英 [ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃənl] 美 [ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃənl]
adj. 組織的,安排的;有關組織(或機構)的;(組織或機構)結構的
organizational /ˈɔːgənaɪˌzeɪʃənəl/
BRIT also organisational
1.ADJ Organizational abilities and methods relate to the way that work, activities, or events are planned and arranged. 組織方面的 (能力、方法等) [ADJ n]
2.ADJ Organizational means relating to the structure of an organization. 組織結構方面的 [ADJ n]
3.ADJ Organizational means relating to organizations, rather than individuals. 組織上的 (相對個體而言) [ADJ n]
organizational structure
organizational culture
企業文化organizational behavior
organizational commitment
organizational change
組織變革organizational development
organizational design
組織設計organizational effectiveness
組織有效性organizational climate
organizational communication 集體傳播,
組織溝通organizational process
組織過程organizational psychology
This problem needs to be dealt with at an organizational level. 這個問題需要在組織層面上解決。
Evelyn's excellent organizational skills were soon spotted by her employers. 伊夫琳出色的組織才幹很快就被她的僱主發現了。
One of the most important tools for organizational improvement is the performance appraisal. 組織改進的最重要手段之一是業績評估。
Indeed, the AFL leadership did face serious organizational divisions. 事實上,勞聯的領導層確實面臨嚴重的組織分裂問題。
Deloitte argues that a new organizational form is on the rise: a network of teams is replacing the conventional hierarchy. 德勤認為,新的組織形式逐漸形成:團隊網路正在取代傳統等級體制。
It is easier to negotiate initial salary requirement because once you are inside, the organizational constraints influence wage increases. 協商初始工資要求比較容易,因為一旦你進入公司,組織的約束就會影響工資的增長。
Kids need plenty of practice delaying gratification and deploying effective organizational skills, such as managing time and setting priorities. 孩子們需要大量的練習來延遲滿足感和運用有效的組織技能,比如管理時間和設定優先權。
In reality, however, decisions are shaped not only by a manager's own values, but also by those of the corporate culture and of organizational superiors. 然而,在現實中,決策不僅取決於管理者自身的價值觀,還取決於企業文化和組織上級的價值觀。
Different types of organizational value systems were associated with different frequencies of contending values as well as different types of managerial response. 不同類型的組織價值體系與不同頻率的價值競爭以及不同類型的管理對策有關。
The organizational bonds were based on the common principles of law and administration and on the universal army of officials who enforced common standards of conduct. 這些組織的紐帶是以法律和行政的共同原則,以及執行共同行為標準的普通軍隊官員為基礎的。
Women's scarcity in top organizational ranks may simply represent the cumulative effect of a constant—or even decreasing—disadvantage at successive hierarchical levels. 在組織高層中,女性的稀缺可能只是代表了在連續層級中持續甚至是逐漸減少的劣勢的累積效應。
When teams consist of experienced employees from hierarchical organizations who have been conditioned to traditional organizational culture, cooperation may not occur naturally. 如果團隊由多層級部門的老員工組成,由於這些人已經習慣了傳統的企業文化,因此協作可能不會自然發生。
When teams consist of experienced employees from hierarchical organizations, who have been conditioned to traditional organizational culture, cooperation may not occur naturally. 當階級組織內經驗豐富的員工組成團隊時,他們已經習慣於傳統的企業文化,合作可能不會自然地發生。
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, many Western Pueblo settlements in what is now the southwestern United States may have possessed distinctly hierarchical organizational structures. 在14世紀和15世紀,許多位於現在美國西南部的西部普韋布洛定居點可能擁有明顯的等級組織結構。
The successful candidate will have a solid background in organizational work, advanced skill in shorthand and data processing, combined with at least two to three years of legal secretarial training. 成功的應聘者應具備紮實的組織工作背景,高級的速記和數據處理技能,以及至少兩三年的法律秘書培訓。
My idea would be to combine that with careful oversight, a strong organizational culture, and make sure the goals that you use are going to be constructive and not significantly harm the organization. 我的想法是,將這一點與仔細的監督、強大的企業文化結合起來,確保你使用的目標具有建設性,不會對組織造成重大損害。
The police now recognize that big organizational changes are needed. 警方現在認識到需要大的結構方面的改變。
Much recent work has examined the claim that women encounter increasing obstacles relative to men as they move up the organizational ladder in business. 最近的很多研究都探討了這樣一種說法:在企業中,女性在晉升過程中遇到的障礙相對於男性會越來越多。
Chris Argyris is the Professor of Education and Organizational Behavior Emeritus at Harvard University. 克里斯·阿吉里斯是哈佛大學教育與組織行為的榮譽教授。
It's not an organizational chart. 這不是一個組織結構圖的形式。
Organizational security policies. 組織安全性策略。
Organizational structure. 組織結構。
One organizational strategy fits all. 一種組織策略適應所有。
Organizational changes. 組織變化。
What organizational units do you have? 您擁有什麼組織的單元?
Improve the organizational efficiency. 提高組織效率。
It's more of an organizational question. 這更是一個組織的問題。
That is, there is no organizational process. 也就是說,沒有組織過程。
Defining of the COE organizational structure. 定義卓越中心的組織架構。