



  • 中文名:總統七號遊輪
  • 外文名:M/V President 7
  • 長度:146.8米
  • 寬度:20.2米
  • 房間數:230
  • 首航: 2013年
  • 容納人數:近580人
  • 運營時間:2013年4月
  • 豪華標準間:216套
  • 豪華行政房:12套


中文名稱 Name In Chinese: 總統七
英文名稱 Name In English: M/V President 7
星級及建造標準 Building Standard: ★★★★★+
首航 Inaugurated: 2013年



The luxury cruise ships President VII & VIII will begin their voyage in April, 2013. As sister ships of the same class and design, they are 146.8 meter in length and 20.2 meter in width, making them the largest cruise ships Changjiang Shipping has designed so far. They each contain 215 luxury standard rooms, 13 luxury executive rooms on the top deck, and 2 presidential suites on the fore side of 3 deck, totaling 230 rooms for 460 guests. We also considered the needs of family customers when designing the luxury standard rooms, 100 of which can be upgraded into triple rooms for families, giving each ship a total capacity of about 580 guests.
Among the facilities on President VII & VIII are the iconic main lobbies, the elegant double-decker dining rooms decorated with hollow sculptures, multi-functional performance hall and high-end internet cafes. Each room is equipped with an integrated bathing system, and has its own balcony, giving guests the great view of Yangtze River. The new ship design has also made great improvements in terms of safety, traveling comfort and ergonomics.


For the safety of the voyage, President VII and VIII utilize the double hull and double bottom structure of ocean cruise ships, and all rooms have safety equipments such as life-jackets. The guest rooms are decorated using eco-friendly materials that exceed national standards, protecting the health of our guests. The entire ships are constructed with fireproof materials, further ensuring the safety of everyone on board.


For traveling comfort, the ships’ state-of-the-art floating deck technology can keep guests from sensing any swaying. Their noise reduction system, another standard feature of ocean cruise ships, can effectively reduce the machine noise heard in guest rooms to a degree far lower than the national standard for five-star cruise ships. The bathing equipments are the same world famous brand products as those of five-star hotels. With the independent “new air” system, guests can enjoy the fresh air of Three Gorges even indoors. The largest Spa among inland cruise ships allows guests to relax themselves after a day’s traveling. Each ship is also equipped with the complete set of service and entertainment facilities include the largest indoor constant-temperature pool among inland cruise ships, bar, luxury cinema, massage room, sauna, beauty salon, cigar club, shopping center, print shop, currency exchange, gym, internet cafe, laundry, library, mail service and infirmary.
From the wheelchair passages throughout the ships, to children’s play rooms, to the full-view dining rooms on the top deck, the ships are designed with ergonomics and the motto of “happiness first”. Due to the increasing demands of convention tour, the ships also have conference rooms with simultaneous interpretation systems suitable for conferences whether there are a few or several hundred attendants, perfectly combining enterprise image with convention tourism.
As upgrades from our President Flagship, aside from the further improvements of our hardware, improving the quality and efficiency of our service is another emphasis in the design of President VII & VIII.
The new design puts a clear division between public areas and resting areas. The 2-4 decks are exclusively for guest rooms, while the guest rooms and entertainment areas on the 5 and 6 decks are also divided by a wide central hall. The entertainment areas all have advanced sound insulation facilities, while large entertainment facilities such as cinema, pool, sauna and gym are all located under the main deck. Those designs ensure all guests can rest easy.
On each ship, about 200 stewards provide comprehensive services. On average, each steward services 2 or 3 guests, greatly increasing the quality and response efficiency of our service. Whether it’s dining, guest room or entertainment services, professional personnel can give guests the help they need.


In terms of food, President VII & VIII have a special “food quality assurance system”.
Exquisite food are made in clean and tidy enclosed kitchens,
and delivered to the guests via highly efficient channels.
All food can be delivered to you swiftly, whether you are at the dining room or in the bar,
on the deck or in your own room.


Cruise Size
總噸位(T)Gross Tonnage:約1.7萬T 客區甲板層 Decks:6
長度(M)Length:146.80M 寬度(M)Width:20.20M


中式桌餐:包括開胃菜品、4涼碟、6-8熱菜、例湯、2道主食、餐後甜點和水果拼盤。 每桌配以軟飲、茶飲。


酒店大堂 Lobby 總服務台 Reception Desk
商場 Souvenir Shop 商務中心 Business Center
醫療室 Clinic 咖啡廳 Café 閱覽區 Reading Room 游泳池 Swimming Pool
兒童樂園Children's park 棋牌室 Card Room
多功能廳 Multi-Function Hall 卡拉 Karaok
酒吧 Bar 宴會廳 Banquet Hall
網路會所Internet bar 電影院cinema
餐廳Dinning Room 室內觀景廳 Front View Stand
美容室 Beauty Salon 按摩室 Massage Room
會議中心 Conference Center 廣播室 Radio Room
陽光甲板 Sun Deck 公共衛生間 Public Washroom
健身房 Gym Room 桑拿中心Sauna
豪華標準間(帶陽台)Deluxe Cabin with Balcony - 216套
豪華商務間(帶陽台)Deluxe Suite with Balcony- 12套
總統套房(帶陽台)Presidential Suite - 2套
客位總數 Passenger Capacity:460位
客房總數 Number Of Cabins:230套


窗戶開啟 Active Window 客艙電話 Extension Telephone 電視機 TV
獨立衛生間 Private Bathroom 淋浴 Shower 晾衣繩 Cloth Line
迷你酒吧 Mini Bar 救生衣 Life Jacket 礦泉水 Mineral Water
原子筆Ball-Pen 便箋 Memo Pad 電話使用指南 Telephone Directory
茶包 Tea Bags 洗髮液 Shampoo 沐浴液 Bath Foam
浴帽 Shower Cap 浴巾 Bath Towel 浴袍 Bath Robe
洗臉毛巾 Face Towel 手巾 Hand Towel 梳子 Comb
香皂 Soap 牙膏 Toothpaste 牙刷 Toothbrush
漱口杯 Tooth Mug 拖鞋 Slippers 擦鞋器 Shoe Sponge
洗衣袋 Laundry Bag 電壓 Voltage AV220v,50hz 臥床 Bed
私人外陽台 Private Balcony 電吹風 Hair Dryer 迷你冰櫃 Mini Refrigerator
浴缸 Bathtub 體重秤 Weight Balance 私人保險箱 Private Safety Box
豪華標準間(帶獨立陽台)Deluxe Cabin with Balcony - 215套
標準客房為2人客房. 房價為每位乘客價格
客房面積 Cabin Size:27.5㎡
豪華商務間(帶獨立陽台)Deluxe Suite with Balcony - 13套
標準客房為2人客房. 房價為每位乘客價格
客房面積 Cabin Size:41.2㎡
總統套房(帶獨立陽台)Presidential Suite - 2套
套房為2人大床客房. 房價為每位乘客價格
客房面積 Cabin Size:198㎡(獨立觀景區120㎡)
]]價格包括b]b] a. 船票已含:床位、用餐、景點遊覽、中英文導遊、歌舞表演及晚會.
b. 遊船銷售季節劃分:旺季:4月15日後、5月、9月、10月 ; 遊輪平季:3月、4月15日前、6月、7月、8月、11月.
c. 結費標準:中國境內支付,R指人民幣計價(RMB).境外支付需按照當日牌價折算支付
d. 2-12歲兒童不占床位者按照50%,占床按照100%收取費用 ;2歲以下兒童按照20%收取費用
a. 起點或終點城市機場-港口BUS及陪同接待人員,
b. 船上用於個人目的的消費: SHOPPING、酒水、桑拿、洗衣、小費、通訊
c. 臨時性新增停靠的自費景點


