
國際設計與品牌聯盟 (Global Design and Brand Alliance)是在新加坡註冊的非營利性社團組織。旨在將國際先進的製造能力與設計品牌資源有機結合,共同實施產品創新、價值創新、自主設計和品牌推廣的國際戰略。該聯盟的口號是:“讓世界更時尚,讓世界更和諧”。


  • 中文名:國際設計與品牌聯盟
  • 外文名:Global Design and Brand Alliance
國際設計與品牌聯盟 (Global Design and Brand Alliance)是根據新加坡的社團法令,在新加坡註冊的非營利性社團組織(註冊號:ROS NO 2084/2007)。不分國籍、不分種族,旨在將國際先進的製造能力與設計品牌資源有機結合,共同實施產品創新、價值創新、自主設計和品牌推廣的國際戰略,推動自主產品的設計與研發,推動地方品牌和國家品牌的區域化和國際化,為企業贏得更高的市場份額和更大的效益空間。“讓世界更時尚,讓世界更和諧“是聯盟的口號。
Global Design and Brand Alliance is a non-profit organization redistred in Singapore under Singapore’s society regulation (ROS NO 2084/2007). The target is to establish international awareness of win-win cooperation, regardless of their nationality, without distinction to race, shall share and learn from each other with common development It will combine design and manufacturing, merchandise and brand, east and west, wisdom and ability, enterprise and the world, individual and association as a whole. To construct a fashionable and peaceful world through our hands, through our wisdom and through our generosity. The constant aim is: "Let the world be more fashionable! Let the world be more harmonious! "
President (會長)
Dr. Paul Zhang (張保羅 博士)
1、 “國際設計與品牌聯盟”創立宣言
2、 Foundation Declaration of"Global Design and Brand Alliance"
世界進入了21世紀。我們開始不僅僅滿足於快速增長的數字,我們開始思考,我們開始夢想,我們開始站在了世界的舞台上,去探索如何“改變世界”, 如何融入國際平台, 對接中西方資源!
附屬檔案二、Foundation Declaration of"Global Design and Brand Alliance"
The world has entered into 21st century. Together, we witnessed the world's rapid economic development; common feeling of joy brought by wealthy lifestyle; common experience of self-confidence resulted from independence!
The world has entered into 21st century. Referring to our history, we had unprecedented growth. Reference to the world, bigger and stronger have always been our desire!
The world has entered into 21st century. We are not just satisfied with the rapid growth in numbers, we are beginning to think and beginning to dream. We started standing on the world stage, to explore how to "change the world" and how to integrate into an international platform, combined with east and west resources!
It has become our common ideal and vision to grow together with the world’s economy!
"East and West fusion" is the inevitable trend of history to grow together with the world’s economy!
Facing with exchange rate changes, declining foreign trade profits, intensified competition in the red ocean, only the integration of east and west can avoid bloody clashes. With east and west fusion, we can find blue ocean! Spain, the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan have travelled the journey so now a historical turn is on us!
Self-owned technologies, design and innovation are the foundation to grow together with the world’s economy!
The lacking of new product innovation, difficulty to upgrade old products, design and innovation defects are directly restricting the core corporate competitiveness. Relying solely on low-cost, in the road of development, has come to an end. How to achieve design innovation and avoid bottleneck? Intelligence and wisdom tell us: We must stand on the world stage, and the people to have a common idea to work together in the world!
Design resources and branding expertise are the foundation to grow together with the world’s economy!
Looking at the world, there are tremendous opportunities and unlimited resources! Northern Europe and Sweden have plentiful of high-tech designs; Finland and Denmark are leading in home textile and leather designs; Milan Paris, a fashionable city, has practically monopolized! Hong Kong and Taiwan, Japan and South Korea have been market leaders for many years. The Oriental wisdom is struggling to catch up. By combining the advantages of east and west can create enormous values! Foundation of the alliance and international cooperation will benefit the present and future generations.
Hereby, we sincerely appeal to the world community organizations, businesses and individuals to establish international awareness of win-win cooperation, regardless of their nationality, without distinction to race, shall share and learn from each other with common development! The manufacturing industry, design industry and brand industry have to ally to form a large world stage - “International Design and Brand Alliance”, which belongs to ourselves, to all of us and to the world. It will combine design and manufacturing, merchandise and brand, east and west, wisdom and ability, enterprise and the world, individual and association as a whole. We are to combine world-class design capacity, penetrate into world-class manufacturing base, create world-class international brand, and construct a fashionable and peaceful world through our hands, through our wisdom and through our generosity.
Our constant aim is: "Let the world be more fashionable! Let the world be more harmonious! "
Dr. Paul Zhang


