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  • 外文名:Backbone
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈbækbəʊn]
  • 美式音標:[ˈbækboʊn]


英 [ˈbækbəʊn] 美 [ˈbækboʊn]
n. 脊骨,脊柱;支柱,骨幹;骨氣,毅力;<美>書脊;(聚合分子的)主鏈;(計算機)主幹網
[ 複數 backbones ]


to the backbone 完完全全;徹頭徹尾
backbone network 中樞網路,骨幹網
backbone enterprise 骨幹企業
Riser Backbone Subsystem 垂直幹線子系統 ; 子系統 ; 幹線子系統 ; 垂直主幹子系統
Backbone frame 脊骨形底架 ; 脊樑架
Backbone Subsystem 幹線子系統 ; 垂直幹線子系統 ; 子系統 ; 主幹子系統
Backbone area 骨幹區域 ; 主幹區域
backbone road 幹道 ; 主幹道
BACKBONE CABLING 主幹線子系統 ; 主幹線布線 ; 幹線子系統 ; 主幹布線子系統


  • 1You might be taking drastic measures and you've got to have the backbone to do that.你可能在採取極端措施,而且你得有骨氣做它。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2They ain't got any backbone.她們沒有骨氣。
  • 3Primary care should be the backbone of any health care system.基層醫療應該是任何衛生醫療系統的支柱。
  • 4He doesn't have the backbone to face the truth.他沒有面對現實的勇氣。《牛津詞典》
  • 5Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy.農業是農村經濟的基礎。《牛津詞典》
  • 6As a backbone system that interconnects networks, internet was a name that fit.作為連線網路的主幹系統,網際網路這一名稱很合適。
  • 7That can happen but that's abnormal, but changes in maybe the chemistry of the backbone that holds the nucleotides together.那可能發生的,但屬於非正常的變化,但是可能主鏈的化學變化將核苷酸結合在一起。
  • 8People count on hospitals and health facilities to respond, swiftly and efficiently, as the lifeline for survival and the backbone of support.人們指望醫院和衛生機構作為生存的命脈和提供支持的棟樑,迅速而有效地作出回應。
  • 9There is a conventional story line in the newsroom culture that provides a backbone and a ready-made narrative structure for otherwise confusing news.在新聞編輯室文化中有一條傳統的故事主線,它能為那些其他情況下混亂的新聞提供一個基本的格式和現成的敘事結構。
  • 10The structure of the backbone shows, however, that Ambulocetus swam like modern whales by moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing.不過,走鯨的脊椎結構顯示,即使沒有尾片,它們在水中同樣能夠像現代鯨魚那樣通過身體後面部分的上下擺動來遊動。
  • 11Now the backbone has grown ribs.於是骨架上長出了肉。
  • 12Windows and Office are the backbone of the company.Windows和Office是公司的支柱。
  • 13The Constructor: Backbone of the Chi Square test構造函式:X 平方分布檢驗的主幹
  • 14Women farmers are the backbone of African agriculture.在非洲,婦女一直是從事農業的主力軍。
  • 15That question forms the backbone of this special report.這個問題構成了本次特別報導的骨幹。
  • 16Custom objects are the backbone of any large-scale application.定製對象是大型應用程式的支柱。
  • 17Information services are part of the core backbone of a SOA.信息服務是SOA的核心中樞的一部分。
  • 18We design the backbone of the application — the architecture.我們設計應用程式的骨架,即架構。
  • 19The WBS forms the backbone of all the project planning activities.WBS是所有項目規劃活動的支柱。
  • 20One problem is a lack of backbone links, particularly to Africa.其中一個問題是缺乏骨幹連線網,這一點在非洲最為明顯。
  • 21Steel provided the backbone of Japan's post-war industrial rise.戰後日本的工業崛起,離不開鋼材業的強力支撐。
  • 22His strategy made him not only a man with backbone, but a winner.而他的策略卻使他不僅成為一個有勇氣的人,而且還是贏家。
  • 23He said the cliff was called Jiyu Bei, which means Carp's Backbone.他說那座懸崖叫作“鯽魚背”,意思就是鯽魚的脊背。
  • 24The WBS forms the backbone for a number of project management activities.WBS是許多項目管理活動的支柱。
  • 25It has become the backbone of commerce and media, woven deeply into daily life.網際網路已經成為了商業和媒體的支柱,深深扎入了我們的日常生活。
  • 26They had no backbone and were tiny - the new specimen is only an inch long.它們沒有脊椎,體型嬌小——這個新的標本只有一英寸長。
  • 27Peter always says that he agrees with other's opinions. He has no backbone.彼得總是附和別人的意見,沒有什麼主見。

