live and learn 常見錯誤翻譯為"活到老,學到老"。句子正確的含義是"原以為自己很在行了,沒想到又學到了新的東西"或者翻譯為"我活這么大才知道還有這回事啊~"
首先,英語的動詞有"結果動詞"和"動作動詞"之分,learn就是一個典型的"結果動詞"。study才是"動作動詞"-學。而"活到老,學到老"顯然是勸人學習,強調的是動作而不是結果。所以,從這一點上來說,原話包含了"活著"和"學會"兩層意思。再看and一詞,從愈發上來說,and連線兩個並列的成分,但從語義上看,可以表示兩者之間多種邏輯關係。如brandy and water-"兌水的白蘭地"
we live and eat-只要活著就得吃
we can only learn and live-只有學會了生活的人才是真正意義上的活著。
he has eyes and no eyes=Though he has eyes,he cannot see
專輯:Multi-Dimensional Sonic Adventure 2 Original Sound Track
Sonic Adventure 2 Vocal Collection: Cuts UnleashedThe Cardigans樂隊
Can you feel life, movin' through your mind
Ooh, looks like it came back for more!Yeah, yeah, yeah! (-ah!)
Can you feel time, slippin' down your spine?
Oooh, you try and try to ignore,Yeeeah!
But you can hardly swallow,Your fears and pain!
When you can't help but follow
It puts you right back where you came!
Live and learn!Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!
Live and learn!From the works of yesterday-ay!
Live and learn!If you beg or if you borrow!
Live and learn!You may never find your way!
Whooooa, oh, yeah!
Can you feel life, tangle you up inside?
Yeeah! now you're face down on the floor!Ooooh!
But you can't save your sorrow,You've paid in trade!
When you can't help but follow
It puts you right back where you came!
Live and learn!Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!
Live and learn!From the works of yesterday-ay!
Live and learn!If you beg or if you borrow!
Live and learn!You may never find your way!
Hey!Whoa, whoa, whooa!Oh yeeeeeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
There's a face searching far, so far and wide
There's a place where you dream you'd never find
Hold on to what if?Hold on to what if?
Live and learn!Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!
Live and learn!From the works of yesterday-ay!
Live and learn!If you beg or if you borrow!
Live and learn!You may never find your way!
Live and learn!Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!
Live and learn!From the works of yesterday-ay!
Live and learn!If you beg or if you borrow!
Live and learn!You may never find your way!
Live and Learn!Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Live and Learn!Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Live and Learn 來自搖滾樂隊The Cardigans的專輯Long Gone Before Daylight。作曲Peter Svensson, 作詞Nina Persson。這是一首坦率的情歌,關於Nina的愛之探索和她對愛的價值的探討。
The Cardigans成立於1992年10月,由五人組成,樂隊成員當時都還不到20歲。在此專輯以前,The Cardigans發行過《Emmerdale》(1994年)和《Life》(1995年),但是除在日本影響頗大,並未引起瑞典以外的注意。是金子總要閃光,《First Band On The Moon》使The Cardigans獲得了世界聲譽。瑞典是個高福利國家,The Cardigans充分表達出這一影響。整張專輯是過著富餘生活的年輕人的玩笑、休閒、戀情和胡思亂想。你聽那松松垮垮的節奏,纏纏綿綿的曲調,Nina Persson懶洋洋的演唱,靡靡乎使人如墜五里雲霧。音樂是煞費苦心地用音效、各種打擊樂器和多變的演奏手法精心點綴的,花哨但不俗氣,令人感到那是有閒階級的雅趣。說得直白點,這是一種帶有jazz和pop影響的獨特的風格,它將The Cardigans與其它任何樂隊區分開來,以致不明真相的聽者或許會奇怪如此樂隊從何而來,這倒正合The Cardigans心意──月球上的第一支樂隊。這是The Cardigans的獨特魅力。The Cardigans的音樂是非常大膽的,有些地方的音樂處理對別的樂隊會不盡情理,而偏偏於The Cardigans處卻十分合適 。