- 外文名:phraseological
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[,frezɪə'lɑdʒɪkl]
- 釋義:語法上的;措辭上的
phraseogram /ˈfreɪzɪəˌɡræm/ 1.N a symbol representing a phrase, as in shorthand 連語速記記號 單詞釋義 連語速記記號 ...phrasemongering空談phraseogram連語速記記號phraseological措辭上的...
習語詞典 習語詞典(phraseological dictionary)是2011年公布的語言學名詞,出自《語言學名詞》第一版。定義 詞典的一種類型。專門收錄並詮釋成語、俗語、諺語、歇後語等固定或習慣用語。參見“句典”。出處 《語言學名詞》第一版。
2.4.5 Critical Evaluation of the Phraseological Views 2.5 Empirical Studies on the Evaluation of ADJ Patterns 2.5.1 Major Studies on ADJ Patterns 2.5.2 Critical Evaluation of the Studies of ADJ Patterns 2.6 ...
2.2.3 Phraseological Approach 2.2.4 Structural Approach 2.2.5 Computational(Corpus-based)Approach 2.2.6 Psychological Approach,2.3 Collocation Studies by Chinese Scholars 2.3.1 Studies from Linguistic Perspective 2.3...
3.3.3 Approaches to Phraseological Study 3.3.4 Method 3.3.5 Results 3.3.6 Discussion 3.3.7 Principles of Exemplifying Collocations 3.4 Syntactic Information in Illustrative Examples 3.4.1 Overview of Lexicogrammars...
2.Gyllstad, H. & Wolter, B. (2016). Collocational processing in light of the phraseological continuum model: Does semantic transparency matter? Language Learning, 66, 296-323.3.Wolter, B. & Helms-Park, R. (2016)...
Wu, J., Zhao, C. G., Lu, X., & Jin, T*. (2024). A rhetorical function and phraseological analysis of commentaries on visuals. English for Specific Purposes, 73, 33-45. [*通訊作者]Wu, Q., Jin, T.*, ...
Xu, H. (2013).Phraseological Dictionary English-German: General Vocabulary in Technical and Scientific Texts.International Journal of Lexicography,26(1).Xu, H. (2012). A Critique of the Controlled Defining Vocabulary in...
2.4.5 Critical Evaluation of the Phraseological Views 2.5 Empirical Studies on the Evaluation ofADJ Patterns 2.5.1 Major Studies on ADJ Patterns 2.5.2 Critical Evaluation of the Studies ofADJ Patterns 2.6 ...