



  • 外文名:perceive
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 釋義:察覺,感覺;理解;認知
  • 單詞發音:英[pəˈsiːv];美[pərˈsiːv]




perceive notice感知
cognize perceive認知
perceive instinctively直覺感到


  • 1Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader.選民認識到他是一位果斷、堅定的國際領袖。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2Look for cues about how others perceive you.尋找關於別人如何看待你的線索。
  • 3How do the people of Argentina perceive this problem?阿根廷人民如何看待這個問題?
  • 4The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world.對一門學科的研究改變了我們感知世界的方式。
  • 5Most blind people, even if they don't have any sight, are still able to perceive light.大多數盲人,即使沒有任何視力,也能夠感知光。
  • 6We use information that we perceive through our senses to help us make decisions, to arrive at beliefs and so on.我們利用我們通過感官感知到的信息來幫助我們做決定,達成信念等等。
  • 7Our noses are able to recognise thousands of smells, and to perceive odours which are present only in extremely small quantities."我們的鼻子能夠識別成千上萬種氣味,也可以感知那些極其微量的氣味。
  • 8It proved that the second hypothesis—that we do perceive everything all the time but the brain categorizes distractions differently—wasn't true either.它證明了第二個假設——我們確實一直感知著所有事,但大腦對干擾的分類不同——也不是真實的。
  • 9In this process of transmission and reflection, the sounds are changed, and the changes in the echoes enable the bat to perceive features of the target.在這個傳遞和反射的過程中,聲音發生了變化,回聲的變化使蝙蝠能夠感知到目標的特徵。
  • 10Doesn't that mean that the first hypothesis you mentioned was wrong, the one that says we don't even perceive irrelevant information when we are concentrating?這是不是意味著你提到的第一個假設是錯誤的,那個假設說我們在集中注意力的時候甚至沒有察覺到不相關的信息?
  • 11The second hypothesis is that we do perceive everything, but the brain categorizes the information, and whatever is not relevant to what we are concentrating on gets treated as low priority.第二個假設是,我們確實能夠感知一切,但是大腦會對信息進行分類,而任何與我們專注的事情無關的信息都會被歸類為低優先權信息。
  • 12She did not perceive herself as disabled.她沒有把自己看成殘疾人。《牛津詞典》
  • 13Students must perceive for themselves the relationship between success and effort.學生們必須自己去認識到成功與努力之間的關係。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 14Easterners and Westerners perceive the world differently.東方人和西方人對世界的看法不同。
  • 15"I perceive this to be Old Burton," he remarked approvingly.“我看這是老伯頓牌的。”他讚許地說。
  • 16What would cause me to perceive somebody as intelligent or stupid?是什麼讓我覺得一個人是聰明的還是愚蠢的?
  • 17Nobody seemed to perceive that the prince had done a thing unusual.似乎沒有人看出王子做了一件不尋常的事。
  • 18Tom had wit enough to perceive that here was a lad who could be useful to him.湯姆很聰明,他知道這個小伙子會對他很有用。
  • 19Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive as different.我們中的很多人都有類似的遭遇,我們認為我們的行為是與眾不同的。
  • 20Maybe when we are really concentrating, we just don't perceive irrelevant information.也許當我們真正集中注意力的時候,我們就不會注意到無關的信息了。
  • 21Instrumental ties predominate in secondary groups; we perceive people as means to ends rather than as ends in their own right.工具性關係在次級群體中占主導地位;我們把人當作達成目的的手段,而不是目的本身。
  • 22The way rewards are distributed should be transparent so that employees perceive that rewards or outcomes are equitable and equal to the inputs given.分配獎勵的方式應該是透明公開的,這樣員工就會認為獎勵或者說結果是公平的,並且與付出相等。
  • 23It also helps to opt for clothes you perceive as tying in with your goals, so, if you want to perform better at work, select pieces you view as professional.選擇你認為與你的目標相符的衣服也十分有益。因此,如果你想在工作中表現得更好,應選擇你認為專業的著裝。
  • 24If participation and the culture are incongruous, employees are likely to perceive the participation process as manipulative and be negatively affected by it."如果這種參與活動和企業文化不協調,那么員工可能會覺得他們的參與過程受到人為控制,也會因此受到負面影響。
  • 25As in other research, women in our sample tend to over-perceive their weight they think they're heavier than they are while men tend to under-perceive theirs.和其他研究一樣,我們樣本中的女性傾向於高估自身體重,她們會認為自己比實際體重更重,而男性則傾向於低估自身體重。
  • 26He says that more openness in science could help to discourage what some perceive as a common practice of shutting out early-career scientists' requests for data.他說,科學領域更加開放可能有助於阻止一些人認為的一種普遍做法:將處於職業生涯初期的科學家對獲取數據的請求拒之門外。
  • 27Like cats, babies appear to engage in what's called "preferential looking"—looking longer at things that are interesting or unusual than things they perceive as normal.和貓一樣,嬰兒似乎也會進行所謂的“優先注視”——和他們認為平常的事物相比,他們會對有趣或不尋常的事物注視得更久。
  • 28If the infant fails to dishabituate and continues to show habituation with the new stimulus, it is assumed that the baby is unable to perceive the new stimulus as different.如果嬰兒並未表現出不習慣,且繼續表現出對新刺激的適應,那么就可以假定,嬰兒無法識別出新的刺激有什麼不同。
  • 29While the research literature is clear that labor market success is partly based on how employers and customers perceive your body image, no one had explored the other side of question.雖然研究文獻清楚地表明,勞動力市場的成功部分取決於僱主和顧客對你外表形象的看法,但沒有人探索過這個問題的另一面。
  • 30Many have reservations, but keep these to themselves in what they perceive as a climate hostile to the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the idea of an inquiring, creative spirit.許多人對此有所保留,但在他們所認為的一種不利於為求知而求知和追求探究、創造精神的氣氛中,他們卻把這些保留了下來。


