n. 紅樹林
1We can also protect the reefs by protecting the surrounding ecosystems, like mangrove forests and seagrass beds.我們保護珊瑚礁的方法還有保護周邊的生態系統,比如紅樹林和海草叢。
2Mangrove root systems have the ability to absorb and well trap sediments and pollutants in water that flows through them before they enter the ocean.紅樹林根系有能力吸收並很好地截留水中的沉積物和污染物,這些沉積物和污染物在進入海洋之前流經這些根系。
3The mangrove forests are evergreen.紅樹林是常青樹。
4Mangrove forest management guidelines.紅樹林管理準則。
5Only 6.9 percent of mangrove forests are protected by law.只有6.9%的紅樹林是受到法律保護。
6The value of the mangrove ecosystem and its pollution problems.紅樹林生態系統的價值及其污染問題。
7In some cases it could be mangrove belts, in others a sea wall.在某些情況下,它可能是紅樹林地帶,在另外一些情況下,它可能是海堤。
8Take mangrove forests, which are important for fisheries production.例如對漁業生產很重要的紅樹林。
9Under favourable conditions, mangrove trees can grow to large sizes.如果條件適宜,紅樹林能夠長得很大。
10Mangrove forests act as a barrier against tsunamis, cyclones and.紅樹林可作為抵禦海嘯和颶風的屏障。
11Mangrove poles are also used for scissor nets in housing construction.在建房中, 紅樹林木樁還用於剪刀網。
12The mangrove forest also sequesters carbon dioxide in its root system.紅樹林的的根系可以起到隔絕碳的作用。
13They live inside the bases of three of the enormous mangrove-like trees.村民們住在三棵巨大的像紅樹一樣的大樹底部。
14Mangrove forests grow along the shorelines of 118 countries and territories.紅樹林分布於118個國家領土的海岸線周邊。
15The island is about 60 feet in diameter, covered in sand, plants and mangrove trees.這座島直徑60英尺,表面覆蓋沙土,種植了紅樹和其他植物。
16Scientists realized something similar while mapping the mangrove forests of the world.科學家發現這種相似的情況同時出現在計算世界紅樹林面積的時候。
17Five-year-old had been playing by river in mangrove swamp at time of his disappearance.他消失時5歲,正在紅樹林沼澤地里一條河邊玩耍。
18But, Barbier found, a fully functioning mangrove ecosystem would be worth the restoration cost.Barbier又發現,一個完全發揮機能的紅樹林生態系統可與修復費用等值。
19The studied jellies live in mangrove swamps and the studied eyes are always aimed at the tree canopy.研究人員研究了生活在紅樹林沼澤地帶的水母,他們發現水母的眼睛總是盯著樹冠。
20Shrimp farms have been a primary cause of mangrove loss, as well as urbanization and agriculture.海蝦養殖和城市化、農業,是造成紅樹林消失的主要原因。
21And the lion keeps something for you, and the mangrove swamp and the coral and the spider and the wren.獅子,紅樹林沼澤、珊瑚,還有蜘蛛和鷦鷯也為你保存了某些東西。
22undertake efforts to protect mangrove areas which provide protection against tidal surges and storm damage.採取措施保護可防止涌潮和風暴破壞的紅樹林地區。
23Thus, mangrove stands can recover rapidly from natural or man-made disturbances, including intensive logging.因此,紅樹林能夠在自然和人為的干擾、包括密集型採伐、之後迅速恢復。
24In Latin America, mullets and snappers are among the most common fish caught in and around mangrove areas.在拉丁美洲,鯔魚和笛鯛魚是在紅樹林內和周圍捕獲的最常見的魚類。
25He hid himself among the mangrove swamps close to the Kenyan border, assisting in the training of new recruits.他隱藏在靠近肯亞交界的紅樹林沼澤地里,幫著訓練新兵。
26He decided to study how mangrove forests benefit humanity, but needed an accurate estimate of how much remains.他決定研究紅樹林對人類的有益之處,但首先必須得到當下紅樹林的精確數據。
27They feature a complex network of tidal waterways, mudflats and small islands of salt-tolerant mangrove forests.以潮汐水道的繁複、泥灘和耐鹽的紅樹林的小島嶼而著名。
28Used in wet sites which are not infested by shipworms, such mangrove piles can outlast non-treated inland hardwoods.用在沒有船蛀的潮濕地帶,紅樹林木樁的使用壽命超過未經處理的陸地硬木。
29Good regeneration potential: most mangrove species flower and fruit regularly and the propagules are dispersed by tides.更新潛力豐富:大部分紅樹林品種定期開花結果,繁殖體隨潮汐分散。