- 中文名:英國大學
- 解釋:指稱大不列顛及北愛爾蘭的大學
- 擁有:英國皇家特許狀、教宗詔書等
- 大學數:160所大學及學院獲準頒授學位

大學名稱 | 成立時間 | 大學校訓 |
University of Oxford | Before 1167 | Dominus illuminatio mea |
University of Cambridge | 1209 | Hinc lucem et pocula sacra |
University of St Andrews | Between 1410 and 1413 | ΑΙΕΝ ΑΡΙΣΤΕΥΕΙΝ |
University of Glasgow | 1451 | Via, Veritas, Vita |
University of Aberdeen | 1495 | Initium sapientiae timor domini |
University of Edinburgh | 1583 | The Learned can see twice. |
University of Durham | 16th (1832 was established) | Fundamenta eius super montibus sanctis |
大學名稱 | 成立時間 | 大學校訓 | 備註 |
University of Wales, Lampeter | 1822 | Gair Duw Goreu Dysg | 威爾斯的第一所大學 |
University of London | 1836 | ||
Queen's University Belfast | 1849 | ||
Bangor University | 1884 | Gorau Dawn Deall |
大學名稱 | 成立時間 | 大學校訓 |
University of Reading | 17 March 1926 |
大學名稱 | 成立時間 | 大學校訓 |
University of Sussex | August 1961 | Be still and know |
Keele University | 1962 | Thanke God for All |
University of East Anglia | 1963 | Do Different |
University of York | 1963 | In limine sapientiae |
Newcastle University | August 1963 | |
Lancaster University | 1964 | Patet omnibus veritas |
University of Strathclyde | 1964 | The Place of Useful Learning |
University of Kent | 4 January 1965 | Cui servire regnare est |
University of Essex | 1965 | Thought the harder, heart the keener |
University of Warwick | 1965 | Mens agitat molem |
Loughborough University | 19 April 1966 | Veritate, Scientia, Labore |
Aston University | 22 April 1966 | Forward |
Brunel University | 9 June 1966 | |
University of Surrey | 9 September 1966 | |
University of Bath | 1966 | Generatim discite cultus |
University of Bradford | 1966 | Give invention light |
City University, London | 1966 | To serve mankind |
Heriot-Watt University | 1966 | |
University of Salford | 10 February 1967 | Altiora Petamus |
University of Dundee | 1 August 1967 | Magnificat anima mea dominum |
University of Stirling | 13 November 1967 | |
Royal College of Art | 1967 | |
Cranfield University | 1969 | Post Nubes Lux |
大學名稱 | 成立時間 | 大學校訓 |
Open University | 1969 | Live and Learn |
University of Buckingham | 1976 | Flying on our own Wings |
University of Ulster | 1984 |
大學名稱 | 成立時間 | 大學校訓 | 相關信息 |
University of Central Lancashire | 1992 | Ex solo ad solem | formerlyPreston Polytechnic1973 |
Napier University | June 1992 | Nisi sapientia frustra | founded asNapier Technical College1964 |
Anglia Ruskin University | 1992 | A Creative Constellation | founded asCambridge School of Art1858; polytechnic 1991 |
Birmingham City University | 16 June 1992 | founded asCity of Birmingham Polytechnic1971 | |
Bournemouth University | 27 November 1992 | Discere Mutari Est | |
University of Brighton | 1992 | founded asBrighton Polytechnic1968 | |
De Montfort University | 1992 | founded asLeicester Polytechnic1969 | |
Coventry University | 1992 | founded asLanchester Polytechnic1970 | |
University of Derby | 1992 | Experientia Docet | formerlyDerbyshire College of Higher Education |
University of East London | 1992 | founded asNorth East London Polytechnic1970 | |
University of Glamorgan | 1992 | Success Through Endeavour | |
University of Greenwich | 1992 | To learn, to do, to achieve | |
University of Hertfordshire | 1992 | Seek Knowledge Throughout Life | |
University of Huddersfield | 1992 | ||
Kingston University | 1992 | ||
Leeds Metropolitan University | 1992 | ||
University of Lincoln | 1992 | Excellence through study | moved to Lincoln 2001 |
Liverpool John Moores University | 1992 | Audentes Fortuna Juvat | |
London South Bank University | 1992 | With Thy Might(Borough Polytechnic) | founded as theBorough Polytechnic Institutein 1892 |
Manchester Metropolitan University | 1992 | Many Arts, Many Skills | |
Middlesex University | 1992 | ||
Northumbria University | 1992 | ||
Nottingham Trent University | 1992 | Shaping futures | |
Oxford Brookes University | 1992 | Excellence in diversity | |
University of the West of Scotland | 1992 | ||
University of Plymouth | 1992 | ||
University of Portsmouth | 1992 | Lucem Sequamur | |
Robert Gordon University | 1992 | Omni Nunc Arte Magistra | |
Sheffield Hallam University | 1992 | Learn and Serve | |
Staffordshire University | 1992 | Create the difference | |
University of Sunderland | 1992 | Scientiam Dulce Hauriens | |
University of Teesside | 1992 | Facta Non Verba | |
Thames Valley University | 1992 | ||
University of Westminster | 1992 | Educating for professional life | |
University of the West of England | 1992 | Light Liberty Learning | |
University of Wolverhampton | 1992 | Innovation and Opportunity | |
Glasgow Caledonian University | 1 April 1993 | For the common weal | |
University of Abertay Dundee | 1994 |
大學名稱 | 成立時間 | 大學校訓 | 相關信息 |
University of Gloucestershire | 2001 | In animo et veritate | |
University of Wales, Newport | 2002 | ||
London Metropolitan University | 1 August 2002 | ||
University of Bolton | April 2004 | ||
University of the Arts London | 2004 | ||
Cardiff University | 1 August 2004 | Gwirionedd Undod A Chytgord | |
Roehampton University | 1 August 2004 | ||
University of Manchester | 1 October 2004 | Cognitio, sapientia, humanitas | |
Bath Spa University | August 2005 | ||
Canterbury Christ Church University | 2005 | Veritas liberabit vos | |
University of Chester | 2005 | Qui docet in doctrina | |
University of Chichester | 2005 | ||
University of Winchester | June 2005 | ||
Liverpool Hope University | July 2005 | In Faith, Hope and Love | |
Southampton Solent University | July 2005 | ||
University of Worcester | September 2005 | Ad Inspirandum Aspiramus | |
University of Northampton | 2005 | Transforming lives, inspiring change | |
University of Bedfordshire | 2006 | ||
Edge Hill University | 18 May 2006 | In Scientia Opportunitas | |
York St John University | 10 July 2006 | ||
Queen Margaret University | January 2007 | ||
Buckinghamshire New University | 2007 | Arte et Industria | |
Imperial College London | 8 July 2007 | Scientia imperii decus et tutamen | founded 1907 as constituent college of University of London |
University of Cumbria | 1 August 2007 | ||
Aberystwyth University | 1 September 2007 | Nid Byd, Byd Heb Wybodaeth | |
Bangor University | 1 September 2007 | Gorau Dawn Deall | |
Trinity College | 1 September 2007 | ||
University of Wales Institute, Cardiff | 1 September 2007 | The most valuable possession is knowledge | |
Swansea Metropolitan University | January 2008 | founded asSwansea Institute of Higher Education1992 |
大學名稱 | 成立時間 | 大學校訓 | 取消時間 | 原因 |
Victoria University | 20 April 1880 | 1 October 1904 | ||
University of Wales | 1893 | Goreu Awen Gwirionedd | 2007 | Colleges became independent, affiliated institutions |
Victoria University of Manchester | 1 October 1904 | Arduus Ad Solem | 1 October 2004 | merged with UMIST to form the University of Manchester |
New University of Ulster | 1968 | 1984 | merged with Ulster Polytechnic to form University of Ulster | |
St Martin's College | 2006 | 1 August 2007 |
Institution | 2018 rank 2018排名 | 2017 rank 2017排名 | Change | Total points |
University of Cambridge劍橋大學 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 90 |
University of Oxford牛津大學 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 87 |
University of St Andrews聖安德魯斯大學 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 84 |
Durham University杜倫大學 | 4= | 4= | 0 | 78 |
Imperial College London帝國理工學院 | 4= | 4= | 0 | 78 |
Loughborough University拉夫堡大學 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 70 |
Lancaster University蘭卡斯特大學 | 7= | 9 | 2 | 69 |
University College London倫敦大學學院 | 7= | 11 | 4 | 69 |
University of Warwick華威大學 | 9 | 8 | -1 | 68 |
University of Bath巴斯大學 | 10 | 12= | 2 | 65 |
London School of Economics and Political Science | 11 | 7 | -4 | 63 |
University of Leeds | 12 | 15 | 3 | 55 |
University of Exeter | 13 | 12= | -1 | 52 |
University of Surrey | 14 | 10 | -4 | 51 |
University of East Anglia | 15 | 16 | 1 | 50 |
University of Birmingham | 16 | 14 | -2 | 47 |
University of York | 17 | 18= | 1 | 40 |
University of Nottingham | 18 | 20 | 2 | 38 |
University of Bristol | 19 | 23 | 4 | 33 |
University of Sussex | 20 | 18= | -2 | 27 |
Ranking 排名 | University Name 大學名稱 | Total Scores 總分 |
1 | 劍橋大學University of Cambridge | 1000 |
2 | 牛津大學University of Oxford | 983 |
3 | 聖安德魯斯大學University of St Andrews | 930 |
4 | 帝國理工學院Imperial College London | 872 |
5 | 杜倫大學Durham University | 851 |
6 | 蘭卡斯特大學Lancaster University | 834 |
7 | 倫敦大學學院University College London | 812 |
7 | 拉夫堡大學Loughborough University | 812 |
9 | 華威大學The University of Warwick | 792 |
10 | 利茲大學University of Leeds | 790 |
11 | 倫敦政治經濟學院The London School of Economics and Political Science | 787 |
12 | 巴斯大學University of Bath | 778 |
13 | 東英吉利大學University of East Anglia | 774 |
14 | 埃克塞特大學University of Exeter | 770 |
15 | 伯明罕大學University of Birmingham | 759 |
16 | 布里斯托大學University of Bristol | 741 |
16 | 約克大學The University of York | 741 |
18 | 諾丁漢大學The University of Nottingham | 731 |
19 | 薩里大學University of Surrey | 718 |
20 | 格拉斯哥大學University of Glasgow | 714 |
Ranking 排名 | University Name 大學名稱 | Total Scores 總分 |
1 | 劍橋大學University of Cambridge | 88.6 |
2 | 牛津大學University of Oxford | 83.7 |
3 | 聖安德魯斯大學University of St Andrews | 83.2 |
4 | 杜倫大學Durham University | 83.2 |
5 | 巴斯大學University of Bath | 85.1 |
6 | 拉夫堡大學Loughborough University | 84.4 |
6 | 帝國理工學院Imperial College London | 89.3 |
8 | 華威大學The University of Warwick | 80.0 |
9 | 蘭卡斯特大學Lancaster University | 82.8 |
10 | 薩里大學University of Surrey | 82.4 |
10 | 倫敦大學學院University College London | 86.1 |
12 | 考文垂大學Coventry University | 80.0 |
13 | 埃克塞特大學University of Exeter | 79.9 |
14 | 利茲大學University of Leeds | 80.7 |
15 | 伯明罕大學University of Birmingham | 85.0 |
15 | 倫敦政治經濟學院The London School of Economics and Political Science | 83.9 |
17 | 約克大學The University of York | 77.3 |
18 | 東英吉利大學University of East Anglia | 74.8 |
19 | 諾丁漢大學The University of Nottingham | 82.5 |
20 | 薩塞克斯大學University of Sussex | 86.7 |
Ranking 排名 | University Name 大學名稱 | Total Scores 總分 |
1 | 劍橋大學University of Cambridge | 1000 |
2 | 牛津大學University of Oxford | 998 |
3 | 聖安德魯斯大學University of St Andrews | 962 |
4 | 倫敦政治經濟學院The London School of Economics and Political Science | 952 |
5 | 帝國理工學院Imperial College London | 925 |
6 | 杜倫大學Durham University | 920 |
7 | 倫敦大學學院University College London | 909 |
8 | 華威大學The University of Warwick | 896 |
9 | 蘭卡斯特大學Lancaster University | 889 |
10 | 拉夫堡大學Loughborough University | 883 |
11 | 巴斯大學University of Bath | 868 |
12 | 東英吉利大學University of East Anglia | 853 |
13 | 薩里大學University of Surrey | 851 |
14 | 埃克塞特大學University of Exeter | 850 |
14 | 利茲大學University of Leeds | 850 |
16 | 伯明罕大學University of Birmingham | 836 |
17 | 布里斯托大學University of Bristol | 834 |
18 | 諾丁漢大學The University of Nottingham | 825 |
19 | 薩塞克斯大學University of Sussex | 817 |
20 | 約克大學The University of York | 814 |
排名 | 院校英文名稱 | 院校中文名稱 |
1 | The University of Oxford | 牛津大學 |
2 | University College London | 倫敦大學學院 |
3 | The University of Cambridge | 劍橋大學 |
4 | The University of Edinburgh | 愛丁堡大學 |
5 | The University of Manchester | 曼徹斯特大學 |
6 | Imperial College | 帝國理工學院 |
7 | King's College London | 倫敦大學國王學院 |
8 | The University of Nottingham | 諾丁漢大學 |
9 | The University of Bristol | 布里斯托大學 |
10 | The University of Leeds | 利茲大學 |
11 | The University of Southampton | 南安普頓大學 |
12 | The University of Sheffield | 謝菲爾德大學 |
13 | The University of Glasgow | 格拉斯哥大學 |
14 | The University of Warwick | 華威大學 |
15 | The University of Birmingham | 伯明罕大學 |
16 | Universityof Newcastle | 紐卡斯爾大學 |
17 | Cardiff University | 卡迪夫大學 |
18 | University of Durham | 杜倫大學 |
19 | The Queen's Universityof Belfast | 貝爾法斯特女王大學 |
20 | Queen Mary, University of London | 倫敦大學瑪麗女王學院 |
21 | The University of Exeter | 埃克塞特大學 |
22 | The University of Liverpool | 利物浦大學 |
23 | London School of Economicsand Political Science | 倫敦政治經濟學院 |
24 | The University of York | 約克大學 |
25 | The University of Lancaster | 蘭卡斯特大學 |
26 | Loughborough University | 拉夫堡大學 |
27 | The University of Leicester | 萊斯特大學 |
28 | The University of Reading | 雷丁大學 |
29 | The University of St Andrews | 聖安德魯斯大學 |
30 | The University of Strathclyde | 斯特拉斯克萊德大學 |
31 | The University of Aberdeen | 阿伯丁大學 |
32 | The University of Kent | 肯特大學 |
33 | The University of Bath | 巴斯大學 |
34 | The University of Sussex | 蘇塞克斯大學 |
35 | The University of East Anglia | 東安格利亞大學 |
36 | The University of Surrey | 薩里大學 |
37 | The University of Dundee | 鄧迪大學 |
38 | University of Ulster | 阿爾斯特大學 |
39 | Royal Holloway, Univeristy of London | 倫敦大學皇家霍洛威學院 |
40 | Swansea University | 斯旺西大學 |
41 | Brunel University | 布魯內爾大學 |
42 | TheLondon School ofHygiene& Tropical Medicine | 倫敦衛生與熱帶醫藥學院 |
43 | Heriot-Watt University | 赫瑞瓦特大學 |
44 | The University of Essex | 埃塞克斯大學 |
45 | The City University | 城市大學 |
46 | The Open University | 公開大學 |
47 | Birkbeck College, University of London | 倫敦大學伯克貝克學院 |
48 | The University of Stirling | 斯特靈大學 |
49 | Aberystwyth University | 阿伯里斯特維斯大學 |
50 | The University of Plymouth | 普利茅斯大學 |
51 | The University of Hull | 赫爾大學 |
52 | University of Northumbria | 諾桑比亞大學 |
53 | The University of Keele | 基爾大學 |
54 | Cranfield University | 克蘭菲爾德大學 |
55 | Bangor University | 班戈大學 |
56 | Manchester Metropolitan University | 曼徹斯特城市大學 |
57 | Goldsmiths, Univeristy of London | 倫敦大學金史密斯學院 |
58 | Universityof the West of England | 西英格蘭大學 |
59 | Aston University | 阿斯頓大學 |
60 | University of Portsmouth | 朴茨茅斯大學 |
61 | SOAS, University of London | 倫敦大學亞非學院 |
62 | Liverpool John Moores Univeristy | 利物浦約翰摩爾大學 |
63 | University of Brighton | 布萊頓大學 |
64 | Oxford Brookes University | 牛津布魯克斯大學 |
65 | Sheffield Hallam University | 謝菲爾德哈勒姆大學 |
66 | Middlesex University London | 密德薩斯大學 |
67 | University of Westminster | 威斯敏斯特大學 |
68 | Nottingham Trent University | 諾丁漢特倫特大學 |
69 | University of Huddersfield | 哈德斯菲爾德大學 |
70 | The Institute of Cancer Research | 倫敦癌症研究院 |
71 | De Montfort University | 德蒙福特大學 |
72 | London Business School | 倫敦商學院 |
73 | University of Salford | 索爾福德大學 |
74 | University of Central Lancashire | 中央蘭開夏大學 |
75 | Roehampton University | 羅漢普頓大學 |
76 | University of the Arts London | 倫敦藝術大學 |
77 | Royal Veterinary College | 英國皇家獸醫學院 |
78 | University of Hertfordshire | 赫特福德大學 |
79 | University of Bradford | 布拉德福德大學 |
80 | Bournemouth University | 伯恩茅斯大學 |
81 | University of Lincoln | 林肯大學 |
82 | Coventry University | 考文垂大學 |
83 | Glasgow Caledonian University | 格拉斯哥卡里多尼亞大學 |
84 | Kingston University | 金斯頓大學 |
85 | University of East London | 東倫敦大學 |
86 | University of Bedfordshire | 貝德福德大學 |
87 | University of Greenwich | 格林威治大學 |
88 | Birmingham City University | 伯明罕城市大學 |
89 | Leeds Beckett University | 利茲貝克特大學 |
90 | Anglia Ruskin Univeristy | 安格利亞魯斯金大學 |
91 | Wolverhampton University | 胡弗漢頓大學 |
92 | Scotland’s Rural College | 蘇格蘭農業學院 |
93 | Royal Collegeof Art | 皇家藝術學院 |
94 | University of South Wales | 南威爾斯大學 |
95 | Canterbury Christ Church University | 坎特伯雷基督教會大學 |
96 | Edge Hill University | 知山大學 |
97 | Edinburgh Napier University | 愛丁堡龍比亞大學 |
98 | St George's, University of London | 倫敦大學聖喬治學院 |
99 | London South Bank University | 倫敦南岸大學 |
100 | Uni of the West of Scotland | 西蘇格蘭大學 |
101 | Courtauld Institute of Art | 考陶爾德藝術研究所 |
102 | Teesside University | 提塞德斯大學 |
103 | Sunderland University | 桑德蘭大學 |
104 | University of the Highlands and Islands | 蘇格蘭高地大學 |
105 | Robert Gordon University | 羅伯特戈登大學 |
106 | Bath Spa University | 巴斯斯巴大學 |
107 | University Of Chester | 切斯特大學 |
108 | London Metropolitan University | 倫敦都會大學 |
109 | Liverpool Hope University | 利物浦霍普大學 |
110 | Glasgow Sch of Art | 格拉斯哥藝術學院 |
111 | Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine | 利物浦熱帶醫學院 |
112 | Cardiff Metropolitan University | 卡迪夫城市大學 |
113 | University ofWorcester | 伍斯特大學 |
114 | University of Derby | 德比大學 |
115 | University of Winchester | 溫切斯特大學 |