



  • 書名:中國英語專業學習者形容詞型式評價取向研究(英文)
  • 作者:嚴華
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年11月1日
  • 頁數:160 頁
  • ISBN:9787040488050


評價取向或意義指說話人或作者對談論的物體或命題表達的態度、立場、觀點或情感(Thompson & Hunston,2000:5)。其研究架構主要為評價理論(Martin & White,2005)、立場或站位理論(Bibereta1.,1999)和元話語理論(Hyland & Tse,2004)三類。過往研究中,評價性語言一般以單個詞的形式呈現,然而評價取向屬於語言意義,語言的意義單位(unitofmeaning)並非由單個詞產生,而是由不同複雜程度的型式、構式或短語單位組成。《中國英語專業學習者形容詞型式評價取向研究(英文)》中的形容詞型式來自型式語法(Pattern Grammar)。型式語法打破了傳統的辭彙和語法的界限,其型式是指以某動詞、形容詞或名詞為中心,意義明確且出現頻率較高的短語或小句結構(Hunston & Francis,1999)。研究者(Renouf,2009)認為,型式可辨別或診斷意義,意義可藉助不同的型式加以區分。


List of Tables.
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Need for the Study
1.1.1 Motivation
1.1.2 Significance of the Study
1.2 Overview of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Defining Key Terms
2.2.1 The Adjective Patterns
2.2.2 Evaluation
2.3 Studies on Evaluation
2.3.1 Approaches to Evaluation
2.3.2 Studies on Evaluation in China
2.4 Pattern and Meaning (Sense and Structure)
2.4.1 The Idiom Principle
2.4.2 Pattern Grammar
2.4.3 LexicaIPriming
2.4.4 Construction Grammar
2.4.5 Critical Evaluation of the Phraseological Views
2.5 Empirical Studies on the Evaluation ofADJ Patterns
2.5.1 Major Studies on ADJ Patterns
2.5.2 Critical Evaluation of the Studies ofADJ Patterns
2.6 Framework of the Present Study
2.6.1 Justifying the Parameter-based Framework
2.6.2 Constructing the Parameter-based Framework
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.2.1 Data Selection
3.2.2 Data Analysis
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 Chinese EFL Learners' Use of ADJ Patterns Followed by a Clause
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Patterns of Adjectives Followed by a Clause Across the Corpora
4.2.1 The Overall Picture of the Patterns of ADJ Followed by a Clause
4.2.2 Within-Group Variation
4,2.3 Between-group Variation
4.3 The Under-Represented Group
4.3.1 The Pattern of ADJ1 to-inf
4.3.2 The Pattern of It v-link ADJ wh
4.4 The Over-Represented Group
4.4.1 Types of the Pattern of it v-link ADJ for n to-inf
4.4.2 High Frequency Adjectives
4.4.3 Errors
4.5 Mixed G roup
4.5.1 The Pattern of /t v-link ADJ to-inf
4.5.2 The Pattern of It v-link ADJ that
4.6 Summary
Chapter 5 Evaluative Patterns of ADJ Patterns Followed by a Clause
Chapter 6 Conclusion


