

nodding,英語單詞,主要用作為動詞,用作動詞譯為“ 點頭;打盹;擺動(nod的ing形式)”,用作形容詞譯為“點頭的,低垂的;昏昏欲睡的”。


  • 外文名:nodding
  • 英式讀音: ['nɒdɪŋ]
  • 美式讀音: ['nɒdɪŋ]
  • 詞性:動詞


nodding breathing 點頭呼吸
nodding friend 頷首之交
Nodding out 上課夢遊化


詞根: nod
nod 點頭;打盹;擺動
noddle 頭;腦袋
nod 點頭;打盹;擺動
noddle 點頭
nod 點頭;點頭表示
noddle 點頭


  • 1He sat nodding in front of the fire.他坐在火爐前打盹兒。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The judge kept nodding in agreement.法官不斷點頭表示同意。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3I have only a bowing [nodding] acquaintance with him.我和他只有點頭之交。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 4Nodding, much pleased, the grandfather soon refilled it.祖父很高興地點了點頭,很快又裝滿了。
  • 5"It's like music--far away music," said the Mole nodding drowsily.“這就像音樂——遙遠的音樂。”鼴鼠莫爾昏昏欲睡地點著頭說。
  • 6Nodding his thanks to her, he ate the most luxurious meal he had ever had in all his life.他向她點頭致謝,吃下了他有史以來吃過的最豐盛的一餐。
  • 7It's common that one who a nodding acquaintance with many people doesn't have many true friends.一個有許多點頭之交的人卻沒有很多真正的朋友是很常見的事情。
  • 8I was practically nodding off in that meeting.我在那次會議上差點睡著了。《牛津詞典》
  • 9"Does it work?" he asked, nodding at the piano.“它能彈嗎?”他問道,點頭指向那架鋼琴。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10The three of us stood around the machine nodding wisely.我們3個人站在機器周圍,明白地點點頭。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11I greeted her by nodding my head.我點頭向她致意。
  • 12I could see him through the opening nodding his head, saying, "Not yet."我可以透過窗戶看到他點頭說:“還沒有。”
  • 13Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of "nodding" to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.台上的無聲交流是關鍵,每個鋼琴家都有自己的“點頭”風格,以表示翻頁,他們需要與翻頁者一起訓練。
  • 14"It's rare good for thee," he said, nodding his head wisely.“這對你來說是難得的好事。”他說著,明智地點了點頭。
  • 15Near together in patches the bluebells were nodding gently in the breeze.一叢叢風信子在微風中輕輕搖曳。
  • 16Staying up late to play computer games may leave you nodding off in class.熬夜玩電腦遊戲可能會讓你在課堂上打瞌睡。
  • 17"You have kids," Joseph said, nodding at the picture of two young children on a table in the den.“你有小孩,”約瑟夫說,並朝書房桌子上兩個小孩子的照片點了點頭。
  • 18In our life, we may have a nodding acquaintance with many people, but we probably have only one true friend.我們一生中可能會有很多的泛泛之交,但是真正的朋友可能就那么一個人。
  • 19They were smiling and nodding.他們微笑,點頭。
  • 20Jake closes his eyes, nodding.Jake閉上眼睛,點點頭。
  • 21And they are smiling and nodding.他們居然微笑著點頭。
  • 22I'm nodding, but it is not really going in.我不停地點頭,但這不是真的。
  • 23"Appreciate it," James said, nodding and smiling.“非常感謝,”詹姆斯點點頭笑著說。
  • 24Americans never use nodding as a way of greeting.美國人從來不用點頭來作為一種打招呼的方式。
  • 25“Appreciate it, ” James said, nodding and smiling.“非常感謝,”詹姆斯點點頭笑著說。
  • 26But such ideas are all better than nodding off.但這些想法總比坐視不管好。
  • 27Arther, you are nodding. Maybe you should explain it.阿爾瑟,你在點頭,或許你解釋一下?
  • 28She's texting, too, and occasionally nodding off.她發著簡訊,偶爾也打瞌睡。
  • 29I don't see anybody nodding, so that's kind of bad news.我沒有看到任何人點頭,這是個壞訊息。
  • 30I say, nodding, but I don't really want to know the answer.我說道,衝著她們點頭,但是我並不是真的想得到回答。


