- 外文名:sorbent
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:['sɔːb(ə)nt]
- 美式發音:['sɔrbənt]
resorbent resorbent,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時譯為“再吸收的”,作名詞時譯為“吸收劑”。短語搭配 resorbent t 吸收劑 resorbent resorptive 再吸收的 intraoperative resorbent autotransfusion 術中回收式自體輸血法 同近義詞 absorbingagent,absorbentl ...
吸附劑儲罐過濾器 吸附劑儲罐過濾器(sorbent storage drum filter)是2017年公布的化工名詞。定義 安裝在S Zorb吸附劑儲罐頂部,以避免當氮氣或空氣流出時夾帶吸附劑的過濾器。出處 《《化工名詞》(一)(石油煉製·煤制油及天然氣·生物質制油)》第一版。
再生吸附劑 再生吸附劑(regenerated sorbent)是2017年公布的化工名詞。定義 待生吸附劑經空氣燒焦,脫除炭和部分硫,由氫氣還原表面的鎳組分,活性得到恢復,其硫含量一般為3%~6%。出處 《《化工名詞》(一)(石油煉製·煤制油及天然氣·生物質制油)》第一版。
吸附劑結塊 吸附劑結塊(sorbent caking)是2017年公布的化工名詞。定義 S Zorb裝置內吸附劑與水發生反應而生成的塊狀物。主要成分為硫酸鋅和硫酸鎳。出處 《《化工名詞》(一)(石油煉製·煤制油及天然氣·生物質制油)》第一版。
例如 , 新出現的填充吸附微萃取 (micro extraction packed sorbent, MEPS)技術, 可處理低至10 mL 的樣品, 方法步驟與固相萃取(solid phase extraction, SPE)全面兼容, 易與 GC-MS, LC-MS 整合,可實現高通量和自動化。 已用於生物樣品如血、尿中的藥物及代謝產物的前處理, 例如, 可在 2~4 min 內完成人...
吸附劑藏量 吸附劑藏量(sorbent inventory)是2017年公布的化工名詞。定義 裝置內經常保持的吸附劑量。出處 《《化工名詞》(一)(石油煉製·煤制油及天然氣·生物質制油)》第一版。
(3)放射變應原吸附試驗(radio allergosorbent test,RAST):是利用已知的食物抗原檢測患者血清中有無相應的IgE抗體。該方法準確性高,假陽性率低,不受患者用藥的影響,但費用昂貴,且不能同時檢測多種抗原。(4)食物與安慰劑對照的雙盲試驗(the double-blind placebo controlled food challenge,DBPCFC):也稱為食物...
(11)Junhong Xin, Xuguang Qiao, Zhixiang Xu*, Jie Zhou. Molecularly imprinted polymer as sorbent for solid-phase extraction coupling to gas chromatography for the simultaneous determination of trichlorfon and monocrotophos residues in vegetables. Food Analytical Methods, 2013, 6: 274-281. (IF 2....
待生吸附劑 待生吸附劑(spent sorbent)是2017年公布的化工名詞。定義 吸附反應器系統中經過脫硫反應後的吸附劑。其上沉積有大量的炭和硫,硫含量一般為7%~11%。出處 《《化工名詞》(一)(石油煉製·煤制油及天然氣·生物質制油)》第一版。
體外試驗以淋巴細胞轉化試驗及放射變應原吸附試驗(radiooallergosorbent test,RAST)等已用於致敏原的檢測,但僅對部分藥物可靠,在有條件情況下可採用,有一定參考價值。【治療說明】(一)去除病因 停用一切可疑的致病藥物是必須首先採取的步驟,切忌在已經出現藥物反應的先兆表現時仍未斷然停藥的作法。(二)支持...
免疫吸附色譜 immunasorbent hramatcgraphy利用抗 L-抗體的專一性結合的特性進行蛋白質分離純化的方法。 如利用各種化學方法將酶飛抗原或抗體偶聯到不溶性載體上 (載體偶聯法)或依靠雙功能團試劑(如戊二醛)在酶、抗原或 抗體分子間發生交聯反應成為不溶性的網狀結構,然後裝柱, 以層析法進行免疫吸附反應 ...
1. Y. Feng, J. Wen, Y. Hu, et al. Evaluation of the cycling performance of a sorbent for H2S removal and simulation of desulfurization-regeneration processes. Chemical Engineering Journal 2017,326: 1255-1265.2. Y. Feng, J. Wang, Y. Hu, et al. Microwave heating motivated ...
Xie, J.K.; Qu, Z.*; Yan, N.Q.*; Yang, S.J.; Chen, W.M.; Hu, L.G.; Huang, W.J.; Liu, P. Novel regenerable sorbent based on Zr–Mn binary metal oxides for flue gas mercury retention and recovery. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2013, 261, 206-213.Xie, J.K.; Xu, ...
5.G.–P. Hao, W.–C. Li(李文翠), S. Wang, S. Zhang, A.–H. Lu*, Tubular structured ordered mesoporous carbon as an efficient sorbent for the removal of dyes from aqueous solutions, Carbon 2010, 48, 3330–3339. (影響因子: 5.868)2011 6.高鵬程,王玉婷,李文翠,不同含量鉀離子支撐...
[17] Zebao Rui, Jingjing Ding, Lining Fang, Y.S. Lin, Yongdan Li*, YBaCo₄O₇ sorbent for the production of O₂-enriched CO₂ stream at a low temperature, Fuel, 2012, 94:191-196.[16] Danyan Feng, Zebao Rui, Yubing Lu, Hongbing Ji*, A simple method to decorate TiO...
酶聯免疫吸附技術(enzyme-linked immu-nosorbent assay,ELISA)是建立在免疫酶學基礎上,將抗原抗體反應的高度特異性和酶的高效催化作用相結合而發展建立的一種免疫分析方法。基本原理是利用酶標記的抗原或酶標記的抗體作為主要試劑,通過複合物中的酶催化底物呈色反應來對待測物質進行定性或定量,在農藥和獸藥殘留、...
5. Guo-zhen Fang, Jin-xing He, Shuo Wang*, Multiwalled carbon nanotubes as sorbent for on-line coupling of solid-phase extraction to high-performance liquid chromatography for simultaneous determination of 10 sulfonamides in eggs and pork.Journal of chromatography A, 2006,1127:12-17.(SCI, ...
[35] Tang Sheng*, Sun Jun, Xia Dasha, Zang Bin, Gao Yuhua, Chen Chuanxiang*, Shen Wei, Lee Hian Kee*, In-syringe extraction using compressible and self-recoverable, amphiphilic graphene aerogel as sorbent for determination of phenols. Talanta 195(2019) 165-172.[36] Deng Huimin, Tang ...
8. Liu, Houmei(#),Liang, Xiaojing,Wang, Xusheng,Guo, Yong,Liu, Xia (*),Polyelectrolyte assembled graphene oxide coated silica composite as sorbent for solid-phase extraction of cinnamic acid and its derivatives,RSC Advances,2015,5(6):4420-4427 9. Liu, Houmei (#),Guo, Yong,...
2、M. Wu, L. Shi, T. T. Lim, A.Veksha, F. Yu, H. Fan, J. Mi, Ordered mesoporous Zn-based supported sorbent synthesized by a new method for high-efficiency desulfurization of hot coal gas. Chem. Eng. J. 353 (2018) 273-287.3、M. Wu, Z. Su, H. Fan, J. Mi, New way...
(112) Performance of a new copper-based sorbent with the addition of potassium sulfate for SO2/NO-removal in a powder-particle fluidized bed, Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute, 1997, 第 1 作者 (113) Simultaneous SO2/ NOx removal by a powder-particle fluidized bed, Catalysis Today,...
10.Shengping Wang*, Shasha Fan, Shasha Fan, Yujun Zhao, Xinbin Ma, Carbonation Condition and Modeling Studies of Calcium-based Sorbent in the Fixed-bed Reactor, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research , 2014, 53(25), 10457-10464(JCR 2區,IF 2.235)11.Shengping Wang, Shi Yun, Xin...
bed combustion (PFBC) is one of the newest of the coal-based generation technologies available commercially. This authoritative volume contains an excellent balance of the theoretical and practical aspects of PFBC technology, including economics, the fundamental theory of plant design and sorbent ...
1. Junping Wang, Xiaoxing Ma, Guozhen Fang, Mingfei Pan, Xiaoke Ye, Shuo Wang*. Preparation of Iminodiacetic Acid Functionalized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and its Application as Sorbent for Separation and Preconcentration of Heavy Metal Ions Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186, 1985–...
(39)Dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction of benzoylurea insecticides in honey samples with a β-cyclodextrin-modified attapulgite composite as sorbent, Zhang, Panjie; Cui, Xiangqian; Yang, Xiaoling; Zhang, Sanbing; Zhou, Wenfeng;Gao, HaixiangLu, Runhua, Journal of Separation Science2016, 39(2...
5.Zhu, B. H.; Wu, D. B. *; Zhu, B. H.; Selective removal of La (III) ions using super paramagnetic nano- sorbent coated by saponifiedsec-octylphenoxy acetic acid. J. Chem. Eng. Data, 57, 557-563, 2012.6.Zhu, B. H.; Ma, N.; Wu, D. B. *; Sun, Y. H., ...
8、 Ming Zhao*, Yang, X, Church TL and Harris AT. Novel CaO-SiO2 sorbent and bifunctional Ni/Co-CaO/SiO2 complex for selective H2 synthesis from cellulose, Environmental Science & Technology, (2012) 46, 2976-2983 (IF=5.481);9、 Ming Zhao*, Florin NH, Fennell PS and Harris AT. ...