁定掛載,我們將 /user下面的掛載標為不可綁定的。
  • To connect with your real nature that is unbounded and invincible,practice yoga and meditation. 你的真實本性是強大無敵的,要在練習瑜伽和沉思默想中去體悟.
  • One disadvantage of the word model is that the number of "words" in E-mail is virtually unbounded. 這種單詞模型的缺點之一是,電子郵件中採用的“單詞”的數量實際上是無限制的。
  • This program demonstrates a basic memory leaking operation involving an unbounded growth in a cache object. 此程式演示的基本記憶體泄漏操作涉及快取對象中的無限增長。
  • OK, next time we'll see what happens when you do have continuing basically unbounded possible energies. 好下一次我們來看看會發生什麼,當你有連續的,從根本上說是無限的可能的能量時。
  • An element of the Topic type, as shown in the following figure, contains an unbounded sequence of elements. 如下圖所示,Topic類型的一個元素包含一個不受限制的元素序列。
  • An unbounded sequence can hold any number of elements, constrained only by the limits of your platform memory. 一個無限序列可以擁有任意多個元素,只會受到平台記憶體大小的限制。
  • My respect for those who today follow the same path in Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya and the Balkans is unbounded. 對如今那些在伊拉克和阿富汗,利比亞和巴爾幹步我後塵的人們,我懷著無比的尊重。
  • Also check that changing the value of unbounded constraints won't make any difference to the solution, as expected. 還要檢查修改無邊界約束的值不會對解答造成任何變化,這正是我們期望的。
  • After Zend_Paginator loads, Listing 6 performs an unbounded SELECT query to retrieve a complete set of YQL results. 載入Zend _ Paginator之後,清單6執行一個無限制的SELECT查詢來檢索完整的YQL結果集。
  • Our blog has a document element called, containing an unbounded sequence of items with title, description, and so on. 我們的blog有一個名為的文檔元素,包含無限制的項目序列,每個項目都有標題、描述等。
  • Sitting at the back of your bike, I held a bunch of rose, the crimson rose, with my hairs unbounded in the wind all way long. 是坐在你的車後,懷抱一束鮮紅的玫瑰,那種血也似的欲滴的鮮紅,一路長發迎空飄揚。


