



  • 外文名:repetitive
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式發音:[rɪˈpetətɪv]
  • 美式發音:[rɪˈpetətɪv]


repetitive /rɪˈpɛtɪtɪv/ TEM4
1.ADJ Something that is repetitive involves actions or elements that are repeated many times and is therefore boring. 重複 (因而乏味的) [表不滿]
2.ADJRepetitive movements or sounds are repeated many times. 重複的


Repetitive Addressing[計] 重複定址 ; 重複選址 ; 重複定址
repetitive process 反覆過程 ; 重複過程 ; 疊代法
repetitive forms 反覆使用模板
repetitive patterns 重複圖樣
repetitive loading 反覆載荷 ; 反覆載入 ; 重複裝填
Repetitive Positioning 重複精度
Repetitive Production 重複生產方式 ; 性生產
Repetitive activity 重複的活動 ; 重複活動
repetitive retrieval[計][圖情] 重複檢索 ; 重複檢索


  • 1These tasks were repetitive, lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest.這些作業重複冗長,沒有什麼意義。《牛津詞典》
  • 2This technique is particularly successful where problems occur as the result of repetitive movements.這項技術的成功之處在於能解決重複運動引起的問題。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3There are no longer any boring or repetitive tasks.不會再有任何無聊或重複的任務。
  • 4Computers can relieve us of boring and repetitive tasks.電腦可以使我們從枯燥重複的工作中解脫出來。
  • 5The repetitive motion can provide an outlet for nervous energy.這種重複運動可以釋放一些緊張的能量。
  • 6Robots built for precise, repetitive movements don't do so well on rough terrains.為進行精準重複運動而設計的機器人在高低不平的地形中表現得不佳。
  • 7For one thing, both poems were oddly repetitive in the way they referred to characters.一方面,這兩首詩在提及人物的方式上都有奇怪的重複。
  • 8Humans will be spared many of the dirty, repetitive, and dangerous jobs that have long been a feature of factory life.人類將不再從事許多骯髒、重複和危險的工作,長期以來,這樣的工作一直是工廠生活的特徵。
  • 9Their job satisfaction, too, can surge when well-functioning machines relieve them of dull tasks or repetitive processes.當運轉良好的機器將他們從枯燥的工作或重複的過程中解脫出來時,他們的工作滿意度也會飆升。
  • 10However, even with the development of computers and robotics, there are always plenty of boring, repetitive and mechanical jobs, and lots of unskilled people who have to do them.然而,即使計算機和機器人技術不斷發展,社會上總存在著大量的枯燥、重複和機械的工作,以及許多沒有一技之長而不得不做這些工作的人。
  • 11Milkman says that these extracurricular jobs were an effort on the part of the workers to regain their dignity after suffering the degradation of repetitive assembly line work in the factory.米爾克曼說這些業餘工作是工人們在工廠忍受重複的裝配線工作所帶來的屈辱之後,為恢復尊嚴所做的努力。
  • 12At the risk of being repetitive, I will say again that statistics are only a guide.儘管會被認為羅嗦,我還得再說一遍:統計數字只是指向。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 13Apart from creating imaginative works, AI can also take care of repetitive (重複乏味的) tasks for artists.除了創造富有想像力的作品,人工智慧還可以幫藝術家做重複乏味的任務。
  • 14Dispersed repetitive sequence is mainly transposable elements which are composed of transposon and retroposon.散在重複序列主要是可轉移因子,可轉移因子分為轉座子和返座子兩種類型。
  • 15Ballism was defined as "Repetitive, but constantly varying, large amplitude involuntary movements of the proximal parts of the limbs".顫搐被定義為“四肢近端重複的,但不斷變化的大幅度不自主運動”。
  • 16Reduce repetitive movements.減少重複動作。
  • 17Testing can be tedious and repetitive.測試是乏味且重複的。
  • 18The code is simple, and not repetitive.代碼簡單且無重複性。
  • 19The book is repetitive?這本書是絮叨的么?
  • 20Automation of manual and repetitive tasks.手動和重複性任務的自動化。
  • 21The standard tone is a repetitive ring.而傳統的回鈴音是重複的“嘟--嘟”聲。
  • 22He has not the patience for repetitive work.他沒有耐心做重複性的工作。
  • 23It's called RSI or Repetitive Strain Injury.它被稱為RSI,或者肢體重複性勞損。
  • 24The rhythm of paragraphs strike repetitive beats.段落的韻律會有重複的節拍。
  • 25Emerson could not stand this repetitive cycle.愛默生受不了這樣循環的怪圈。
  • 26Factories require a lot of tedious, repetitive code.工廠需要大量冗長重複的代碼。
  • 27"It's a very stable, repetitive process," Barnes said.“這是一個非常穩定的、反覆的過程,”巴恩斯說道。
  • 28Well, it must be understandable and must be repetitive.聽力材料必須是你能理解的,而且要反覆聽。
  • 29Our biological functions are based on repetitive rhythms.我們的生物功能是基於重複的節奏。
  • 30Nothing repetitive. Nothing that a computer could handle.沒有不是重複的任務,計算機能處理所有事情。


