- 外文名:swiftly
- 詞性:副詞
- 英式發音:[ˈswɪftli]
- 美式發音:[ˈswɪftli]
Swiftly Swiftly,是一家電子商務企業。所獲榮譽 2023年4月18日,以69億人民幣的企業估值入選《2023·胡潤全球獨角獸榜》,排名10 3 9名。2024年4月9日,Swiftly企業以78億人民幣的企業估值入選《2024·胡潤全球獨角獸榜》,排名1051名。
1)-ly,possibly,swiftly,simply 2)-ward,-wards,downward,inwards,upward 3)-ways,always,sideways 4)-wise,otherwise,clockwise 名詞後綴單詞舉例.⒈-ant,-ent表示人或構件 applicant(申請人),assistant(助手),occupant(居 住者,占有人),component(部件,成分),defendant(被 告)dependant(依賴他人...
唰,漢語二級字,讀作唰(shuā),多用於口語中,形容迅速的樣子。現代釋義 基本字義 唰shuā ⒈ 鳥理毛。⒉ 下雨時的象聲詞。基本詞義 ◎ 唰 shuā 〈動〉鳥理毛 [trim]唰,鳥治毛也。——《集韻》詞性變化 ◎ 唰 shuā 〈形〉形容迅速的樣子 [swiftly]。如:唰地一下跳上牆;唰溜溜(形容極其迅速);...
7. 比喻迅速 [swiftly]。如:電至(形容行動的迅速);電改(形容改變的迅速);電往(形容行動的迅速);電豁超生(急速用智慧讓人脫離苦海);電赴(形容奔赴的迅速);電飛(比喻如電一般的飛逸);電射(形容威勢強大,如閃電般射出);電掃(形容行動的迅速);電逝(形容奔走的迅速);電掣(形容行動的迅速);電邁(形容逝去的...
駸駸,漢語詞語,讀音:qīn qīn,意思是形容馬跑得很快的樣子。釋義 (1) [at a gallop]∶馬跑得很快 皋蘭被徑路,青驪逝駸駸。——三國魏· 阮籍《詠懷八十二首》(2) 又如:駸駸(馬快跑的樣子)(3) [swiftly]∶迅疾 然後由歐洲新文明進而復我三皇五帝舊文明,駸駸進於大同之世矣。——《老殘遊記》出...
(1) 急速 [swiftly]其亡也忽焉。——《左傳·莊公十一年》忽反顧以游目兮。——《楚辭·離騷》(2) 又如:忽眨(眼睛不停地開閉);忽焉(快速的樣子);忽溜(轉動的樣子);忽騰騰(快迅奔騰的樣子);忽驟(猶急速)(3) 渺茫;遼遠;恍忽 [dim;remote]忽乎吾將行兮。——《楚辭·屈原·涉江》◎ 忽 ...
27 -ift thrift / drift / lift / swiftly / shift / gift033 28 -im him / swim / slim034 29 -in twin / grin / pin / chin / skin / sin035 O的短元音 30 -ox fox / pox / ox / box036 Tip6 cow、ox 和 bull的區別037 31 -od God / nod / pod / rod037 32 -ot not / Spot...
Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream. 童年就像一場疾逝的夢。2. Metaphor 暗喻 暗喻也是一種比喻, 但不用比喻詞, 因此被稱為"縮減了的明喻(a compressed simile)"。它是根據兩個事物間的某些共同的特徵, 用一事物去暗示另一事物的比喻方式。如:And yet, while most of us are only too ready to ...
⑴He lift swiftly as the baking interview completed.(倍受煎熬的面試一結束他便急速離開。——baking原意是烤麵包,此處修飾interview,為了烘托難熬的氣氛。)⑵Mark Twain had to leave the city because of the scathing column he wrote.(由於他撰寫的辛辣欄目,馬克·吐溫不得不離開那座城市。——scathing指...
Experiencing and healing the pain of a broken relationship helps us become people who are more compassionate to other people's pain. Emotional pain won't kill you; it's what you will do to avoid that pain that might kill you. Or, at least make you wish you had not moved so swiftly ...
23People count on hospitals and health facilities to respond, swiftly and efficiently, as the lifeline for survival and the backbone of support.人們指望醫院和衛生機構作為生存的命脈和提供支持的棟樑,迅速而有效地作出回應。24No matter what steps governments take to provide water more efficiently, they...
有人正爬上樓梯。They went tiptoeing stealthily down, the one behind the other.他們一前一後躡手躡腳地悄悄走了下去。He started swiftly and stealthily, and just as he was crossing the threshold he heard voices behind him.他飛快地、鬼鬼祟祟地邁步往前,正當他要跨進門檻,就聽見背後有說話聲。
17They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy.他們打算毫不留情地迅速殺死她。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》18Ordinary people are at the mercy of faceless bureaucrats.普通人任由千人一面的官僚們擺布。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》19Buildings are left to decay at the mercy of vandals and the ...
一溜煙,讀音:yī liù yān,漢語詞語,意思是比喻人或有生命的東西跑得很快。釋義 [run away swiftly] 形容跑得很快 出處 明 施耐庵《水滸傳》第一百四回:范全棄了老小,一溜煙走來這裡,“頃刻便有官兵來也!眾人個個都要吃官司哩!”例句 明·蘭陵笑笑生《金瓶梅》第五十七回:只見他把靸鞋兒系好了,把...
13They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy.他們打算毫不留情地迅速殺死她。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》14It doesn't take much imagination to guess what she meant.不難猜出她的意思。《牛津詞典》15Working for herself meant that she could be her own woman.獨立工作意味著她能夠自主。《...
16Without another word, he swam swiftly away in an effort to reach land as soon as possible.他二話不說,飛快地游開,試圖儘快上岸。17As he swam away, he called out: "Good-by, Alidoro, good luck and remember me to the family!"當他遊走的時候,他喊道:“再見,阿里道羅,祝你好運,代我...
Yet out of the evening came the uncertain, silvery sounds that made one’s soul start alert, almost with fear. How could the little silver bugles sound the rally so swiftly, in the soft air, when the earth was yet bound? Yet the birds continued their whistling, rather dimly and brokenly...
8People count on hospitals and health facilities to respond, swiftly and efficiently, as the lifeline for survival and the backbone of support.人們指望醫院和衛生機構作為生存的命脈和提供支持的棟樑,迅速而有效地作出回應。9There is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a ...
Swiftly flow the days Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers Blossoming even as we gaze Sunrise, sunset Sunrise, sunset Swiftly fly the years One season following another Laden with happiness and tears What words of wisdom can I give them?How can I help to ease their way?Now they must ...
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight.前兩行是end-stopped line,後兩行是run-on line。讀跨行句詩,行末停頓較短。跨行句在英文詩歌中極其普遍,有時十來行才成一完整句子。(二) 詩行的長短以音步數目計算:英文詩行的長度範圍一般是一音步——五音步。六、七、...
Swiftly gives me sweet release Yeah I want it I'm gonna get it Stranger and it keeps getting stranger Stranger All your obsessions are haunting me The walls are closing in possessing me Holding my desire in your hands Raise the fire storm unveil your plans yeah So pick that apple from a ...
He started swiftly and stealthily, and just as he was crossing the threshold he heard voices behind him. 他飛快地、鬼鬼祟祟地邁步往前,正當他要跨進門檻,就聽見背後有說話聲。Is five seconds on the floor the critical threshold that separates a piece of eatable food from a case of food ...
26The G20 needs to act boldly and swiftly on this front.20國集團需要迅速、果斷地向前行動。27"I hear she means to get a divorce," said Janey boldly.“我聽說她打算離婚,”詹尼冒失地說。28The roof of the theatre was boldly defined against the sky.戲院的屋頂在天空襯托下顯得輪廓分明。
《箭與歌》(The Arrow and the Song)是美國詩人亨利·沃茲沃斯·朗費羅(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)的作品,歌頌了友誼的地久天長。詩歌原文 The Arrow and the Song ——Henry Wadsworth Longfellow .I shot an arrow into the air,It fell to earth I knew not where;For so swiftly it flew the sight,Cou...
E4 8E 80。䎀字位於中日韓統一表意文字擴充A區(CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。English flying, to run swiftly; to go at express speed 古籍解釋 康熙字典 䎀【未集中】【羽部】康熙筆畫:11畫部外筆畫:5畫 《廣韻》《集韻》許月切,音䟠。飛貌。又《韻會》休必切。音獝。義同。
Dodging a fire swiftly Yellow-brick stalker walking shifty I'm but a prototype Metroid programmed to holocaust style While you're sulking in the stages of denial Your petty soldiersstand fragile like Giacometti sculptures Embedded ineremeticcultures we's rocksteady vultures Plus I's the geyser ...
All food can be delivered to you swiftly, whether you are at the dining room or in the bar,on the deck or in your own room.遊輪餐廳圖片(5張)總統七號餐廳圖片(5張)船體尺寸 Cruise Size 總噸位(T)Gross Tonnage:約1.7萬T 客區甲板層 Decks:6 長度(M)Length:146.80M 寬度(M)Width...
Time stealing swiftly 時光飛逝 These children having children of their own 如今的他們已經有了自己的孩子 and around life's merry-go round goes 生活的旋木轉著,日復一日 and there you are wanting what you cannot hold 你還在為那些遙不可及,一直堅持 There's a hole in my heart 我的心有出空洞...
CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A)。English to walk swiftly, (same as 矞) scared; afraid; fearful; frightened 古籍解釋 康熙字典 䎉【未集中】【羽部】康熙筆畫:12畫部外筆畫:6畫 康熙字典 䎉 《廣韻》許聿切,音矞。《玉篇》飛去貌。《郭璞·江賦》鼓翅𦒑䎉。