- 外文名:noncooperation
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:['nɒnkəʊ,ɒpə'reɪʃən]
- 釋義:不合作;反抗性之不合作
《東南亞友好合作條約》(Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia,TAC)是東南亞國家聯盟(東協)成員國於1976年2月24日在印度尼西亞巴厘島舉行的東協第一次首腦會議上籤署的。條約的宗旨是“促進地區各國人民之間永久和平、友好和合作,以加強他們的實力、團結和密切關係”。條約規定,締約各方在處理相互間...
近義詞 【近義詞】dare敢 rebellion叛亂 despite儘管 gage抵押品 insubordination不順從 disobedience不服從 insolence傲慢 boldness大膽 noncooperation不合作 cheek面頰 cheekiness厚臉皮 rebelliousness造反 經典引文 Shall we..send Defiance to the traitor, and so die?出自:Richard II,Shakespeare ...
Non-cooperation will be your end”He jumped in the car and while they rode They ran down the list of things he owed They said, “You owe us some money You owe us some product 'Cause you could be right in the river tied up”He thought for a second and he said, “What is this?Y...
Z. Wang, X. R. Zhu,Xu Bao, and S. Zhao, “A Novel Resource Allocation Method in Ultra-Dense Network Based on Noncooperation Game Theory,”China Communications, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 169-180, Oct, 2016.(SCI檢索,JCR3區,IF:1.514)授權發明專利 發明名稱:一種可見光通信網與WLAN融合...
2006, campaigns of nonviolent resistance were more than twice as effective as their violent counterparts in achieving their stated goals. By attracting impressive support from citizens, whose activism takes the form of protests, boycotts, civil disobedience, and other forms of nonviolent noncooperation...
區域性國際組織:這類國際組織的名稱一般指明其所在地域,例如,亞太經濟合作組織(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,APEC), 歐洲聯盟(European Union,EU)等。按性質分類 政治性國際組織,如聯合國是世界最大的政治性國際組織,獨立國家國協是蘇聯解體後有原多個加盟共和國組織的一個地區性組織。專業性國際組織...
(21)《Multicontainer Port Model of Noncooperation Competition》,國際會議,2/3,2007,已經被ISTP檢索;(22)《基於社會交換的物流外包研究》,交通企業管理,1/1,2005(7),核心期刊;(23)《要重視與第三方物流企業的橫向協作管理》,交通企業管理,1/1,2005(4),核心期刊;(24)《基於戰略理論的...
經濟合作與發展組織(經合組織)organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)《pinyin K》孔塔多拉集團 Contadora Group 《pinyin L》拉丁美洲共同市場 Latin America Common Market (LACM)拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器組織 Organization for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the ...
Global Design and Brand Alliance is a non-profit organization redistred in Singapore under Singapore’s society regulation (ROS NO 2084/2007). The target is to establish international awareness of win-win cooperation, regardless of their nationality, without distinction to race, shall share and ...
They appear to have chosen the path of cooperation rather than confrontation. 他們好像選擇了合作而不是對抗的行動路線。A BBC Washington correspondent says the stage is now set for a confrontation with the White House. 一名 BBC 駐華盛頓記者說,現在已經為與白宮的對抗做好了準備。It is widely ...
Unit 12 Nonconforming Material Unit 13 Cooperation Unit 14 Marketing Research Unit 15 Enhance the Reputation Unit 16 Product Launch Unit 17 Crisis Transaction Unit 18 Trade Show Chapter 5 Business Meeting Unit I Data Preparation Unit 2 Meeting Arrangement Unit 3 Meeting Notice Unit 4 In Session Un...
1. Terrorism and Global Cooperation 2. Formulation of Science, Technology and Innovation policies in developing countries Security Council (SC 聯合國安理會)1. Security Council Reform Futuristic Security Council (FSC 未來安理會)1. Rising Sea Level United Nations Environment Program (UNEP 聯合國環境署)1...
Reaffirmingthe fundamental purposes of the United Nations, in particular the maintenance of international peace and security, the development of friendly relations among nations and the achievement of international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, technical, ...
Zhe Xiaoye:Cooperation and Non—confrontational Resistance:Tenacious Weapons of the Weak 朱曉陽:黑地?病地?征地:滇池小村的地誌與斯科特 進路的問題/40 Zhu Xiaoyan9:Black land,sick land and land acquisition--The topography of a Dianchi village and a critique of Scott’s approach 斯科特等:評論...
Any information on investment projects into What and on business cooperation with firms in What is highly appreciated and will be pass on to anyone who have approached us with interest in similar project. You are also invited to our city for investigation and business tour.Should you have any ...
non governmental organisation(NGO)非政府組織215 non tariff barrier (NTB)非關稅壁壘218 North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)北大西洋公約組織220 nuclear proliferation核擴散222 order秩序224 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)經濟合作與發展組織225 Organisation for Security and ...
New Navigation Mark of China Non-profit Research ... Tang Yong/206 Regional Party-Building and Strengthening the Party’s Leadership of Society ... Liang Yanhui/209 Government, Trade Associations, and Cooperation:A Fundamentally New Relationship ... Zhang Jing/216 News and Update .../227 Call...
CCD300 Modern Art & Design Center located at Caochangdi, Beijing. A building area of 2800 m2 , consisted theater, gallery, bookstore, bar, cinema, studio, restaurant and shooting studio etc. CCD300 provides an open platform for dialogue of arts, design and business. External cooperation with ...
China-US non-governmental cooperation in response toCOVID-19- Current conditions, challenges and prospects ,07.2020 Wang Huiyao, Miao Lu,TheGlobalization of Chinese Enterprises: Trends and Characteristics, 2020, Springer Wang Huiyao, Miao Lu: Handbook on China and Globalization, 2019, Edward Elgar ...
building & installation, road & bridge construction, ready-mixed concrete production, equipment manufacturing, goods leasing, engineering supervision & consultancy and real estate development. In addition, HNCEG has gained special permits for overseas operation of contract business, labor cooperation business...
EADING channel business has broad channels, marketing capacity and customer service system. It keeps stable and long-term cooperation with suppliers and core agents to ensure the interests of all parties in the supply chain, which enables to establish a multi-zone, multi-category and multi-brand ...
?Cooperation Among Competitors SOURCES OF EXTERNAL INPORMATION Indexes ?Online Databases ?Library Publications FORECASTING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES Making Assumptions COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS: PORTER'S FlVE-FORCES MODEL Rivalry Among Competing Firms ?Potential Entry of New Competitors ?Development of Substitute Products...
At the same time, economic cooperation among the emerging economies themselves has also shown a positive trend. From an internal cooperation perspective, the proportion of internal trade in the E11's total foreign trade continued to rise in 2018, and the direct investmen...
Economic Cooperation and Preferential Trade Arrangements Regional Economic Cooperation Regional Market Characteristics MARKETING IN LESS DEVELOPED COUNTRIES Summary Bibliography Cases Choufont-Salva, Inc.Swatch Watch U.S.A.: Creative Marketing Strategy PART FOUR: FORMULATING GLOBAL MARKETING STRATEGY Nine Sourcin...
Organization For Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)Conclusion CHAPTER 9 International Financial Statement Analysis Introduction Challenges And Opportunities In Cross-Border Analysis Business Analysis Framework International Business Strategy Analysis Information Availability Recommendations'for Analysis Accounting ...
Pun Ngai and Lu Huilin The Foxconn Production Model and the New Era of Student Workers Maren Knolle Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains: Improving Working Conditions through Dialogue and Cooperation Jenny Chan Labour Rights Training at HP Supplier Factories in China About the authors ...