



  • 外文名:retailer
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈriːteɪlə(r)]
  • 美式發音:[ˈriːteɪlər]


英 [ˈriːteɪlə(r)] 美 [ˈriːteɪlər]
n. 零售商,零售店;講述者
[ 複數 retailers ]


retailer /ˈriːteɪlə/ CET6 TEM4
1.N-COUNT A retailer is a person or business that sells goods to the public. 零售商 [商業]


retailer co-operatives 零售商合作社 ; 零售商互助社
Internet Retailer 網際網路零售商 ; 網路零售指南 ; 網路零售商
Online Retailer 網上零售商 ; 傳統零售商建網站銷售 ; 線零售商
Outdoor Retailer 戶外用品展 ; 品展覽會 ; 美國戶外用品展
Retailer promotion vehicles 特殊載具
discount retailer 折扣零售商 ; 有折扣的零售商
retailer of the year 年度最佳零售商 ; 年度銷售商
affiliated retailer 加盟零售商 ; 聯號 ; [貿易] 附屬零售店
off-price retailer 價零售商 ; 拍賣店


  • A stronger relationship between the retailer/producer and the consumer isn't just about financial incentives. 零售商或生產商與消費者之間更強的關係不僅僅是經濟激勵。
  • The Future Group, India's largest retailer, has introduced "organized chaos" into its shops to make consumers feel at home. 印度最大的零售商FutureGroup 將“有序的雜亂”引入商店,讓顧客有賓至如歸的感覺。
  • Even when a retailer gets a customer to walk in the store, she can easily see if there's a better deal online or at another store nearby. 即使零售商讓顧客走進商店,她也能很容易地看到網上或附近的商店是否有更好的交易。
  • Customers can also improve future shopping experiences by filing complaints to the retailer, instead of complaining to the rest of the world. 消費者也可以向零售商投訴,以來改善日後的購物體驗,而不是四處向他人抱怨。
  • But in some cases, one marketer's owned media become another marketer's paid media—for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site. 但在某些情況下,某市場行銷者的自有媒介會成為另一個行銷者的付費媒介。比如,當某電子商務零售商出售其網站上的廣告空間時。
  • The British are supposed to be famous for laughing at themselves, but even their sense of humour has a limit, as the British retailer Gerald Ratner found out to his cost. 英國人本應以自嘲著稱,但就連他們的幽默感也有限度,英國零售商傑拉爾德·拉特納在付出一定的代價之後才明白了這一點。
  • One retailer says that although he sells many brands of smartphones, OPPO's generous subsidies make him extra-eager to peddle its wares. 一家零售商說,儘管他銷售了許多品牌的智慧型手機,OPPO 的慷慨補貼使他尤其渴望兜售其產品。
  • The mega-retailer didn't have a whole lot to complain about in fiscal 2010. 大型零售商在2010財年沒有太多可抱怨的。
  • It's used to be a glass retailer. 它原是一間玻璃公司的辦公室。
  • As a single-brand retailer, it now can. 作為單一品牌的零售商,它現在可以了。
  • It is usually described as an Internet retailer. 人們通常將之形容為網際網路零售商。
  • Publisher says to retailer, "Here are some books." 出版商對零售商說:“這是一些書。”
  • Gymboree will not be the only retailer to benefit. 金寶貝不會是唯一獲益的零售商。
  • If a retailer offers to ring up your purchase in u. 如果有零售商人提出說,要將你的消費以美元來計算。
  • The retailer validates the credit card information. 零售商驗證信用卡信息。
  • Ask the French retailer, Carrefour, Europe's biggest. 問一下歐洲最大的法國零售商家樂福就知道了。
  • The retailer keeps inventories across three warehouses. 零售商在三個倉庫中保存庫存。
  • Figure 3 shows a class diagram for the Retailer System. 圖3顯示的是零售商系統的類圖。
  • Leading the other is the largest online retailer, Amazon. 帶領另一方的是最大的網上零售商,亞馬遜。
  • It returns a list of all the products that the retailer sells. 它返回零售商銷售的所有產品的列表。
  • Being the world's largest retailer and a notorious discounter. 世界上最大的零售商和一個臭名昭著的折扣者。
  • The retailer called police, assuming she was an identify thief. 零售商以為她是一個身份竊賊,於是把警察都叫來了。
  • The gross margins of a discount retailer could be as low as 25%. 一個折價銷售的零售商的毛利率可能低於25%。
  • Wal-Mart, America's biggest retailer, has had a dismal November. 美國最大的零售商沃爾瑪,十一月的銷售狀況也不如人意。
  • It was a magazine that would be every retailer would subscribe to it. 它是一本,每一個零售商都會訂閱的雜誌。
  • So, each time a retailer opens a new store, it can demand more payments. 所以零售商每新開一家店鋪,就可以索取更多的報償。
  • Conversely, if a big retailer collapses, other retail groups may benefit. 相反地,如果一個大型零售商倒下了,其他零售集團可能會受益。
  • Electronics retailer Circuit City is the latest high-profile casualty. 美國電子產品零售商“電路城”是最新一個引人關注的犧牲品。


