



  • 外文名:interpreter
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 釋義:解釋者;口譯者;注釋器
  • 英式讀音:[ɪnˈtɜːprətə(r)]


Simultaneous Interpreter同聲傳舌人 ; 同聲譯員 ; 同聲傳譯
tourist interpreter翻譯導遊 ; 翻譯
interpreter code解釋碼 ; 偽碼 ; 翻解碼
card interpreter[計]卡片翻譯機 ;[計]卡片解釋程式 ; 卡片
alphabetic interpreter字母的翻擇機 ; 詳細翻譯
Interpreter program解釋程式
transfer interpreter傳印機 ; 轉移譯印機 ; 轉印機 ; 數據轉錄器
interpreter killer譯員殺手
an interpreter可以提供翻譯 ; 翻譯程式 ; 一名口譯員 ; 口譯


  • 1They volunteered me for the job of interpreter.他們擅自指定由我擔任口頭翻譯。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The civil war claimed the life of a U.N. interpreter yesterday.昨天內戰奪走了一位聯合國譯員的生命。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3Speaking through an interpreter , the President said that the talks were going well.總統通過譯員說會談進展良好。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Speaking through an interpreter, Aristide said that Haitians had hoped coups were behind them.通過口譯員,亞里斯蒂德說海地人希望政變再也不發生了。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5He serves as an interpreter for us.他給我們當翻譯。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 6David dreamed to be an interpreter.大衛夢想成為一名口譯員。
  • 7Open up your interpreter and code along with me.打開您的解釋程式並和我一起編碼。
  • 8Today my guest is Dayna Ivanovich who has worked for the last twenty years as an interpreter.今天的嘉賓是達納·伊萬諾維奇,她在過去20年裡一直從事口譯工作。
  • 9In regard to your questions about my future career choices, I am determined to be an interpreter.關於你對我未來的職業選擇的疑問,我下定決心要做一名口譯員。
  • 10My interpreter, who is a doctor, and I were on a mission to photograph maternal health and mortality issues.我的翻譯是一名醫生,他和我執行拍攝孕產婦的健康和死亡問題的任務。
  • 11I am at present employed as a translator in a medical research organization and also act as interpreter there.我目前在一家醫學研究機構負責筆譯工作,也在這裡負責口譯工作。
  • 12I have learned many languages, but I've not mastered them the way a professional interpreter or translator has.我學過許多語言,但我還沒有像專業的翻譯人員那樣精通這些語言。
  • 13Now, I'd like to begin by saying that I have on occasions used an interpreter myself, as a foreign correspondent.首先,我想說,作為一名駐外記者,我自己有時候也用口譯員。
  • 14Turning every single word into the target language would put too much strain on the interpreter and slow down the whole process too much.把每一個單詞都翻譯成目標語言會給譯員帶來很大的壓力,也會大大減慢整個翻譯進程。
  • 15Can you act as interpreter?你能擔任口譯嗎?《牛津詞典》
  • 16I want to get the work of interpreter, because I'm good at Chinese and English.我想獲得口譯的工作,因為我擅長中英文。
  • 17In terms of the interpretive theory, the interpreter must go through three stages: comprehension, deverbalization and expression.根據釋意派理論,在口譯過程中譯員必須要經歷理解、脫離原語外殼、表達三個階段。
  • 18I'll act as interpreter.我來作翻譯。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 19Can you act as my interpreter?你可以做我的翻譯嗎?
  • 20My interpreter found her there.我的隨同翻譯在那裡找到了她。
  • 21We engaged her as an interpreter.我們聘請她做翻譯。
  • 22It's called an interpreter.它叫做翻譯機。
  • 23I think so.I used to be an interpreter.我想可以,我以前做過譯員。
  • 24Surely God has no need of an interpreter.上帝當然不需要一個翻譯。
  • 25“I want to be an interpreter, ” she said.“我要做一個翻譯,”她說。
  • 26Because this one is that one's interpreter.因為這只是那隻的翻譯。
  • 27Please come with your interpreter next time.下次請帶翻譯來。
  • 28An intense young interpreter accompanied him.一名熱情的年輕譯員陪伴著他。
  • 29The firm has enticed away our best interpreter.那家公司把我們的最好的譯員引誘過去了。
  • 30This is what the interpreter sees. All right?這時解釋器看到的,對嗎?


