- 外文名:psychophysics
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[saɪkə(ʊ)'fɪzɪks]
- 美式發音:[,saɪko'fɪzɪks]
《Attention Perception & Psychophysics》是1966年Springer US出版的期刊,刊期為Bimonthly,刊載方向為醫學-心理學。辦刊歷史 1966年,《Attention Perception & Psychophysics》開始出版。辦刊成果 出版發行 據2021年4月LetPub顯示,《Attention Perception & Psychophysics》年文章數為219篇。影響因子 據2021年4月LetPub...
《空間聽覺 : 人類聲定位的心理物理學 : the psychophysics of human sound localization》是2013年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是(德)J. 布勞爾特。內容簡介 本書主要闡述人的聽覺的空間感。全書共分五章。第一章介紹空間聽覺研究中的心理測試法。第二章和第三章介...
[英文]psychophysics [名詞解釋]心理物理學——心理物理學是研究心物關係並使之數量化的一個心理學分支。費希納的定義是:一門研究心身或心物之間的函式關係的精密科學。對物理刺激和它引起的感覺進行數量化研究的心理學領域。它所要解決的問題是:多強的刺激才能引起感覺,即絕對感覺閾限的測量;物理刺激有多大變化...
精神物理學1.當今估價理論的大部分著作都起源於“精神物理學”,這是一個依然令人費解的領域。 2.這是一個精神物理學的分支學科,它側重於研究感官的輸入刺激和這些刺激所引發的心理反應或行為之間的關係。The...
Human Methods:Psychophysics Humans Inhibitory Control over Action and Memory Neglect Syndrome and the Spatial Attention Network Neural Coding of Spatial Representations Neuropsychological Testing Parietal Cortex and Spatial Attention Perception and Eye Movements Prefrontal Cortex Prefrontal Cortex:Structure and ...
Human Methods: Psychophysics Motor Psychophysics Neuroethics Neuropsychological Testing Neuropsychology: Theoretical Basis Phrenology Psycholinguistics Psychophysics of Attention Saccades and Visual Search Task Switching Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 成像技術 Alzheimer's Disease: MRI...
Early Psychophysics Ivan P. Pavlov (1849-1936)Classical Conditioning Explanations for Stimulus-Response Associations Variations in Contiguity Acquisition, Extinction, and Recovery Pavlov's Classical Conditioning: An Appraisal John B. Watson (1878-1958)Behaviorism A Classical Conditioning Explanation of ...
8. Tan, J., Yin, S., Wang, L., Chen, A., & Egner, T. (2018). Processing overlap-dependent distractor dilution rather than perceptual target load determines attentional selectivity. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 80(8), 2048–2059.9. 夏海碩,丁晴雯,莊岩 & 陳安濤.(2018).體...
Psychophysics Signal Detection Theory Part III: Data Analysis with Matlab Frequency Analysis Part I Frequency Analysis Part II: Non-stationary Signals and Spectrograms Wavelets Convolution Introduction to Phase Plane Analysis Exploring the Fitzhugh-Nagumo Model Neural Data Analysis: Encoding Principal ...
2.Chen, Y., & Yan, B (corresponding author). (2019). The space contraction asymmetry in Michotte’s launching effect. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-12. Published online 3.晏碧華(通訊作者),陳云云,張雅靜,王夢馨.(2019). 運動空間定向判斷中的方向偏差及飛行慣性. 心理科學 4....
現以第一作者發表SCI、SSCI收錄論文4篇(Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance、Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition、Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics),並發表多篇CSSCI收錄論文(心理發展與教育、心理科學進展、心理與行為研究等)。現擔任國內...
Lin, R.#, Li, X.#, Wang, B.*, & Theeuwes, J. Spatial suppression due to statistical learning tracks the estimated spatial probability. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 83(1): 283-291.Chen, J., Zhang, M., Zhou, J., Li, X., Zhang, F., & Shen, M*. Implicit and Explicit ...
《心理學報》、《心理科學進展》、《華師大學報》、《套用心理學》、Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics、Consciousness and Cognition、Frontiers in Psychology、Frontiers in Human Neuroscience、Psychology & Psychotherapy等學術期刊評審專家 研究方向 認知心理學、社會心理學、人工智慧 主講課程 心理測量、高級心理測量...
Consulting editor of Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics(SSCI:編委)Consulting editor of Visual Cognition(SSCI:編委)Consulting editor of International Journal of Mental Health Promotion(SCI:編委)《套用心理學》(國核心心期刊,編委)《心理科學進展》(國核心心期刊,編委)香港大學兼職博士生導師 ...
Liu, F., Jiang, C., Pfordresher, P. Q., Mantell, J. T., Xu, Y., Yang, Y., & Stewart, L. (2013). Individuals with congenital amusia imitate pitches more accurately in singing than in speaking: Implications for music and language processing. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 75...
Li, X. S., Logan, G.D., Zbrodoff, N. J. (2010). Where do we look when we count? The role of eye movements in enumeration. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics Li, X.S., Rayner, K., & Cave, K. (2009).On the segmentation of Chinese words during reading. Cognitive Psychology...
Lu, S., Han, S. (2009). Attentional capture is contingent on the interaction between task demand and stimulus salience. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1, 1015-1026.Ma, Y., Han, S. (2009). Self-face advantage is modulated by social threat — Boss effect on self-face recognition...
6.Lin,N.,Angele,B.,Hua,H.,Shen,W.,Zhou,J.,& Li,X.*(2018). Skipping of Chinese characters does not rely on word-based processing. Attention,Perception,& Psychophysics 7.Lin,N.*,Wang,X.,Zhao,Y.,Liu,Y.,Li,X.,& Bi,Y.(2015). Premotor Cortex Activation ...
semantic preview benefits in Chinese reading.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(4),1069. Shu, H. #, Zhou, W. #, Yan, M., & Kliegl, R.(2011). Font size modulates saccade-target selection in Chinese reading.Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73(2...
(23)Li, C., Wang, Z., Bao, H., Wang, J., Chen, S., & Cao, X. (2021). The left-side bias is not unique to own-race face processing. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 83(4), 1562-1570.(22)Sun, Y., Li, Q., & Cao, X. (2020). Development of Holistic Face ...
Perception & Psychophysics , 2007,69(3)345-352 科研項目 近年來主持的主要科研項目:1. 情緒狀態下的認知控制及其機制(編號:30870765),國家自然科學基金 ,2009-2011 2. 毒品戒斷及防復吸的心理機制研究(編號:07JZD0029),教育部哲學社會科學研究重大課題攻關項目 ,2007-2011 3. 視覺工作記憶表征的並行...
Du, F*. & Abrams, R. A., (2008). Synergy of stimulus-driven salience and goal-driven prioritization: Evidence from the spatial blink. Perception & Psychophysics Abrams, R. A., Davoli, C. C., Du, F., Knapp, W. J., & Paull, D. (2008). Altered vision near the hands. Cognition...
擔任國際學術雜誌《Attention,Perception & Psychophysics》、《Experimental brain research》和《Journal of Motor Behavior》等SCI雜誌審稿人,教育部學位中心通訊評議專家,國家自然科學基金,浙江省自然科學基金通訊評審,“中國科技論文線上”評審。江蘇省高校“青藍工程”優秀骨幹教師,曾獲得教育部科技中心頒發的“中國科...