gonorrhea,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[性病] 淋病”。
- 外文名:gonorrhea
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[,ɡɒnə'rɪə]
- 美式發音:[,gɑnə'riə]
gonorrhea,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[性病] 淋病”。
gonorrhoea,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“淋病(等於gonorrhea)”。單詞用法 N-UNCOUNTGonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted disease. 淋病 短語搭配 Neisseria gonorrhoea 淋病雙球菌 gonorrhoea a 淋病 ...
②特異性尿道炎,又稱淋病性尿道炎(gonorrheal urethritis),簡稱淋病(gonorrhea),致病菌為淋病奈瑟菌; ③非淋病性尿道炎(non-gonococcal urethritis),致病菌為沙眼衣原體、解脲支原體、嗜血短桿菌、真菌、陰道毛滴蟲、尖銳濕疣及單純...
淋病(Gonorrhea)一、淋球菌的特性 二、流行病學 三、病理及發病機制 四、臨床表現 五、實驗室檢查 六、診斷及鑑別診斷 七、治療 八、預防 非淋菌性尿道炎(Nongonococcal urehritis,NGU)一、病原學 二、流行病學 三、病理及...
花柳毒淋·濕熱毒蘊證(gonorrhea with pattern of dampness-heat toxin amassment)是2013年公布的中醫藥學名詞。定義 濕熱毒蘊,以尿道口紅腫,有尿急、尿頻、尿痛、淋瀝不止,尿液混濁如脂,尿道口溢膿,嚴重者尿道黏膜水腫,附近淋巴...
因此,當淋病治癒後,NGU的潛伏期到了,開始發病,這種在淋病後出現的尿道炎,稱之謂“淋病後尿道炎”(post-gonorrhea urethritis, PGU)實際上是NGU的表現。對於急性非淋菌性尿道炎與其他非淋病性尿道炎感染相似,表現為尿道刺痛,不同...
4.13 A model for the spread of gonorrhea Chapter 5 Separation of variables and Fourier series 5.1 Two point boundary-value problems 5.2 Introduction to partialdifferentialequations 5.3 The heat equation; separation of...
花柳毒淋 花柳毒淋是2013年公布的中醫藥學名詞。定義 感染淋病雙球菌,以尿道口紅腫,流膿性或膿血物等為主要表現的性傳播疾病。相當於淋病。出處 《中醫藥學名詞》。
gononephrotome 生殖腎節 gononeurosis 淋病性神經症,淋病性神經機能病 gonophore(拉,gonophorum) ①生殖〔芽〕體②雌雄蕊柄 gonophyll 生殖葉 gonopoda 生殖肢 gonopoiesis 精液生成,精液分泌 gonopore 生殖孔 gonorrhea 淋病...
Got burnt once, but that was only gonorrhea Dirty, I keep shit stinks in my drawers So I can get fzza-funky for yah Murder, taste the flame of the Wu-Tang RAHH!Here comes the Tiger verse Crane!Ow, be like ...
4.13 A model for the spread of gonorrhea Chapter 5 Separation of variables and Fourier series 5.1 Two point boundary-value problems 5.2 Introduction to partialdifferentialequations 5.3 The heat equation; separation of...
That was only gonorrhea Dirty I keeps the 'nuff Stains my drawers So I can get fizzy funky for yuh Murder takes the Fame of the wu tang rahh Here comes the tiger verse crane Ow be like wild with my style Punk ...
I’m the biggest ni**a you got gonorrhea Baddest b**ches make my collage Biggest buds make my cigars Basic b**ches and custom cars Blow jobs in the SLR’s Realest ones wanna watch you shine Smoking good and I...
Got burnt once but that was only gonorrhea Dirty I keep sh*t stinks in my drawers So I can get fzza-funky for yah Murder taste the flame of the Wu-Tang RAHH Here comes the Tiger verse Crane Ow be like ...
No all we test for is VD herpes syphillis and gonorrhea I'd like to see a doctor What's the matter you BURNING Huh "Stepped out my house stopped short oh no ""Why is my thing-thing burnin like ...
Reading B Gonorrhea Unit 14 Reading A Sorting Out the Information Reading B Drug Therapy in the Older Adult Unit 15 Reading A An Overview of Modern Surgery Reading B Clinical Organ Preservation Unit 16 Reading A Genetic ...
Gonorrhea gorgonzola Gonorrhea gorgonzola Single files of clean feedings I can't see your souls,souls through through your eyes The crying walls of sliding architecture Kidnapped by the likes of pure conjecture Upholstery ...